I just started a new team. Viper/Magneto/Dante. I’m bad with all of them, and I need all the practice I can get against not random XBL players. Let me know if you want to play. Add Kawaii X Usagi. If you get bored of kicking my ass tell me. I can just play my main team if you get bored.
Skill Level: 4th Lord
XBL Gamertag: Kawaii X Usagi
Team(s): C.Viper/Magneto/Dante - Zero/Amaterasu/Tron
State: Florida
Just went around addin’ some random people on PSN. Like I said before, I mostly play during the summer, but on occasion, I’ll get on during other holidays or school breaks.
xbl gt - hyuuga kenshin
region - west coast (socal, riverside county)
team - captain america (a) / arthur (b) / spencer (y)
rank - 7th something
skill level - i need help with this one guys!
im usually on pretty late at night ranging anywhere from around 9pm (at the earliest) to 3am or 4am (depending on the wife and son.)
PSN: Heavenstrider
Team: Dante/Wolverine/Doom
Region: East Coast USA
Rank: 9th Lord eff yeah (I play like one ranked match a day for a homework break)
Skill Level: I suck.
PSN ID: poryon2
Skill: 8th Lord, but I mostly stick to player matches. In my personal opinion I suck
Deadpool, Ammy, Sent
Hulk/Sent/Wesker (yeah team noah lol)
If you add please say you are from SRK or something so I know who you are.
XBL: Horrawr
PSN: Coming when UMVC3 comes out.
Location: Long Island, NY
I would love to face people. My skill is more of the casual good to almost competitive. I would love to accept your friend invites because I’m ready to move on in skill.
PSN: TheCougar44
Region: New Jersey
Teams: Doom/Haggar/Phoenix (My ranked team, I never use in friendlies), She-Hulk/Dante/Sentinel, and Spencer/Doom/Dormammu
Rank: 5th Lord
Skill: Meh, I’m ok. I’m truly horrible against good keepaway teams, and any [S]lolmixup[/S] Zero team. I simply can’t block that guy. My friends list is full, but I’ll gladly make room for anyone who wants to play some quality MvC3!