MvC3 & UMvC3 Match Making/Request Thread

XBL ID: FinalStarscream
**Region: **Southwest, close to L.A.
**Teams: **Trying to stick to one thing so only G Rider/ Sent/ Doom
Rank: Pooplord

Online in evening most of the time, after 9pm PST until late and sporadically during the day.

**Region: **Philadelphia, PA
**Teams: **I play everyone adequately.
Rank: 9th lord. I don’t play ranked much so skill wise I would be around a 5th lord based on the players I have played.

Basically looking for a training partner. I can body my friends at will but the other people on my friends list do the same to me but don’t have a mic so I am not learning anything from it which is frustrating. Basically just looking for a friendly first to 10 once in a while where I can chat and learn to get better. If you add me mention SRK so I know it’s not someone from Modern Warfare trying to get me into their clan :wink:

XBL ID: ThcAntiPants
Region: Bay Area, CA
Teams: Still don’t have a real set team, but working on Wright/Wesker/Vergil.
Rank: Fighter I think?
Skill: Somewhere between fair and good.

Send me a message/friend request, mentioning SRK would be nice so I actually respond :slight_smile:

Region: Central Ohio, about 40 minutes from Momo2 :smiley:
Teams: Taskmaster/Spencer/Super Skrull
Rank: 9th Lord
Skill: Mediocre, real life doesn’t let me play too much

I posted earlier in this thread for Vanilla, but I might as well put an updated version.

PSN: TheCougar44
Region: New Jersey
Teams: Raccoon/Strange/Vergil (I sometimes swap Nemmy for Rocky), pretty much capable of playing any team.
Rank: 8th Lord
Skill Level: I consider myself to be pretty good. I was a 4th Lord in Vanilla, and while I’m not the best in the world, I can usually hold my own. I wasn’t really good enough to deserve being a 4th Lord, but whatever lol.

I need people to play with, I don’t care if you just started or consider yourself to be a newb, I’m accepting all invites. Just please, keep it close to where I am (no California lol), and message me first. My friends list is probably full. Also, mention that you read this here, I only occasionally respond to randoms that I don’t know where they got my name.

XBL ID: Cevic
Region: NorCal
Team: vergil/wesker/dorm, dante/ghost rider/dorm, with some strider and doom mixed in
Rank: 9th Ranger
Skill: Cant get past 9th, looking for help

Decent at SSF4 but get completely blown up more often than not at UMVC3. Stuck between the “fighter” and “9th” ranking. So I am just looking for some help. Mostly with the basics, i feel my defense is lacking and I flat out dont know how to handle spammers./keep away. Usually lose do to getting caught by random bs. So maybe run a few matches with me and tell me how i can improve?

just send me a friend request of xbl “Cevic” gt.

XBL ID: ogfrssh
Region: Las Vegas, NV.
Teams: Been playing as Wolverine/Wesker/Hawkeye in Ultimate but still play OG teams from vanilla (IE: Wolverine/Sent/Phoenix, Wolverine/Wesker/Akuma, etc). My brother plays under my account too and typically uses characters like Magneto, Virgil, Dante, Doom, etc.
Rank: Beginner, but haven’t touched ranked yet. I was a “First Lord” in Vanilla though.
Skill: I’d say I’m pretty good but I am a tier-whole.

Message me saying you’re from SRK! Would be glad to play some others over here!

Region: New Jersey
Teams: Dante/Strider
Rank: 4th lord in Vanilla with like a 70% win ratio, haven’t played Ultimate Ranked yet

I’m online every day pretty much.

XBL: PKSkyler
Region: SoCal
Main Team: Viewtiful Joe/Vergil/Morrigan
Rank: Vanilla 1st Lord, Ultimate currently 6th Lord
Skill- Decent, trying to level up

XBL: XDrStrangeGuyX
Region: Northeast, NJ
Main Team: Hawkeye/Dr.Strange/Dr.Doom
Rank: Beginner, but i haven’t played ranked match yet though lol.
Skill: I know what i’m doing but i’m not amazing yet, still leveling up and getting a footing with my characters.

PSN: Smash-Mix
Region: New York (NYC)
Teams: Wesker/Frank/Dante (Wright sometime but I suck big time with him)
Rank: 6th Lord
Skill Level:I got no idea, decent I guess

PSN: NottinghamLace
Region: Canada (Greater Toronto Area)
Teams: Nemesis/Wesker/(Sentinel/Taskmaster)
Rank: 9th Ranger, I was a Lord then it randomly changed at some point, guess my playstyle did too?
Skill Level: Average on my best day most likely, I’m just hoping to get better and work on my game

Xbl: KaboXx/cybernetix456 yall can add me on either. ima be on KaboXx all weekend so that one preferably.
Region: Texas
Teams: Nova,Hawkeye, taskmaster my online training team
Rank: i dont really hop on rank so its still at rookie lol but dont let that deceive you :smiley:
Skill Level:Avarage but looking to expand by playing you guys

Feel free to add me add srk so i can know its from yall :smiley:

I think you should add some more info to the OP if you have the time for it (region, teams). Anyway:

XBL GT: Avaricexi
Region: London, Ontario, Canada (Very close to Midwest region of US)

  1. Zero, Iron Man, Strange
  2. Zero, Strange, Doom
  3. Zero, Dante, Sentinel
    Skill: Umm…wildcard.

Xbl gamertag is loaf36 I’m looking for more training on umvc3 and for help with a team currently I’m wesker sentinel vergil

PlayStation Network ID: Herple-Derples
Region: Massachusetts, United States of America
Skill: 4th Lord (Fate of Two Worlds), 7th Lord (Ultimate)
Team: Phoenix, Chun-Li, X-23

XBL: Mykooo
Region: Canada (Greater Toronto Area)
Teams: Taskmaster/Magneto/Akuma
Rank: 6th Lord… it’s really annoying and tough to find ranked matches for the same region -_-
Skill Level: Pretty decent…feel free to add me up

XBL GT: Amazinazn45
Team: Still deciding on it, Mainly trying for Zero/Iron Fist/Taskmaster
Rank:9th Lord
Skill: Meh… Ok but need ALOT of work.
Learning by trial and error. I want to fight people who are very skilled so i can learn to fight against them and learn how to avoid mixups and such.
I’m online mainly on weekends as school takes up my week

XBL: Alecvgamer
Region: NYC
Team: I use many different characters, but my main team is Deadpool, Taskmaster, Doom
Rank: 3rd Lord
Skill: I use really cheap keepaway strats, but my combo execution is also pretty good. I want to fight really skilled guys to practice blocking rushdown mixups.
Availability: I’m online mainly on weekends because of school, but I can occasionally be found online really late at night on weekdays.

PSN: mybodyisinfested
Region: Midwest / East Coast U.S.A.
Rank: Never played ranked
Skill: 95th percentile

I have good nets, and always play wired. I am so tired of playing randoms, need private lobbies with decent players. You don’t have to be pro, just have a good attitude and have some fun with me!