MvC3 & UMvC3 Match Making/Request Thread

Zone:East Coast, USA
Skill:Relearning game
Team: (Old)Nova/Task/Strider

Im not just going to leave my XBL account name here and hope for someone to find it a month later. I will be frequently checking this forum, and gather up enough players from SRK to learn with and share tools, so if you are truly ready to learn and play, pick me. ill be checking this thread tomorrow and make sure I pick some beginners, intermediates, and tourney players

GT: dat on3 guy
zone: Los angeles

add me im on alot of the time

XBL GT: AstralPony
always down to play looong sets feel free to add me :slight_smile:
i’m in Los Angeles

XBL: da cl0ser the 0 is the number zero
I am a beginner at the game trying to learn some dante/doom/ammy


XBL GT:Vetrex
Region: Texas
Teams: *UPDATED FOR UMVC3 4/26/12"
Main: (the combofiend) nova/spencer/hawkeye
the team i really want to play: felicia/nova/spencer?
Sub Sub: noel brown team (cause i like frank)

Skill: I’m free! (i think im an amateur though)

XBL: Riot Frenzy
skill: 2nd lord
location: California

PSN: Sargeant193
Skill: Personally, I find that just because you’re a high ranking individual online doesn’t mean you’re actually a good player. At best I would say a little past the beginner rank.
Location: Maryland
Team(s): The main team that I’m focusing on now is She-Hulk, Ryu, and Hawkeye. However, I do have a few other teams that I enjoy playing such as Cap, Viper, and Hawkeye. Along with Cap, Ryu, Hawkeye, while throwing other characters I see fit like Strider and Chris.

XBL: Sosas95
Skill: below average.
Location: Stockholm (my connection is good so I usally don’t have problems playing against people from faraway)

Can any other europeans add me as there seem to be very few people playing in my region
XBL: mary600
Region: London
Skill: been playing about 1.5 months, would greatly appreciate someone to help me learn the game more
Teams: been working on ryu/frank/arthur

Location:Massachusetts. East coast whea’ u @?
Skill:I dont even know o_o"
Teams:Dante/Spencer/Sent,Wolvie/Iron Fist/Spencer


Location: Las Vegas, NV
Skill: I like to play a lot of different teams but a lot of them are mostly top tier characters. But I do try and switch it up a lot. 3rd LORD on UMVC.
Team: Wolverine/Frank/Wesker, Wesker/Zero/Phoenix, Morrigan/Frank/Felicia, Wesker/Doom/Phoenix, Zero/Frank/Felicia, Felicia/Doom/Wesker, etc.

XBL: MillionUppacutZ
Region: Miami
Main team. Trish, Doom, Wesker (No i didnt jock RDK’s team on purpose)
Alt team: Viper, Iron Man, Not sure yet (Not any good to do damage yet)
Skill: Super fraudulent but really trying my best to learn so just play me
NO NOVA/FRANK WEST players please, i played that team enough times its really boring

PSN: Superjoe_Kujo
Region: UK
Main team: Firebrand/Doom/Sentinel (Sentinel/Firebrand/Doom for fun sometimes)
Skill: Decent enough, but lag affects my combos and neutral.
Just looking for other UK players who are down for long sets and willing to critique. I don’t care what characters you play, I want to practise as many MUs as possible.

GT:kamaz 2
Skill; idk average lol 9th lord of that means anything
On often

Gt: I Daize Ahh Vu
Team: Strange/Shuma/Task
Skill: A bit above average
Region: East Coast
Really want new people to play against.

Location: Utrecht, Holland
Skill level: Between beginner and amateur

Pretty much matching up against people in england and around will result matches with good connection. So don’t be afraid to add me.

P.S. I still get some match rushes, meaning that I’ll fuck up all the time till I get into my groove. Expect to win the first couple of matches.

Anybody want to play me in Marvel? Im getting on my brothers account and I want to play. His Gamertag is Supa Broman. Send a message if you want to play.

PSN: Tautologist
Region: Ireland
Team: Arthur/Ryu/Amaterasu
I play other teams as well, such as Jill/Chris/RR, and Spidey/V.Joe/Deadpool, but I only play those for the laugh (don’t even know many combos with them!)

I’m looking to play against some great people for the love of the game. You do your best, I’ll do my best. I think I’m better at zoning, but I mostly aim to read the flow of the match. Please, give me a shout when you see me on!

hey good games cee dizzy…i got raped!!! if anyone wants some free wins just add me and ill throw them at you! …i need to work on my hit confrirms!!!

[INDENT=1]PSN: Akushitsu[/INDENT]
[INDENT=1]Region: North Dakota[/INDENT]
[INDENT=1]Main team: Skrull/Doom/Dorm[/INDENT]
[INDENT=1]Alt team: Dorm/X-23/Akuma, Trish/Skrull/Doom[/INDENT]
[INDENT=1]Skill: 8th lord[/INDENT]
[INDENT=1]Usually on after 3pm cst, trying to get ready for evo.[/INDENT]