MvC3 & UMvC3 Match Making/Request Thread

I can help with intermediate level play somewhat…

I am looking for any mid to high level players to play. I just request that you don’t get mad or whine when we play.
Location: Scranton PA(Shoutouts to the office I have good connection)
Age:23 Male College Student(graphic design)
Team: Storm Doom Akuma
Xbox Live:moneycat88

I’ll play with any1 I don’t mind losing to people ask my 23-230 record(all losses to my friend lol)

I’m a really nice guy lol

This guy is indeed a cool dude. Also has a lot of potential.

I’m looking for some help with the Hulk and Nemesis matchups so if anyone is willing to play send me a friend request

awww shucks thanks

Do you have a mic? I’ve tried adding you to my party so you can join my lobby parties with my friends and I. Sorry I haven’t joined your party btw. >.> You catch me in the middle of other parties.

Gamertag: iHog
Rank: I do not play ranked, so beginner :slight_smile:
Characters: A multitude, I play almost every character. Main team I’d like to focus on right now is Frank West/Dante/??? or Crimson Viper/Hulk/Doctor Doom(My Doom is a ROUGH work in progress).
Skill level: Very low.

I’m looking for a mentor, training partner, sparring buddy…whatever. I’d REALLY like it if you had a mic so we can instantly feedback each other. Skill level doesn’t matter for me, I just don’t enjoy getting constantly bodied :stuck_out_tongue: I’d prefer if you were somewhere along my skill level(which is quite low).

I live in Phoenix Arizona(United States). Prefer a person around my region; California, Nevada…etc.

If you want to be my friend, please leave a friend request WITH a message saying you are from Shoryuken. I do not accept random friend requests.

Cant wait to meet any of you :smiley:

and welcome to the SRK MVC3 community

Phoenix huh? I’m from there too. I should add you. Who knows, I may already know who you are. >.>

Xbox Live(Hint gamertag :)).

^ :open_mouth: That would be kinda weird if I knew you already, lol. I go to Devry University, so if you go there I’d lose my mind.

GT: Da Doomsday
I’m looking for some people to run sets to level up. Wouldn’t mind having on a mic to go over play. Got about 5 or so teams, looking to see which is the more solid and which needs to be changed. Feel free to f/r me, just message me saying you’re from here (I tend to delete random requests ). Teams are:

Hulk, Taskmaster, Dormammu
Cap. America, Firebrand, Hawkeye
Hulk, Dr. Strange, Wesker
Dormammu, Hawkeye, Wesker
Deadpool, Iron Man, Ryu

Just noticed this thread. There’s lots of people here that I’ve played with online. GGs to yall. Anyway here’s my info
I’m always looking for a challenge.

Name: J.D
Region: Texas
Team: Dante/Vergil/Doom
Rank: 4th Lord

Switzerland Players!

Name: Phil
Region: Switzerland (Zürich)
Team: arthur/firebrand/hawkeye
Skill: medicore to advanced

PSN: ThePhxRebirth
**Region: **Tempe, AZ
Rank: 9th Lord I believe
Team: Wesker (B)/ unsure - doing testing /Nova (B)
Skill Level: Average or slightly above.

Looking for people I can keep on my friends list as sparring partners. Help me and I help you. I can do combos, I am decent at approaching and zoning. Just need more work all around, and I need a way to test out my 2nd slot character ideas. I am going to be on from now until midnight GMT -7 (arizona) time. That is just a little over 3 hours of game time from the time I post this. Might stay on a bit later than that.

Anyone feel free to add and lets get some matches going.

updated for umvc3

xbl gt - hyuuga kenshin
region - west coast (socal, riverside county)
team - spencer (y) / nemesis (y) / nova (b)

pretty solid trolling i guess but theres always room for actual improvement!!!

XBL : exosymbiotic
Region: West coast
Team: Taskmaster, Doom, Strider -or- Firebrand, Taskmaster, Doom
Rank: 9th ranger? Idk i’ve played more offline vs with friends than ranked online…

Looking for people to add to friends for casual matches and general practice shenanigans. I’m online quite a bit, just picked up a nice arcade stick finally so I can actually play how I feel it’s meant to be. :slight_smile:

I really need to work on my movement and spacing. I have trouble against zoning based teams sometimes.

Skill level… I’m okay at best compared to those out there with gdlk reflexes and execution.

MTSL Mantra is my XBL tag. Main team is in my sig.

I’m at 9th judge atm, been in and out of 8th, but online ranks aren’t really important >_<

Region: Boston, MA

I’m on every now and again. If you wanna add me just send a message that you got it from here and we can play some sets XD.

Closer to my area is preferred so there can be good connections.

finally sent request sorry was on vacation/holiday

i’m on xbox hounddog75 i’m an average player I still drop combo’s I have some friends that are pretty good and we play most nights

PSN: EdmontonAB
Skill Level: Mid to high
Rank: 8th lord
Characters: Wolverine/Dante/Taskie/Akuma/Haggar

Looking for decent players from USA/Canada who play to win and don’t whine about character choices.