MvC3 & UMvC3 Match Making/Request Thread

XBL: ricnic67
Skill level: Upper Middle to Advanced
Characters i play: Zero, Doom, Strider, Frank West, Wesker, Dante, Hawkeye, Wolvie, Spencer, Arthur, Cap, Akuma, Ryu, Chun, Iron Man, Magneto, Sentinel, and so on. Basically most of the cast.
Rank: 5th Lord
Region: East Coast Area of the US

Make sure you send me a message over Xbox Live when sending me a friend request so i know who you are. Also, i’m looking for a training partner to help me get better and provide suggestions.

XBL: Armorix01
Team: Capt America,Dr doom “or taskmaster”,Dormammu& Nemmy,Capt America, Dormammu
Skill: a bit above beginner to low middle
Rank: 9th lord, 3/4 way to next rank
Region: Texas, Houston area.

Send a message with the inv so i know who you are. Looking for friends to add as a training partners to point out weaknesses and develop better habits! :smiley:

Team: Dr. Strange/Strider/Dr. Doom or Iron Fist/Frank West (or Virgil)/Dormammu
Skill: Intermediate

Looking for sparring friends that I could play with regularly. Hoping to get better and develop better habits as well!

PSN: Blaise_12
5th lord
Main team: Vergil, Dante and Wesker. srry for the team but I like the characters
Sub team: Decent with the other 47 characters.
Skill: I feel like I’m average but everyone I know says I’m above average.
Not on PSN all the time but please feel free to add me.
I wanna play against people of 7th to 3rd of any rank to get some practice and experience.

Whoops! forgot my regional area. Canada. My connection is good.Sometimes it’s laggy if someone is using the internet during the time I’m online.
I think in Canada is Pacific time.
Anyway I only play on weekends so please don’t get impatient if you send me a friend request and I don’t accept it for a bit.
If you’re going to add me too, don’t forget to say that you’re from shoryuken since this is the only site I’m on to face new people.

region: im in Miami Florida
main team: She Hulk/Deadpool/Doom
but im trying to learn new teams, so far i mess around with amaterasu, x23, captain america, iron man, etc.
i like my main team but i want a second team, not sure why, but i do. im not a scrub but im not crazy good either. i guess it depends on the match up ive beaten some good players on ranked matches but ive lost to dantes spamming j.S.

Xbox GT: blinktheskater
Location: St. Paul, Mn
Team: Nova/Frank/Doom
Skill: Beginnerish, getting better, still need to learn more

PSN: FreshP90
Skill level: low low low
Teams: really dont have one but i use cviper/amatarasu/nova/nemesis


looking for anyone to play with bet generaly would like to play good players so i can learn how to play more properly lol


Rank = Fighter
"True rank" = fighter. I’m still learning a lot but I know some advanced stuff (wave dashing, cancels, combos, blocking)

Sometimes I hate how this game allows so much spamming

I’ll be posting my friend’s info too, since he’s a lazy bum lol.

PSN: Aureilyn
Region: West Coast, in SoCal.
Teams: [Main] Trish / Vergil / Chun-li
[Second] Dante / Vergil / Chun-li
[Experimental] Trish / Jill / Chris
Skill Level: “Amateur” rank. Still learning as I go : )
I get asked a lot apparently if I’m a girl. The answer’s yes gasp

My Friend’s:
PSN: DeluxeGemini
Region: Midwest, NE
Teams:* [Main]* Vergil / Crimson Viper / Dorm
[Second] Trish / Morrigan / Dorm
Skill Level: “Beginner” rank. (I personally think he’s ahead of me in regard of skill level. But we’re about in the same boat in the long run)

We’re still fairly new to the MvC scene (only I’m new to the fighting scene overall), and looking for sparring partners/mentors around our level and above to keep up with practicing and such. We don’t care about Win/Loss ratio, it’s all about learning and of course, while having fun. We tend to lose our motivation since most of our PSN friends aren’t into fighting games much. Evening and weekend times are usually when we’re online. Mics are a definite for us for communication, but text chat still works. : ) Please leave a little note saying SRK or something when sending a FR. Thanks for reading and looking forward meeting and playing MvC with you guys ^^

Xbox GT: AniMoney
Location: VA
Characters: Wolverine, Frank West, Akuma, Wesker, trying to learn more though
Skill: Average, trying to learn more characters to make new teams
I play fairly often and prefer long sets if the connection is good. Happy to play people of any skill level, just add me.

Xbox gt- James aar0n
Region-south tx,
Skill-5th lord
Teams-main(frank, Dante, akuma) secondary (Dante, wesker, akuma), play other characters as well

Just looking for games and having fun

PSN: BLightning91
Country: Portugal
Rank: 4th lord
Main Team: Nova/Frank/Hawkeye

Looking to level up and have fun, feel free to add me

XBL: AbidingSlayer
Region: Socal
Rank: 7th Lord
Teams: Main-Zero/Doom/Strider
-Iron Fist/Doctor Strange/Hawkeye
Skill: Easy mode combos…
Any matchup is fine send a message along with request if you decide to add. Thanks~

Team: I play everyone under the sun pretty competently though I am told my Hawkeye,Joe,Spencer are my best.
Skill: Intermediate with brief flashes of advanced lol
Rank: 7th lord
Region: Philadelphia

Looking for training partners who I can player match and first to 10 with regularly around 10-12 PM EST time on weeknights. Must have a mic and a decent attitude/connection! If you constantly bitch at everything (Occasionally I play filthy zoning/runaway) don’t send me a request lol. Just put SRK in the request and lets get some games.
P.S. I am more than happy to teach anyone who is open to the advice. Skill level does not matter.

PSN : ZerraDragon
Team: Still looking
Skill: Super Beginner
Region: Maryland

Looking for people to help me improve my game. Never really got into 2D Fighters but I like this one. Also to have fun.

XBL Tag: TOA Magus
Team: Using team Devil May Cry for now. Trying to learn others.
Skill: Beginner, definitely.
Area: Florida.

Got tired of the FPS scene, and I’m trying to get back into fighters. I can’t be on nightly, but I am hoping to find people to practice with so I can get into the online scene.

OK… listen up all of you pathetic frauds.

I’m the absolute best player on PSN @ UMvC3. If you dare challenge me, I promise to make you all look very bad. You guys are all scrubs, and I’m here to expose each and everyone of you who think you might be good.

PSN: swag_combos

Team: Straight ownage

Weapon: Mystical sword of ownage

Skill: Greatest player to ever walk the face of this universe

Area: West Coast

I’m looking forward to playing and beating all of you. Add me to get exposed.

Let’s get this over with so I can watch WNF.

I’ll add you to see if you can back up your talk. I’m not the best, but certainly good. You promised to make me look bad.

So if you don’t, that’d be breaking your promise and thus, you’ll be the fraud.