MvC3 & UMvC3 Match Making/Request Thread

Anyone want to play me. I’m on psn. Message me. My PSN is

um can any Pro Players can teach me to get better at Ultimate marvel vs capcom 3 for PS3 i have an arcade stick plz Post ur PSN ID here plz i need help character like Akuma/CaptinArmerica/Dante. plz Post ur PSN ID here to help me get better

hey i add u as a friend on Plz accpet my name is FreedomFalcon973.

Alright I will, but It may not be for a while, and I don’t play MvC3/UMvC3 anymore.

My PSN is tishr
Rank is Fighter

I’m pretty garbage at this game and just want some people around my level or better to practice with so I can get better.

XBL: MercuryKnife
Location:Long Island, NY

Just looking to play people with good connections. I’M AIGHT. Add meh.

xbox live tag: weedboy29
location: PA
Team: hsienko a, doom b ,sentinel a
Rank: decent

trying to learn spencer and a few other characters.
also use ryu, nemesis, dormammu and a few others.

looking to improve and all are welcome to add me.
having your mic on is preferable

XBL: oOMe andChuckOo
Main team: Task/Spencer/Doom
learning others like; Dorm, Morg, She-Hulk, Nova, Akuma
Would like to learn but will never put in the time: Mags, Vergil, Amy
Good connection located in Cincinnati, OH

Skill level, I feel like I’m decent but still find myself playing mindless, like a noob.

xbl toastedsubb
toronto, I’ve been playing for a month now, I’m 8th lord, looking to improve
wolverine wesker akuma
wesker taskmaster akuma
wolv task wesk

psn : SRK_Stag
Main Team : Still getting inspired
New to umvc3 but not to fighters, looking for someone experienced to teach me or someone at my level to learn with

PSN: Xianghan
Or other variations of this team

First introduced to the series in Vanilla, been playing since launch

New York City.

XBL: csmyo
Region: Canada/East Coast (Toronto)
Rank: 6th lord

Feel free to add me. It is hard to find a match up with decent connection.

PSN: MetroidDread



Frank West/Nova/Rocket Raccoon

Felicia/Strider Hiryu/Ghost Rider

Ranks: Cosmic

if you like we can have a FT 5 or 10, ill record it and and upload it on my youtube channel

Thought I’d update this…

Xbox GT: K4np4
California (Pacific Time)
Team: Tron/Hsien-ko/Taskmaster
(In the process of learning other characters to switch out with Hsien-ko for different matchups)
Rank: High Judge (but that doesn’t really mean anything)

Looking to have some fun sets and learn strategies against different teams/characters. Also wouldn’t mind some Tron or Hsien-ko mirrors.

Hey yall I’m new to versus series and would love to play with anyone, especially someone that can give some general pointers about the game. I haven’t decided on a team yet either, still researching basics. I play other FGs so I know rudimentary execution, understand the general terms and concepts, just looking to transition to marvel for my new main game. I take criticism well, and I’m always willing to learn. I am not frustrated by losing or think I have something to prove.

XBL: xHuckNasty
Online mornings central time on weekdays and weekends all night thru morning. I’m in north central Texas, and have good internet. Pleased to meet all of you!

PSN scottvincent
in england but got good connection
team haggar and friends
rank 1st lord
nothing special but okay

TEAMS: Cap/DeadPool/IronMan , Chris/IronMan/Doom, Cap/SiderMan/Doom
SKILL: Im 3rd lord, but rank means nothing. I know what Im doing doing, but I am not a pro.

Im looking for people with intermediate to expert skill level as anyone below that will not help me learn. I havent been in a tournament in a very long time with the exception being EVO. I hope to get some good matches in with some of the guys here. I try to frequent XBL daily, but at most Im off for a couple days. My PS3 is currently out of commission because my hard drive crashed. I should be getting a replacement drive soon and when I do ill just juggle the 2 systems to suit my needs as far as getting matches in with good opponents. Look forward to playing you guys.

PSN: Vlad7779311
TEAM: Felicia/Taskmaster/Sentinel
Location: Estonia
I’m an incredibly rubbish player, but I want to find some European peeps with good connection, so I could get used to the Marvel flow and hopefully improve even just a little bit.

My GT: A Strawburry
Location: Socal
Team: Trish/Vergil/Strider

Been showing up to offline casuals and one runback. I’ve been losing terribly, let’s level up :slight_smile:

PSN: Death_The_Kid666
Location: New York
Team: Spencer/Ironman/Sentinel
Rank: Used to be a 5th lord but due to malfunctions with my previous ps3 i had to reset my record so now im currently a 8th lord.

Just looking to level up my game so i can start going to big two when im out from school. constructive criticism is greatly welcomed :slight_smile: