Hey all! This is the MvC3/UMvC3 matchmaking and request thread.
Add your PSN ID’s/XBL Gamertags to this thread for people to add.
If you do post it, state if you aren’t on too often or any other things like that.
Optional: Posting your skill level (Beginner, Amateur,Fighter, etc) as well, should help with finding players more closer to your skill level for a more even and fair game.
Optional: you can post your most used teams for people to try to prepare against and make it more of a challenge for yourself.
Look here for names if you don’t want to look at the whole thread:
XBL GT: Slash Wink
Region: Northeast - Upstate New York
Teams: Cap/Task/Wesker
I’m ranked 4th Judge. still don’t know what those stars mean.
I’m on sporadically, usually in the late evenings.
XBL GT: SteelyHawke
Region: Northeast US
She Hulk/Amateratsu/Morrigan
Rank: 4th Lord(I hold my own just fine against 1st levels, Masters, etc.)
Xbox Live Gt: Caipho
Region: South East - Brooksville, Florida.
Team: Amaterasu/Sentinel/Dante or Chris/Dante/Akuma
Rank: 9th Judge (dont play ranked much)
I’m usually on Weekends in the morning and trying to upgrade my internet(its ass)
PSN: LegendaryDJ
Team1: Thor/Dormammu/Doom (Main Since Vanilla)
Team2: Nova/Kl’rt/Rocky (Annihilation)
Team3: Spider-Man/Doctor Strange/Hawkeye (Trying to Learn)
Rank: Beginner (Haven’t done a ranked match ever, because I’m so free.)
I’m mostly active online during the summer, holidays, and occasional, because that’s the only time of year I get a decent internet connection, and it’s really not that good either.
PSN: danimals510
Region: Southern California
Main: Ammy/Tron/Sentinel
Troll: Wolverine/Wesker/Sentinel
Super Troll: Wolverine/Sentinel/Phoenix
Rank: I rarely play ranked, but I’m on the verge of becoming a 4th Lord and I currently have a 48 game winstreak. I don’t know if I want to cross over just yet, but I might play two more just to make that an even 50.
Skill: I’m okay. I can probably give you a decent fight unless you use Phoenix. My team is pretty much 100% free to her.
Feel free to add me. I need some good online competition because the average online player right now is pretty darn bad.
XBL GT: Kamukix Main Team: Cap/Spencer/IronMan
2nd Team: IronMan/Tron/Chris
Learning: Cap/Spencer/Doom (and Spencer/IronMan/Doom)
Region: Eastcoast (DE)
Rank: never done a single ranked match
Skill level: I’d say I’m intermediate looking to get to advanced
Feel free to msg me for some matches/training even if you’re not on my friend list.
I’m probably on everyday (after 3pm) though I spend a lot of time in training mode, I’m ALWAYS looking for other people who are looking to intelligently get better, especially if you have a mic so we can breakdown what’s going on at time or bounce ideas…
I also prefer someone that doesn’t really care about xbl win/loss rate (I don’t care in the slightest), I don’t mind using characters I’m not great with just to get the experience in a fight (and hopefully you don’t either). I also don’t mind having a little practice session online since we sadly can’t just choose a training mode online lol. Though of course the main team skill is most important.
PSN- Hammik
Region- East Coast/ Jersey
Rank- 7th Lord(around 60-65% win)
I think of myself as a beginner but I have been winning online a bunch lately so I guess Im getting better. Im always down to play some friendly matches and would love to play some people better than me willing to give pointers(Im always down to do this for others as well.) I would also love to fight someone with 1st rank to get the damn trophy. Hit me up.