MVCI Bar and Lounge: Maximum Carnage Xmas Special

“You’re”. If you are going to call others “idiot”, make sure you don’t do any grade 3 mistakes.

Yes. You have just reached 2% of understanding. I’m not just upset about the lack of x-men. Corporate greed can not be summed by just roster choices on the initial release. I’ve given every factor but you are that dumb and only read it as “no x-men”.

Yeah right I hit you? Your crying to deviljin already? haha

Your shaming yourself trying to deny and create or twist history of gaming, while falsely accusing Mahvel.

Your dragging me when everyone busted you already for crying evo and xmen? proves immature you are and you just want to troll this thread again with xmen and evo, to deny those who busted you countless times.

Where are you getting your numbers? those 80% greed and 50% accusations of yours? from fake leakers or from a different parallel haha

“Do you even play, bro?”


Would you guys prefer a patched remastered mvc3 or a patch for mvci?

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LMAO at “different parallel”. You are just pulling out random words out of your ass, you are that uneducated that you don’t even know what parallel means. Good job confirming that some flips of today are still the dumbest people to argue with on the net. You’ll see the most strangest of vocabulary usage to out of context like replies. I could post about oranges and you’d think it’s talking about bread. That is how fucking dumb you are.

Has capcom responded to any tweets concerning this game yet? If not, then why? If Capcom/Marvel is such a good company then why haven’t they replied yet? You shame your race.

Oh your back hows crying about me to deviljin haha?

I thought that was the whole TRUMP CARD that you confidently brag across the thread that would destroy all defenses and win all arguments of MVCi being 80% about greed?

Every other detail you have said beside the xmen have been busted and answered by everyone else in the thread including those back in the day delusional non-existing Mahvel of yours. That’s why you brag the lack of xmen as your winning argument to your accusation.

You just deny other people and prefered hating and trolling corporate greed 80% in MVCi.

Patch for MvC:I hands down.


Whatever for me would would work. I’m not dissatisfied with both yet I like MVC3 more, because it got some of my favorites.

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Really? After all that, the roster part was the only thing you could understand? LOL man you are dumb.

But you said earlier the X-men part is the only “trump card”, now there were other factors? LMAO

OBTW: Your newest sentence “the every other detail” needs to be fixed. The english, grammar, and just usage of words is so bad that i can’t understand anything you just said.

Now your blaming my whatever my race is because Capcom did not reply to your tweets?

See how your logic operates that it confirms you are irrational you are and feeble minded you are by because it show you have trouble analyzing liability and responsibilities like your hating Capcom and Marvel for believing fake leaks then hating Capcom. It also confirm your not just delusion but also gullible.

Evo? Art? Silence? which everyone give you detail and already told you were wrong and does not justify your 80% greed from your imagination.That’s why your clingly with Xmen as your best argument. So now your denying and ignoring conversation with them? are you delusional?

Are your beyond helping? because your denying and ignoring them?

You know your not delusional because I say so but your arguments say you are haha

I don’t find happiness making people feel bad personally or hurting them but the likes of you have problems blaming things unreasonably.

MvCi, right now, doesn’t need a big balance patch. It’s in a pretty good place. What it needs is a Season 2 content drop and a balance check up for those new characters a month after.

UMvC3 is fine.


I stopped reading their exchanges about an hour after they started.

I would rather have some kind of update for Infinite because I think it’s more fun to play.
If an MVC3 patch included actual working netcode, though, that would be a pretty good alternative.
Either way, my favorite character is still in and I’ll have fun regardless.

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Captain Command recently was featured in ad, if there would be an expansion. He deserve the spot along Asura for the Capcom side.

I hate balance patches but giving ryu something would be cool since he may be worse than servebot in mvc2 lol

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Frank, Ryu, and Panther need some buffs.

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UMVC3 controllable shinkuu hadouken and non-deflective hadouken would be fine for Ryu. Or a simple forward airdash.

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Airdash for Ryu would be awesome.

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Once upon a time, he had it in the reveal build of MvC3. Know what happened? The FGC happened. Apparently TvC was the worst game ever and MvC3 being ‘TvC2’ was some kind of horror, though I would argue that E3 09 build was probably the best shape the game ever was.

A few months of monumental bitching later, the con and TGS builds removed universal air dash and the game moved toward replicating/emulating the ‘oh so wild’ nature of MAHVEL.

I never liked what became of MvC3 and miss dearly that reveal build and what that could have been.

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Just for Ryu not everyone, or just other buff like standard hadouken being a exceptional projectile in game that cannot be easily nullified by lasers and cannot be deflected.

Seems like Ryu is always at the short end of the stick thanks to “community feedback”.

Could’ve had free autocorrect d,d DPs in MvCI, but no, people had to bitch about it being “dumbed down”.

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