MvC3 & UMvC3 Match Making/Request Thread

The only time you won is when I had mercy on you and picked a team consisting of characters I don’t use. And even so those were wins won by the bare ends of your teeth. Don’t blame me because you suck and do predictable shit that can be easy sniped out by a Disruptor or Aim Master. Excuse me for not standing still for you to hit me. Keep blaming other people for your own faults.


I think you should question your own fighting ability if all I needed in order to win was ABC strings into knockdown > projectile chip > rinse and repeat. Besides there’s another thread dedicated to whining and complaining. Take it elsewhere.

Wow, it’s almost as if your bloated sense of accomplishment drowns out any sound of reason.

Just almost though, so don’t worry.

Of course, judging by your attitude it seems any kind of argument made against your “carefully constructed and compelling methods” will fall upon deaf ears. I hardly see how merely describing *exactly *what you were doing constitutes as “crying”. But meh. I understand, I guess. You must have spent countless hours practicing the grueling task of remembering an input as difficult as “QCF, Mash, Repeat”.

Man you’re obstinate. Do us all a favor and look up “cognitive dissonance”.

Terrific rebuttal. If you’re trying to apply the term to me, then I suggest you do the same.

PSN - Riako-san
East Coast
Primary: Iron Fist / Spencer / Hawkeye
Secondary: Zero / Wesker / Hsien-Ko
Rank - Ranked matches are stupid and I don’t play them. So my rank is beginner.
Skill - Veteran

Extra comments: Please be a good player. And by a good player I mean someone who would possibly own me in 200 hit combos or whatever. I’ve tried to play Ranked and 90% of the people that play it all just do the same thing. Jump and run away while spamming projectiles. There’s a thin line between zoning and spamming, so please, if you’re gonna play with me, I’d prefer to get whooped by players who actually try to combo. I’m still learning how to use Iron Fist, but feel free to use your best characters. I can take a beating.

Hope to play with you soon.

I thought this was the match making thread not salty snack edition 2.

Psn= R-Aldo
Rank- begginer i play pure player matches but at a 3 lord level
My team change every once in a while so its hard to say but im recently using viper
Can anyone play rigth now?

I can play now, but I’m not sure of the location or how much it’ll lag. I’m in MD.

I’m far from the best player but I try my best. Trying to practice and level up now.

I can play too, I’ll add both of you if that’s alright.

I added both of you im down to play almost anytime :slight_smile:

Need more people to play! So feel free to add me! PSN is Thirteenthorder!

I’ll add you. I just got my fightstick in the mail yesterday though so I might play a little scrubby. I’m still getting used to it.

I’m on right now, if you wanna play.

XBL: Kamhaul
Team 1: Dante, Spencer, Sentinel
Learning Team: Deadpool, Spencer, Sentinel
Rank: 9th Lord(used to be 6th but reset due to not playing for a couple months)

Add me? Psn : LL_Pulse

Hey guys, currently running a Get Chrisis to EVO Charity stream:

If you wanna play with us on stream, send an invite to ZakuIgnited over PSN.

We also got other players from FGTV like Worf Jostar, Padtrick and Haibing.

Thanks a lot!

Matches anyone?

My id is R-aldo

East Coast
Main Teams: Captin America/akuma/Megneto and other are Hawkeye/Dante/Vergil
rank: Amature
Skill: im okey i just need more pratice can yall teach me how to be pro i have an Arcade stick.

Anyone want to play psn achin131

PSN: Rockrobs215
East Coast
(Technical difficulties means) Wireless
Modum’s literally right next to me though
Teams: As of right now, I’m working on a Spencer/Vergil/Dante team, but I play a number of other characters.
Note: I used to be Xbox, so I’m still getting used to PS3 pad.