MvC3 & UMvC3 Match Making/Request Thread

PSN: Hellfury666
Region: SoCal

  1. Zero, Vergil, Doom (Main)
  2. Zero, Vergil, Dante (Sub)
  3. Vergil, Strider, Hawkeye or Strange (Sub-Sub)
    Rank: 7th Lord. 3rd Lord in Vanilla.
    Skill Level: Decent.
    Availability: Usually available on weekends.

XBL GT: LethalMonk6
Region: East
Teams: Frank West/Nemesis/Taskmaster or Hawkeye/Frank West/ Taskmaster or Frank West/Hawkeye/Nova or some combination thereof
Rank: 8th lord in vanilla
Skill Level: Knowledgeable beginner

PSN: AleFillman1
Region: Colorado
Teams: Not settled yet but using Dante/Firebrand/Akuma or Dante/Vergil/Akuma but trying new people
Skill: Not good. Pretty much a Beginner. Only gonna get better if I keep playing though. Lets Gooooo!! :slight_smile:

Mention SRK in the request, if you wanna play.

XBL gamertag: Soul147258
Hartford, CT
Main Team: Pheonix Wright | Dante | Morrigan
Alt Team: None.
Rank: Beginner. (Not trying to play rank, until I believe I’m able to win.)
Skill: Beginner.

I’m looking for someone who’s capable of telling me what to do and what not to do, and how to improve. Or fighting other beginners, trying to get better. :]

I’m waiting for some new challengers this time around, add me as a friend and we’ll get some matches going.
PSN: Dangerexcite. Eastern time.

Picking UMvC3 up on Wed/Thurs this week. Not too sure who my first main team is going to be yet but if anyone wants to add me, hit me up on PSN and we’ll see what’s up.

PSN handle - rubixgroove


PSN: Electroaltruism
Region: Canada
Main Team: The All Random button (I can’t afford Shuma yet).
Rank: Beginner
Skill Level: F Tier

Add me anytime, I try to be on every day. I need to be better, but learning to enjoy the game takes priority.

Be in good graces.

XBL: AbidingSlayer
Region: Southern California
A) Zero, Taskmaster, Dante
B) Firebrand, Hawkeye, Strange (New UMvC3 team)
Rank: Amateur (8th Lord in Vanilla)
Skill: Pretty bad, need tons of practice from anyone.
Hit me up whenever, I’m on pretty much everyday
(If you add me on XBL mention something about SRK or UMvC3 so I don’t think it’s a random ^_^)

**XBL : **X catastrophiic (I regret the name)
**Region: **ATL
**Main Team: **Morrigan/X-23/Trish
**Alt Team: **Strider/Taskmaster/Doom
Skill Level: 6th Lord, but I choke like a madman. I’m also free to wesker, sentinel, and vergil players.
And I’m on a whole lot, so I’d be happy to help someone level up or have someone who can help me level up. Just send a message saying SRK if you’re interested!

XBL: kcifor
Region: AZ
Main Team: Vergil/Dormammu/Wesker
Alt Team: Ghost Rider/Firebrand/Dormammu
Skill Level: 6th Lord, but I feel like I’m average at best due to lack of execution sometimes.
I’m usually always up to play and get some match up experience. I also have a microphone if you want to discuss strategies, etc. If you want to level up a bit, feel free to add me as well, I’ll happily run through the basics (or at least try!)


I have a bit of trouble with execution errors but I’m working on it. I’m mainly just looking for players of moderate skill to practice with or even advanced players that don’t mind helping me out and teaching me a few things. I have a mic so we can talk strategies and help each other out and stuff. But anyone feel free to add me! Put “SRK” in the friend request so I know not to ignore you xD Looking forward to some good matches!

XBL: K For Kimura
Main Team: Vergil, Hulk , Wesker
Alternate Team: Nemesis,Captain America, Ryu
Skill Level:9th lord at the moment.
I’m looking to play players that want to get competitive, even if im getting my ass whooped for an hour. I want to get competitive and you’ll never get bad playing bad players. Mention SRK in invite please!

Hey I live in Jersey too (Maple Shade literally RIGHT next to the Moorestown Mall).

PSN: ifitswrong_ (don’t forget the underscore… everyone does)
Region: New Jersey
[SIZE=3]UMvC3 Main Team:[/SIZE]****[SIZE=3] Dante/Frank/Doom[/SIZE]
[SIZE=3]UMvC3 Try-hard Team: Wesker/Dante/Doom[/SIZE]
[SIZE=3]UMvC3 Nostalgic Team: Haggar/Wesker/Doom[/SIZE]
[SIZE=3]UMvC3 Experimental Team: Nemesis/Firebrand/Doom[/SIZE]
Rank: Beginner (don’t play ranked as I don’t enjoy the one match per fight system)
Skill Level:
I know how to adapt and currenlty working and progressing on staying solid even during crunch time. Sometimes get mentally blocked if I don’t understand how to beat a certain gimmick but that’s almost always a result of not having the knowledge needed to accurately make an effective response to the situation at hand. (Thankfully the “New Testament” finally came in and trust me when I say it will all be downloaded into my brain quite soon…)

If I don’t understand something I usually will ask you how you do it and what exactly you’re doing. Then I will be sure to have a solution for it the next time we meet. Don’t share too much with me! lol
TOTALLY prefer playing people offline

XBL Tag: DaMerc_82
Region: Chicago
Main Team: Ghost Rider/Storm/Dr. Doom
Alt. Team: Deadpool Corps. - Deadpool/Frank West/She-Hulk
Rank: 6th Lord/Ranger

I’m usually on every other night. In Ranked I use my GR Team, Player Matches I use DP Corps. I’m also trying to learn Spencer/Nova/Strider, so you might see me mess around with that.

TheSurefireGamer: for some reason I can’t properly type in your gamertag. Please send me a friend request!

PSN: TripleXRaider
Region: New York
Main Team: Wesker/Dormammu/Dr. Doom
Alt. Team: Chris/Hawkeye/Dr. Doom
Rank/Skill Level: 9th Lord

I’m ok at the game, though I am knowledgeable about most of the characters in the game. I don’t think I’m going to play Ranked much and I’m looking for local-based online competition at the moment. I’m usually on late afternoons to evenings.

**PSN: **infrit12
Region: SoCal
Main: Nova/Spencer/Sentinel
Skill Level: i dont play ranked

I need practice against good players this week for SCR whenever I’m online late at night. Sent invites/friend request to play or message if my friends list gets full.

ahh so you’re danimals :slight_smile:

edit: oh yea might as well post up my tag

PSN: Ephidel
Region: SoCal
Main: X23/Wesker/Doom
Rank: I think I’m 5th Scout I don’t remember
Skill Level: I’m decent, some days I get blown up bad though. I have a very good X23 or so I am told.

Since I am in school I’m mostly on extremely late nights, and I’m not on everyday just days when I’m finished with papers.

XBL: TuboWare
PSN: TuboWare_ (go ahead and add me, will be getting it for PS3 soon)
Region: Midwest (Chicago)
Main: Team in my av, as well as Wolvie/Deadpool/Sent. Working on learning a Hawkeye team as well
Skill level: 1st Lord on Vanilla, I think Im 5th Lord on Ultimate. I dont take ranked matches seriously though, as I kind of play whoever on ranked matches. Some days I go hard, but 80% of the time I just fuck around

If anyone wants to play some serious matches, feel free to send me a message on Live. Let me know you want to practice for real and I’ll pick my real teams and not whoever I feel like playing :slight_smile:

PSN: Gannishka
Region: Russia xDD
Main Team: Iron Fist\Vergil\Dante
I’m available most of the days somewhere around 7 AM PST or 8 pm EST (if I made the time transitions right lol)

I just picked the game like a week ago, I’m a real noob, trying to learn the basics, and I don’t get a good connection with Canada and most of the USA players, sometimes though I happen to come across some good connection with American players, but it’s rare nonetheless.
Anyway, if there are some EU players reading this thread feel free to add me, it’s really tough for me to find a match, I get good connections with EU, UK, France, Netherlands, and pretty much all regions except for USA and Asia.