MVCI Bar and Lounge: Maximum Carnage Xmas Special

I’ve already added you, but it seems we’re never on at the same time.
Not that I’d be a great opponent since I’m pretty sure the gap between us would be substantial haha.

Damn you’re hard on yourself. Believe me if Psychoblue can get my number you can too.
*friendly jab

Was a business decision unfortunately.

We chilling with KoF now.

Why capcom/marvel haven’t announced anything is both strange and dumb on their part. They have done EVERYTHING they could to make people dislike this game. Even injustice 2 with less entrants and viewers than MVCI had NRS teasing shit all the time. From the start they, not sure who to blame, fucked up. No xmen pretty much wobbled mvci and every blow after that pretty much has it hurt on the ropes. The first event being on the same time that cc was? Bland characters? No announcements or anything? No wonder it’s not doing well. People who hate capcom/marvel grabbed on on the fact that no xmen were in this game, we all know this, but for the devs to stay quiet and make horrible decisions there’s no excuse. I for one will continue to play this game, because I think the gameplay is awesome. But I really wish the devs cared about it more.

This is the karma you all deserve.



Karma we all deserve? The hell is this goblin talking about?

Putting this on the community is silly. Come on.

-MVCI still being played
-Hard to include a game that isn’t supported
-Capcom supported it the most

Thanks Marvel.

Why even hire Combofiend if not for being impressed with whatever hustle was shown with MVCI?

Marvel still has much to learn about the FGC, all these years later. Can’t forget these are the same dudes who told Capcom to drop MVC so tha EA could make Rise of the Imperfects, or a mobile game that gives Miles Morales Chun’s SFV Super almost frame for frame.

Despite that, Capcom has been working with Disney since the 80s on and off and still can’t let them do their jobs.

…that is of course, it is for the reasons we think. Wiz’s relationship with Capcom has seemed tenuous ever since the CPT started.

Diversity and Comics needs to end the current company culture at marvel now.

And @“po pimpus” don’t put the blame on us. We play games and have lives just like you. This is primarily a capcom and marvel problem. Don’t let a silly game get between that.

The idea of Marvel being the reason for MVCI not making Evo is strange, but it’s not really surprising.

Like I always say, Capcom has a fighting game channel called CapcomFighters and they can’t even stream MVCI on their own channel. When one of the CPT guys was asked about this, the answer: “It’s complicated”. More like it’s fucking Marvel.

Good riddance to Marvel. This much of a hindrance isn’t worth the backlash. Capcom would be better off doing a crossover elsewhere.

Po most likely jacked off at the news so I’ve learned to just ignore him.

Marvel causing issues doesn’t shock me but that still doesn’t explain the contempt shown on that stream and in previous statements about the game. Saying that no one is playing when there are other factors apparently at play is an awful look since all that’s doing is shitting on the people and making themselves look like a dick.
I can, to an extent, understand the game not making it in but I cannot ignore the giant “Fuck you” that was handed out especially if these claims of Marvel being the issue are true.

Now more than ever, a Season 2 news are NEEDED.

The game is still being played and yesterday’s decision drew a hard line with the fans of the game.

The silence that followed the initial reveal last year that lasted 4 months can’t be repeated.

We know where Marvel stands ATM, is time to bring the hype with more announcements, trailers, the works. And the faster, the better.

An announcement today or in the following days will bring much positive vibes for this game and boost the community’s morale.

Season 2 ain’t happening.

This game is most likely finished.

And for those who mention the patch from a few weeks ago, that’s no different than the last patch UMVC3 had to fix some bugs and remove Mags’ alt.

Feels like Markman more or less confirmed what I said this morning.
Wish Wiz woulda just said that in the first place.

hmm, maybe with the higher profile of evo “televised broadcast” the licensing is definitely going to be more in play but ESPN is owned by Disney. My bad. Let me reach out to one of my peoples. It won’t change anything but shiiiiiiie worth a shot. A lot of the times the people that can make a difference just get something like this as a blip on their radar with an assistant just shutting shit down or some random licensing lawyer in the chain.

Yeah, it’s more complicated but Disney is THAT big.

It’s possible that’s where it’s going, but there’s also been word that new support is supposed to be on the way. Then again, there was also word that shit was coming for Marvel 3. Only one way to find out.

The not being at Evo thing is not as bad now that pro tours are a thing. Can still have pro tours outside of Evo and CPT is pretty much carrying most of the real tourney spotlight for SFV now. Even Evo itself for SFV is under the banner of CPT.

If a month goes by with no updates or news then it’s probably safe to assume they they pulled a Marvel 3 and dipped out of providing any new content. With no news at PSX, that could be what this is alluding to.

I had a crazy dream that Capcom announced Street Fighter vs. Jojo, but like that would ever happen.

do you really believe they will give it a own pro tour at this point?
game might get some entrants in the us but outside of it…i dont see how thats going to work out for them at the current state.

dlc content was for sure already in the work so the question is how far they where done with it. i would be surprised when we dont see at least for this year another dlc season pass. futherones most likely not without them trying to do bring out a new version like they tried with sfvae…and even that didnt really worked out well for them. the decision makers at capcom should all be fired.