MvC3 & UMvC3 Match Making/Request Thread

PSN ID: catbond
Region: LA, CA
Rank: Fighter, but I’ve only played something like 15 ranked matches total because I get too stressed out
Skill: 6/10, I have a lot of knowledge but my execution is lacking, I tend to rush inputs in the heat of the moment
Main Team: Haggar(a), Deadpool(a), Amaterasu(b) (I used to have a Phoenix in the back seat but I’ve switched to Ammy because, well, it’s Phoenix)
Test Team: Captain America(a), Iron Man(a), Hulk(y) (I figured I should be spending my time learning Iron Man because he’s not changing in Ultimate o_O)
Troll Team: Wolverine(y), Doctor Doom(b), Akuma(b)
Play Times: I’m generally free on weekdays from morning until 6:00PM and am willing to set up play-dates.

EDIT: I just realized that practically everyone in this thread is East Coast, fark

I’ll just leave this here.~

**PSN: **Emotional_Wreck
**Region/Area: **I guess south east. Virginia is in a weird spot.
Rank: What is that? [/trollface]

Send me teh friend invites if you want a match. Even though you’ll all beat me. I suck. Hard.


Gt: oOMe andChuckOo

I main Doom/Spencer/Task

4th Lord

Xbox Live Gamertag: nAthAn dA gr3At
Teams: Hulk/Storm/Dante
Wolverine, Trish, Sentinel
Wesker, She Hulk, Magneto
And More!
Skill: 6th Lord, but my skill often varies. Looking for competitive but friendly matches. Hit me up anytime

If you want to play, please email me if you can through this email with your own email, not through the site. It will probably be easier that way since I’m still new to this site and do not know how everything works. We can set up the match that way.


Might as well :rolleyes:
Xbox Gamertag: FrogAtelopus
Team (EDIT): MODOK/Hsien-ko/Phoenix Wright
Rank: Cosmic Lord (Vanilla)
Skill: Not as good as I’d want D:

Send a message if you want some matches :3
I share this account, so if I’m not playing UMVC3 then it’s not me. Ask for a match anyways, I’m always up for a game or two.

XBOX:Hustle Nyc(Hardly play on live)
Region:East Coast(NYC)
I’m mostly on psn…Always down for some matches i repeat always down for some matches so just send me a message or request

Gameplay Talks to Hsein Ko) Akuma Thinks his Attacks are better than Ghost Rider Penace Stare) Ghost Rider has many Lawyers Downunder) Ryu has words with Iron Fist) (Nemesis has a friendly chat with Chris) Hawkeye Cant stand Taskmaster) (she Hulk and hawkeye are no longer friends)

Hey you wanna play sometime? Send me a message to my email ( if you wanna play a competitive but friendly match. Let me know.

Would love to play you. Hit me up on live at nAthAn dA gr3At or my email ( Thanks again.

Hey if you have MvC3 on Xbox and would like to play sometime, I’d love to play. Best of 3 or 5, all friendly but competitive.

Gamertag: nAthAn dA gr3At

Would love to play you. Hit me up and send me a message to my Xbox live game tag nAthAn dA gr3At if you are interested.

Would love to play you.

Gametag: nAthAn dA gr3At

PSN: Runnerup2

Skill Level: Unknown.
Times: Mostly on weekends from 9:00am-3:00pm CST

My PSN account is Honzo_Gonzo

Please only add me if you are near Norcal.

I do have both a PS3 and 360 bu I’ll be getting Ultimate for 360.

My region is Montana btw.

XBL: BoneFish89

If anyone wants to play, feel free to add me.

XBL: wolverine masta
Team: (team vanilla = wolvie/sentinel/magneto) (new potential team = frank/nemesis/sentinel)
Region: East Coast, NY
Rank: Beginner in umvc3…I was a 3rd lord in mvc3
Skill Level: Mediocre

Bump for anybody looking for people to face.

XBL Tag: Shinbowser
Team: Nemmy/Haggar/Dorrmypoo
Region: VA

XBL tag: Bones90
Team: Captain America/Wesker/Hawkeye
Region: SoCal

PSN ID: JaeSpk
Region: Northeast - South West Philadelphia/Darby

Main: Nova / Wesker / Hawkeye
2nd: Virgil / Hawkeye / Nova
Exper: Spider-man / Virgil / Wesker (In their all white “Lab” Coats lol)

Rank: 8th LORD
I am online pretty much everyday …