MvC3 & UMvC3 Match Making/Request Thread

XBL: Union Garside
Location: UK
Intermediate player. Desperately looking for friendly games with people who have a decent connection in the UK. I am out of practice but I can take a loss, so if you want someone to slap around while I get back on the horse you are welcome to add me. Thanks.

PSN: everythingFTW
Location: UK
Team: MODOK (Balloon Bomb), Hsien Ko (Gong Reflect), Nemesis (Clothesline Rocket). May use Arthur, Viewtiful Joe or Tron as well.
Rank: Don’t play ranked matches
Looking for: Anyone, I just want to fight someone who isn’t cheap or a troll.

what about a cheap troll?

I want to say something witty in response but I don’t have anything.
I’m just going to leave a “Mother of god” here instead.

yea I would of had a clever responce to your original post but I just put what I did so yea

PSN: JesseRedemeed (spell just like that, had a typo on Redeemed when i made my account.)
location: USA, Alabama

i play wesker/magneto/vergil, i really need help grinding and getting better. our casuals are only on fridays unfortunately, and i have no one to play with until then.

Just trying to give you some advice but I see your team and while it is a very top tierish team, If you play it in that order then you cant really complain about not being able to close the gap between heavy keepaway chars… you lack a neutral assist to help Dante get in and dark hole isnt gonna cut it…

Maybe switching up your team order vs keepaway/zoning teams to Dorm/Dante(jam session)/Wesker can get you further then your current order

Just my 10 cents :wink:

Hows it going everyone?! Im looking for practice buddies! I want to get better and I was recommended to go into ranked and play there to improve my skills. Worst idea ever! SO MUCH LAG and EVERYBODY runs the same teams with the same cheap tactics. Id love to have somebody with a mic that can play me for a long ass time and be able to exchange tips to improve both of our games; point out each others weaknesses and overall improve our skills.

My XBL GT is: Kiinkey Twinkie
Im a 6th lord in ranked but please dont take this as my “skill level”. Some say im better and some say im worst.
I really dont care if I get owned, just dont be an asshole about it. Look at my mistakes and errors and let me know so I can improve them. I’ll do the same with you.
Thanks for reading! Hope to see you ingame soon :D!


You ain’t ever on the forums ma nigga. :rofl:

and everytime I invite you to play you ignore my invites! Hit me up.

I don’t ignore them, I’m usually just playing Borderlands or something, lmao. But I think I’m officially leaving MVC3 for 1 and 2. I can’t take it anymore with this game. :shake:

Fuck Dive Kick
Fuck Hidden Missiles
Fuck Morrigan
Fuck Online Captain America
Fuck Online in general

Seriously, fuck this game. :bluu:

gladly :slight_smile:

XBL GT-TiiCoon
Most Used-She-Hulk/Hsien-ko/Spencer
I’m a casual player. I’d say I’m an overall good player, not the best considering my character selection. I suck at playing with low execution characters so don’t expect me to be good with Wesker or Wolverine.

First and foremost; I suck donkey d!ck at this game!
Secondly; that is why I’m here!
PSN: TheGrigori
Team: Viper/Tasky/Anthony

I’ve put in a few hundred hours into this game but I did it all on pad against the computer, I bought my first fightstick (Chun Li TE-S, its pretty lol) a week ago. So I’m trying to “re-learn” the game, as I don’t know what to do AT ALL against a live opponent. I don’t know the match-ups or when to punish so I’m just looking for some competition so I can improve. I was able to get 970k+ damage with Viper (without DHC) on pad. But that was on pad and against the computer, need lots of practice on stick and against actual people.

So hit me up if you wanna body a noob for free, really I don’t mind taking a bunch of loses. You will get tired of beating me before I get tired of losing, I guarantee it!

When one wants to smith a strong blade, the crude materials must be placed into the fire and then beaten. This must be repeated til all impurities have been hammered out.

So come one, come all! Body me up til I’m better!

I’m going to EVO, even if I lose in the first round, I’m gonna blame all of you if I don’t get out of the first round! “Those SRK mofo’s didn’t body me up enough, I wasn’t ready for the match-up!”

Is anybody interested in a Naruto Shipudden Ultimate Ninja Storms Generations tournament? How about Ultimate Marvel Versus Capcom 3 tournament? Maybe Super Street Fighter 4: Arcade Edition 2012 is more your style? Come test your might this Saturday. Entrance fee is $20.00, Double elimination best 3 out of 5 , sign-ups will be at 4:00 pm, Prizes will be decided by amount of entrants…come one and come all…


Mage Gaming is located at:114 East 31 St., New York, NY. (646) 535-8066

This is a matchmaking thread. I think it’s better for you to advertise here -

XBL: Godof2dwar
i play umvc3 and ssf4:ae2012 atm…Taking all challengers.

Psn id : Eggmiestah
Region: Canada, Ontario, Barrie (eh)
Main: Dante (jam session)/ Deadpool (quick work)/ Magneto (disreptor)
Sub(never used): thor, amaterasu, Dr strange
Sub (might start using): Iron fist, Dante, Swagneto
Rank: beginner
Skill: Decent

Exactly how i started getting good

GT: The G 39
I’m not on very often.
I’m 6th or 5th lord I think, and am good at this game.
Main: Viper(Kick)/Wesker(Wallbounce)/Dante(Shot)
I play other characters/teams often. I’m not trying to be rude if I don’t pick my main team against you, I just like messing with different ideas.