PSN: The1of0
Region: U.S.A./NYC
Main Team: Zero/Dr.Doom/Deadpool
XBL: Sampsell243
Region: Pennsylvania
Team: Spencer(a)/(always changes)/Frank West(a)
Skill Level: 5th Lord(Vanilla) 7th(Ultimate) I have my ups and downs
I’m on a lot. No real set time, but I usually play everyday for at least a few hours. I’d like some training partners of any skill level, and just anyone who likes to sit down and do sets of best of 10 or more etc…Hit me up and mention SRK!
Region: NYC Baby!
Team: A) Jill/Frank/Strider
Skill Level: 4th Lord (Ultimate Marvel) 3rd In Vanilla. I’m pretty good I guess.
PSN: Buncheez
Region: Miami, FL (I live a couple blocks away from Flash Metroid actually lol)
Main Team: Wesker/IF/Strider
I’m on sporatically right now because I’m in the midst of making a new stick. After that I should be on more.
Also, I’m the best.
**XBL: **wolverine masta
Region: NYC
Teams: ironfist/frank/spencer…frank/nemesis/firebrand…wolverine/sentinel/magneto
Skill Level: 5th Lord.
Feel free to add me…I’m just ok. Stop adding me and then dodging me fellas, shit aint cool.
What part of PA are you from? We could try to set up some offline play
Oil City its like an hour from Erie and an hour and a half from Pittsburgh
XBL: VanVogel
Region: Southern CA
Team: Wesker, Spencer, Nova/Strider/Hawkeye
Rank: 4th lord in Vanilla, 6th lord so far in Ultimate
Skill: Decent with Wesker, OK with Spencer, still getting there on the 3rd slot.
XBL: I WorstPlayer I
Region: Delaware
- Modok/Captain America/Skrull
- Nemesis/Hulk/Sent
- Rocket Raccoon, Deadpool, Doom
- Zero/MODOK/Doom
Rank: Beginner
Skill: I play a lot but I can’t seem to bring myself to do advanced combos online yet, you could say I stink but I’m pretty
good depending on the day. I need some consistent play against someone so I can develop good habits. Randoms make
you play to randomly. Either I destroy most of my opponents I play or get destroyed. Either way, noone seems to want to
stick around! Bare with me as I only do advanced stuff with MODOK.
Add me, I’ll play you.
I would need a game tag for that sir, only then can you slaughter me indescriminately.
PSN: iljdd
Team: undecided really, messing around with Zero/someone/Hawkeye
Skillz: I’m awful
Region: New England
Hit me up!
wolverine masta
psn: chickenkids
I would like a sparing partner
So how come I never see you out at sessions? o_O
You probably have but I can’t play on the joysticks/pads there and I can’t play on PS3. Not to mention my place is so much more comfortable and I’m way too impatient, bad and salty to play this game against live competition yet lol! It’s better for me to rage in the privacy of my own home thank you very much.
I have a disease called character loyalty too. Not good versus the upper echelon of tier whoredom.
(Actually I’m way too busy as well, grown ass man here.)
We have 360s wherever we play, so that’s not a problem.
And we all have character loyalty, so come on out…
Like I said, I’ve been out talk to Biz he’s know me for years. My salt is very high, it’s different when your character is Dorm, Spencer, or Taskmaster.
See that big head in my avatar. Yeah, let that sink in
M.O.D.O.K. is good though.
But I shall ask Biz about this salt you speak of.