MVCI Bar and Lounge: Maximum Carnage Xmas Special

So where is the statement of “most corrupted” in my posts, just as you claim? The rest of that post is so ridiculous that i don’t get what the hell you are talking about.

Your asking me where? Being dumb and delusional it fits you, My previous comment proves how irrational and radical troll you are and your reply justify your a lying asshole.

What matters in the comments is to show how irrational you are against MVCi and how far you would go to be ridiculous against MVCi.

Generation? Genre? Entertainment? Rules? %50? 80%? because of no Xmen? WTF are this hypothesis of yours? in other words your absurd or just a cry baby.

Congrats @zatalcon1

I myself wanted Xmen and Doom which is in my previous wishlist, but I’m still in thinking decently compare to you that is shaming yourself and ragging with irrational hate across the thread because of believing fake leaks.

Man I hope you got your Xmen someday. If that was really you want? or a closure. I don’t know if I want to laugh or pity you on how your analytic process works.

I’m so tired of repeating but I will for the sake of my sanity. The VS series has always pandered whichever hot property Marvel had on TV. The only difference is that instead of having some popping TV shows, they have the MCU. So lets take a trip down memory lane:

COTA to MvC2 = Riding X-Men are the hottest property of the 90s for marvel, they have a TV show, Iron Man had a TV show, Spiderman had a TV show, FF4 had a TV show but were somehow absent. Spiral is in one of the episodes of the x-men show FFS.

MvC3: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes is on TV, MCU is getting steady legs so you get a lot of those characters. People fought for 3 of the 4 gods, but ultimately Marvel wanted to focus on properties it could cross promote. Both sides ultimately happy.

MvCi: Marvel is wants to promote its hot properties which is the MCU. They did this in the 90s. Its no fucking big god damned deal.

So you see, we’ve all been marks the entire time. As a matter of fact, for some of you being able to play the characters from the TV show was a big deal. It sure as fuck was for me. So with MvCi they set out to do the same thing:

“Hey kids, do you see all those bad ass heroes from the movies? How about you get to play them all in this super cool game and also a bunch of characters you don’t know?”

Not only is that fine, that’s also fucking great for the FGC. Enticing kids with characters they’re familiar with so they have the same experience with us and see how cool fighting games are helps everybody.

you know who it doesn’t help? the handful of cocksuckers crying about no x-men. This is partially why I’m mad at a lot of the people who took Combofiend’s comment in the worst possible light. “We get you like the character but you also like the gameplay part of it. We’re gonna try and get the gameplay in even if it isn’t on the same character.” That’s what he meant to say but he punted that shit in worst possible way.

So fuck off with all the xmen crying. It isn’t the 90s anymore. Kids aren’t hyped about the xmen shows, they’re hyped about the MCU. Let them have their fun because it enables you to have yours.


There is nothing wrong about promoting a property. All the games in the past were also used for promoting material. Business wise, for Capcom to use the popular brands in Marvel (the X-men during the time) for the past games was necessary because why/how would people buy their games if nothing of interest is in these products?

With MVCI, the MCU is not the only characters that people are interested in. There wouldn’t be a problem if the vanilla stage was all MCU characters with requested & favorite characters being brought in later via DLC… but there isn’t.

Having XYZ characters to promote XYZ media isn’t something I would shoot out as corporate greed alone…That is why i brought in other factors such as cutting off from Evo and also the silence.

Why would they just give up and ditch the game because of that, why not improve the game more?

Stop fucking crying about the Xmen you fucking mark ass bitch. There’s a lot of shit MvCi did wrong, Wolverine not in it sucks but it isn’t even the beginning of the issues.

Crying over characters instead of playing the game is a bigger fucking issue than anything else. People literally memed the game to death because of that shit.

“OH no boom bap no curly mustache Happy Birthday Shill shill shill WHERE’S DOOM?”

Fucking christ. Just play the game. or don’t. I didn’t like certain things about the game (like doing a overly long super from full screen, getting a free tag and 10 mix ups out of it) so I don’t play. But you fuckers enjoy it and don’t play it still.

Meme ass community.

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Im not crying about the x-men. I’ve given all the details about what MVCI did wrong, the removal of x-men is just one of them. Did you guys even read my arguments or did you just skip that lunatic shakos? He gave a lot of distorted statements that are not in my arguments at all.

Your draging me again because your expose again by others. How pathetic haha.

It was you that distort the idea of Mahvel games by Capcom in the past that was funded for art with imaginative stories from MVCI You even deny the reality that promotion and license wasn’t issue back in the day. WTF shows either your ignorant or delusional.

You even have stupid claims like generation and corruption in entertainment stuff you deserve against MVCi.

Why do you keep talking about “stories” in association to the term art? I never denied or even mention promotion or licenses. Please don’t make up arguments. You’ve just shown that even until now, no one should argue intellectually with filipino kids on the internet.

Nah you did deny and change your stand just recent, You said those things didn’t exist back in the day that they haven’t have problems with the Xmen and everything was just funded for the sake of Art. Lying asshole.

Your comments and activity reflect how intellectual you are. You continue ignoring everyone else advice and start denying your rants.

Okay man this is how intellectual you are

That too is a line that is off. “Funded for the sake of art”. LMAO. You know what the word “funded” means? I do know the whole “for the sake of art” line i gave was too much for you to comprehend correctly; based on this far off "funded for the sake of art line you keep referencing

No matter what is being said here, the fact that Capcom or Marvel is still silent regardless of the questions being tweeted to them shows i am not wrong. If they had any care about the fan base they would at least address the tweets from the community if there is a future or not… but they haven’t because they don’t care.

Your the one that said that art was first motivation by Capcom and money was second according to you? Are you having multiple personalities again or amnesia?

Everybody here has busted you already your delusional perspective of back in the day mahvel.

your crying shit about no evo and xmen is obvious even you deny it and you drag me every time you busted and expose.

I mean who’s fault is that? Everyone knows shakunetsu is the king paragraph wall poster. There’s no quick twitter convos with shaku. You have to make proclamations. You’re basically digging your own hole, but keep doing that I guess.


I tried to fix the grammar mistakes in your posts, i couldn’t fix the points in your sentence because it’s hard to understand. I’ve never been a grammar nazi but if you want people to reply to everyone of your posts, make sure it makes sense. “Your” and “You’re” are important because they can confuse the reader, and remember you are not only making these mistakes but you also have sentences that barely connect to each other or even reference anything that you are quoting. Read (or get someone to read for you) first, because it’s not right to put in claim arguments that are none existent (i.e: licensing issues with doom, “most corrupt ever”, etc).

Oh your delusional of course game projects needs to be funded. Mahvel games in the past wasn’t given a go signal and funded by Capcom CEO and shareholders for the sake of art as the priority like your imagination and delusions.

I never said it was funded by capcom ceo’s and shareholders, what the hell are you talking about? LMAO.
Let me repeat and dumb down this “art” part that you are not understanding.
When i say, companies back cared about creating art, it means they had passion, they had vision, and wanted to produce something that would impact and innovate. We can see from COTA until UMVC3, Capcom improved and improved - innovated to innovated. In short, they cared to make something great. That is what i mean by “art”. You dumb ass.

See how dumb you are I never you said? It was me telling you! That it wasn’t what you imagined in the past. Do you have a different reality and different Mahvel games than the rest of us here?

Everyone here answered you MVC2 right?

Nope. Not in the same context. They are reading your out of context replies, and think that is my argument. When it’s not. Everything i just wrote flew over your head yet again and this new reply of yours makes little to no sense. LOL what an idiot.

Your the idiot here.

I guess your not just crying because of the xmen? Aren’t you?

Maybe now your crying to Deviljin now about me already, I bet everyone notice that already even with your ad hominem your the one that gets crush and ridiculed by your own arguments.

I actually I wanted to let you pass tbh, but your dragging me each time your busted.

If zatalcom and shakunetsu worked together and aimed that motivation into science, they could find the cure for cancer.