I am a newbie to this, but i am planning to get into the game hardcore, anywho
PSN ID: Waffleraver
Where: Kansas, USA
Availability: All day, i do work but only on certain days, i am a college student attending a summer class, and i have a summer job, but nothing to hectic.
Level: Beginner
Who: Anyone willing to do unranked matches with me, and maybe giving me tips and walk-throughs via skype. (username: whitteth)
Team: So far my main is, Zero on point, then wolverine, then wesker last.
I am willing and learning, and maybe gaining some long-term umvc3 buddies.
Updating from before since its been a few months~
XBL: AbidingSlayer
Region: Southern California
1- Zero/Doom/Strider
2-Iron Man/Dante/Doom (Really enjoy playing this team lately)
Availability: Just finished school for the year, so I’ll be on quite a bit.
Rank: 6th Lord
Other- Anyone that wants to play a long set every now and then, or even once a day, is greatly appreciated. I can bear with East coast connections but I would prefer anything on the West coast or closer. Add me if interested, thanks.
I can’t remember if I posted already so yeah.
Skill level: uh… Meh?
Team: nemesis/hawkeye/strider
Availability: pretty often till the school year starts
So I’m just going to friend people and then work from there but yeah, hit me up for some practice against keepaway, I need help too. Peace.
Edit: apparently the “r” in my xbl is not capped, so if you used NGFLRandom, you probably got a non-existent account. Fixed it in the top and my bad.
Im very very new so my gameplay wont be good, but just generally looking for someone who also is kinda new but has experience and doesnt mind getting few free wins till i get bettter.
Main: Jill/X23/Task
Messing with Jill&X23/Chris/Task though
I could possible play outside UK but would be maybe 3/4 Bars US.
Hello all, im new to this game but not new to fighters. Im looking for someone to show me the ropes, I keep getting mauled by these teleporters i guess i just dont understand how to block in this game.
Im usually on after 8pm EST and im from South Carolina.
Skill Level: Infinite Possibilities
Region: USA
Streaming 24/7 online lobby. twitch.tv/AFANOFMINE and hosting tournamets every week online. Please add me on XBL: AFANOFMINE to register and for matches experinces =].
This and BB are the only games I play competitive, really. But I really need some friends to play with so shoot me a request. I’m usually on all the time.
Updated my original POST as I’ve switched from XBL to PSN. Still have my original Gamertag though (since I already paid for it, bleh) so keep me on XBL if you’ve already added me.
"With that attitude ANYONE here will own your soul for free and lease it out for $8.95 at EVO.“ or
"If you want me to pick Haggar, just say so.”
*or *
"These chips are making me salty!" or
anyone want to play some matches. Can’t find any good lobbies and I hate ranked matches. Xbox live gamer tag is l gambit l. I’m not a great player but trying to get better and I don’t get mad about losing. Send me a FR if you want to play some games.
I’m sorry that I’m not very fond of being on the ass-end of the projectile-spamming “strategy”. You’ll notice the times I won are the times that you quit hiding on either opposite side of the stage from me, abusing Mag’s beams and Taskmaster’s arrows. Granted I should probably work on my defense more, but come the hell on. The most you could do when I got remotely near you is basic ABC strings, and when I’d be on knockdown you go right back to the opposite side of the stage to continue your beam spree.