Don’t bother. That nigga dipped with the quickness. It’s been a week and I haven’t gotten a response.
Not surprised.
XBL: I play on a bunch of different accounts, but the one I’m on most often currently is AreJay18
teams: spidey,hawkeye,sent / haggar,ammy,sent / ammy,hawkeye,phoenix
rank/skill: 5th lord/ I consider myself pretty decent. I’m not great, but I’m looking for strong competition (AKA please destroy me so I can get better)
location: Philadelphia, PA
PSN ID: Viewtiful_Noel
Main team: Dante,Strider,Sent
Rank: Don’t remember but I’m pretty ass…Want some sessions to level up hit me man…
Location: Mission, Texas.
XBL: Lt Play Doh
Teams: Modok/Sentinel/Doom (main), variations of Doom/Modok/Magneto (trying to main), Viper/Modok/Doom, and others that I don’t take seriously
Rank: 5th lord soon to be 4th, but I don’t play much ranked. I run on autopilot too much, so my neutral game isn’t always the best, but I’m always looking to get better.
Location: NY or PA
XBL: oFudgeoNutzo
Skill: Mid
Rank: 4th Lord.
Region: Central Minnesota
Region: England
Skill: Literally completely terrible and awful, I just got the game today.
I don’t know where else to put this, but I basically can’t play online for some reason.
Rank matches don’t work, they never connect, non-ranked doesn’t work, lobby only works if I put in no categories, and only gives me like 5 options, most in the US. I cant get on one UK lobby, and play (and get bodied!), but when I search for my specific region nothing comes up. HELP!
XBL: Sampsell243
Region: Pennsylvania
Skill: Why ask me, see for yourself!!
Team: Spencer will be on it, other then that, they change all the time. My current team of interest is Spencer/Sent/Hawkeye
I genuinely love this game and I play it all the time. If you decide to add me expect invites when I see you on lol. I like to get larger sets in when possible. I have an amazing internet connection so I can play with just about anyone. Happy Marveling.
Anyone down for a long set???
It seems its really hard to find player matches these days, everyone’s on the lobbys and ranked lol
XBL: UpgradeddReaper
Location: Virginia
Skill: Beginner (Noob)
Team: Right now I am running Wesker/Hulk/Taskmaster however it can and most likely will change.
I love fighting games and have just progressed past mashing random buttons for cool effects. I am looking for a sparring partner and/or coach to help with my improvement. I also play SSFIV:AE and am thinking of purchasing soul calibur V. I am usally on late night after 11:30pm est due to my work schedule. Feel free to add me and send me a invite
XBL GT: Taco Gxmez
Region: South-Austin-TX
Teams: Current
Main: Wesker/FrankWest/Dante
Sub: FrankWest/Wesker/Rkt.Raccoon
Sub Sub: IronFist/Akuma/Deadpool
Skill: Trying to get better everyday <(’.’<(
Playstyle: Rush
Rank:8th Lord
Team: Haggar, Arthur, and Frank West
Add me whenever love to play games with anyone
XBL: MarioVsDK
A: Frank West/Morrigan/Viewtiful Joe
B: Zero/Hsien-Ko/She-Hulk
C: Deadpool/C.America/Ghost Rider
Subs I sometimes throw into my teams: Phoenix Wright/ Strider / Felicia/ Arthur
Rank: 6th Lord
Plays online: Very often
Feel free to add me if you want a few rounds. Always happy to fight new players ^^
[]Xbox GT: Septic Tank53 (don’t forget caps and space)
[]skill level: Don’t play ranked, but i’m decent at best. your skill level doesn’t matter to me, it’s all fun and games to me. The more experienced you are tho, i look forward to learning some new things.
[]Most efficient team: Spencer(b) / Hawkeye(b) / Dr. Strange(b)
[]Newest team/Work in Progress: Wesker(b) / Nemesis(b) / Ammy(b)
Love the b assists lol. If your completely new to the game, add me! I’m not the greatest, but i have a strong understanding of all the concepts in team-building, as well as the mechanics of the game.
Look forward to getting some good matchups
EDIT: Kinda forgot to mention my times. Sorta an oddball, i usually hop on between 10-12pm Central time zone and am playing or nearby the console all night.
XBL: s0viet afr0
Teams… generally I play characters that get me labled "asshole"
Magneto(a)/Vergil(y)/Dr. Doom(b)
Revolving Door as a 3rd team- Dante(y)/Doom(a)/Strider(y) right now
Skill: Meh, I’m ok… I guess.
Rank 6th Lord (only wen’t that high for the acheivement)
Xbox live Gamertag: Scarlash
Usually play Hawkeye/Dante/Ryu
I’m pretty shit.
Yuropean, online a lot.
Don’t know wtf I’m doing in this game.
SoCal area
PSN: TawlOtter
Hell, I’ll bite.
XBL: Jiavin
Region: Revere, MA
Team: X-23(b)/Chun-Li(y)/Morrigan(y).
Skill: Somewhat below average.
I’m not on that often, mostly because I haven’t touched the game in months, but I’ll plan to get back on it soon.
PSN- Utsoh
fighter, im on most of the days and always looking for someone to play with
i mainly use spencer, wesker, haggar
PSN: TheCreator316
Zone: CST
Add me I have ALOT of free time I use Wolvie/Frank/Dante