MvC3 & UMvC3 Match Making/Request Thread

**XBL: **AsH3R
**Region: **UK
**Team:**Deadpool/spiderman/ryu im inbetween characthers atm s keeps changing
**Rank:**vanilla (6th lord) ultimate was 8th lord now fighter :S
**Skills: **I mainly read a game opposed to Tod combos ( still practicising on that front) basically looking for match practcise with my teams

GamerTag: Tyeal
Player Level: Amateur
Teams: \ Cap America/Nova/Taskmaster \ Strider/Doom/Sentinel \

Just been in the lab since the game came out, working out combos and synergy between my teams. Also, I have fun using teams made up of characters that aren’t commonly played for no good reason. Makes leveling up much more worthwhile.

are there any psn players

**Gamertag: **Teh Morph
**Region: **West Coast/Nor Cal
**Main Team: **Dante, Phoenix and Nova (I need a better team)
**Backup Team: **Virgil, Rocket Raccoon, and ???
Mic: Yes
Rank: Lost my first match yesterday.

I’d like to play people and get better and search for my main and back up teams.
If anyone would like to help out hit me up.

XBLive: simplexgore4337
Region: Hawaii
Main: Modok/deadpool/???

I was pretty active in Norcal with MVC3 but since moved to Hawaii and just picked up UMVC3. Unfortunately there isn’t a scene here for marvel so have to try practicing online.

XBL: Dreadmaniac
Region: Boston
Main: Strange+MODOK
Skill: please be very well rounded with the game. I don’t care about your title (8th or 1st lord) but just have a good grasp of the game. I prefer high level players

Gamertag: bus orez
Rank: I don’t play ranked
Characters: in my sig
Skill level: ill let you be the judge.

*note: I will remove people from my friends list who never accept invites to play matches. Looking forward to getting scrapped

PSN :Zypha101
Rank: 9th judge, but rank don’t mean much
Team: Nova, ammy. sentinel/Taskmaster
Skill level: Intermediate i guess

Looking to get some practice with a new team i’m trying, so bare the scrubness if ya request a match with me.****

Must practice lots. I suck at this. T^T Someone help better my Dante please.
XBL: Hailz Trance
Region:Phoenix, AZ
Rank: 9th lord
Team: Dante(a)/X-23(b)/Vergil(y)
Skill Level: Um not sure, I seem to fluctuate, I can sometimes keep a combo going but other times I drop it. Mostly drop. ):

XBL GT: Inspector Arch
Region: Houston, TX
Main: Storm/Doom/Sent. I also learning Ryu, Chris, Hagger and Dorm and Hawkeye.
Rank: 8th Lord
Skill: Average looking to improve everything.

Looking for people to train with, skill level doesn’t matter hoping to get some criticism of my play and help level up other players as well

I need practice against Doom and Sentinel. If you don’t mind practicing with me.

Sup guys, my GT is: Kiinkey Twinkie (with 2 i). Im trying out an Iron Fist/Frank West/Wesker team to see how it goes, but im not that good so please add me if you think you’re on my lvl cuz im not really that good xD I play on Xbox.

Finally, I’ve been searching for this thread and couldn’t find it. XD I’m obviously not that good at this game and need someone to train with. I can do some combos, and drop them. Sometimes I’ll completely forget the combo mid combat. I also can’t keep a team to save my life. I’m always switching characters, except for Arthur. He’ll always stay.

XBL: ButtFarts McGee
**Region: **Savannah, GA
Rank: Beginner? I don’t remember, it’s low.
Team: Viewtiful Joe (A)/Sentinel (A)/Arthur (B)
Skill Level: Not good. Not terrible, but… not good.

But uh, yeah, I really need to make some friends/training partners. No luck so far. :frowning:

Psn: The1of0

just got back in
PSN: pro_154
Teams(theres alot, and they are named like how limp bizkit did “rollin”)

[details=Spoiler]Tacticle combat vehicle (main): virgil/nemesis/firebrand
Tacticle assualt vehicle:virgil/DR.strange/firebrand
urban assualt vehicle:virgil/frank west/phoenix wright
urban demolition vehicle:wesker/nemesis/sent
Cleanup team:wesker/virgil/sent (only for the hard matches) [/details]

Rank:begniner (haven’t done alot of matches)
skill:pretty decent, but when the ol’ juices get flowin’ watch the heck out!

Well, back on XBL.

GT Nini Heart.

Add me if you’re on the east coast or midwest.

I’m a girl apparently though, don’t expect much

XBL: DeadbeatLotus
**Region: **Philadelphia, PA
Rank: Amateur
Team: Dante/Amaterasu/whomever else at the time.
Skill Level: Completely horrible.

Looking for training partners or anyone who can put up with me being terrible. Hopefully, I’ll get out to more sessions in 2012 and learn in person, but online don’t hurt as well. I don’t have a mic right now, but I’m getting there.

I dont know if you added me already but im down to help you! As I said before im on XBL and we can play as many times as you like. Im more than happy to teach you what I know and help you build your main team!. My XBL: Kiinkey Twinkie

Yeah, I did see you and add you! I’ll probably be on later today.

Oi, both of you, add me, join my lobby party! :smiley: