PSN: Kwaza135
Skill Level: High but not Pro
Rank: 3rd lord
Characters: Deadpool/Zero/Sentinel/Rocket Raccoon/Nemesis
Im down to play some good players on PSN. Im not the best but I can give u some decent matches. I will play anyone as long as we have a good connection, basically anyone from USA, Canada, and Mexico. Il even accept people from Japan as I usually get a decent connection with them. Im southwest by the way.
PSN: Laokai629
Skill level: mediocore at best
Teams: Dante (a), Vergil (y), Doctor Doom (a)
Vergil (y), Doctor Doom (a), Nova (b)
Iron Fist (y), Doctor Doom (a), Akuma (tatsu)
Rank 6th lord
Looking for some players to get better at the game. I’ll play with people that have good connections but any bad ones I won’t. I’m in the Northeast
Right now I’m looking to play people who main Magneto, Dormammu and/or Strider to get better with the match ups. I play Trish… Send me an SRK notice with the request please.
Region: Springfield,MA
Main Team:Nova/Task/Strider Hiryu
Alt. team: C.Viper/Sent./Akuma
Rank:6th Lord
Skill:low-mid for main, beginner on alt team
XBL: IllmaticMonkey (that’s an i and two L’s :P)
Region: Shawnee, KS
Main Team: Vergil/Frank/Hawkeye (although I’m not using them anymore)
Alt: Vergil/Doctor Strange/X-23, Frank/Dante/Rocket Raccoon, and Jill/Chris/Wesker
Skill: Total Amateur, I’m still learning a lot of things.
[INDENT=1]PSN: Miller4ever
Region: US Northeast, Pacific starting May
Team: Storm/Hulk/Dr. Strange/Viper/Shulk/Spencer
[INDENT=1]Skill: Below average, trying to develop good habits.[/INDENT]
[INDENT=1]Tell me you’re from SRK. I can use a consistent training partner who can point out weaknesses besides “practice combos”.[/INDENT][/INDENT]
PSN: Aurelious_
Region: Greenville, NC
Main Team: Tron/???/Trish (Cant find one I truly like yet. Task/Zero/Vergil/Ryu/Thor are the fill-ins for now)
Skill: I lack the experience to be “pro” but I don’t think I am near “scrub” level.
Rank: 6th Ranger (as of posting, doing more player than rank to find my team)
Mainly looking for Tron mains as I really want to play her (figured if I was going to put in the work and get good I want it to be characters I like instead of just characters that are good. It wont win me Evo but I’m not playing to that end)
Also prefer those who can drop pointers and help me figure out where I am going wrong, which is something experience will help with.
PSN: sm0ke_ringz007
Region: WC So. Cali
Team(s): Vergil/Sentinel/Zero (tourney)
… or if your looking for some possible free wins team good, the bad, & the ugly - Rocket Raccoon/Sentinel/Nemisis (casual)
Skill: good enough to beat you if you have no idea what you’re doing
Feel free to add me if you want, I’m down to play some games to help level up or something.
XBL: K4np4
Region: Southern California
Main Team: Tron/Hsien-ko/Taskmaster (Trying to learn other people, but this is what you’ll mainly see.)
Rank: Recently got to 5th Lord! :woot:
Kinda sticking with my guns despite the disadvantages. Looking for different kinds of teams to help adapt.
XBL: NGFL Random
Region: Hawaii
Team: Nemesis/magneto(undecided)/wesker
Skill: I can beat you if you suck worse then I do.
Looking for some help to level up before evo. Friend me first for a match due to timezone differences. (It’s easier this way for everybody)
XBL: NightmareBA Region: Northern California Current team: Felicia/Dante/Doom (Still working on my team) Skill: Beginner I’ll be on often. I’ve got a pretty good understanding of the game, got a few combos, but I’m still trying to learn how to play the characters in general.