PSN is Sargeant193 and anyone who is interested can send me a message starting from the moment this post is to and hour and a half later.
PSN: Pabbs78046
XBL: Pabbs78046
Main: Chris Haggar Doom, Chris Dorm Doom
Location: Texas
Add me for games.
psn- legit3incher
Trying to play as much as possible to build up some form of situational awareness. I’m terrible.
edit - I’m on right now and will be for a while tonight
Any one wanna play a Ft5, playing online is fun in all but you never really get a chance to adjust and adapt to your opponent. Plus i want some feedback for my new team,(Doom.Strange.Strider) and whether it is stronger than some of my old teams.
Forever alone ;(
there is a matchmaking thread and a lobbies thread in the stickies, you’d probably have more success asking there
Im trying to play some long sets and would like some feedback on my teams.
Xbox 360 gt: The1n0nIy (The O is a zero and the l in only is and i)
Current team: Doom.Strange.Strider
Characters i also play: Wolverine, Ryu, Frank West, Nova, Hawkeye, Hulk, Deadpool,Captain America, Thor (I get bored with my teams =x)
Also, if any one could teach me to play strider that’d be great
So, if any one wants to play just shoot me a message
Sorry if there is a thread dedicated to this i looked before hand and couldnt find it. But im looking for a training partner either from 9-6 lord on ps3. I am currently a 8th lord and trying to lock down my assisting before i ruin my rank. If you wish to train with me just msg me and then add me once i respond psn id is dahmered
if anyone wants to play tonight ill be on my ps3 till bout 3 to 4am pacific time. OoKiLLaKeLLyoO. just send me a msg
Looking for some training partners in the midsouth. I’m Intermediate to advanced in level. Add me on PSN: Mandrew7
Looking for training partners to step up my game, Im intermediate level i guess. i have a godlike connection but is better if u r from my area or the US. Add me on PSN: J_ALEX91
Main: Chun Li/Hsien Ko/Ammy
Secondary: She Hulk/Storm/Doom
location: Monterrey (northeast), Mexico
ADD ME make sure to include in your friend request you saw my message in here
Xbox Live : FreshManJones
Skill : I suck… Average, I guess
Teams: I don’t have one yet, I just play characters I like… I play MSS out of character loyalty from MvC2…
I play online pretty often, and usually for as long I can without interruptions. I don’t get salty easily either… LoL
Xbox Live Tag: DAKO360 WOLF.
I’m still getting used to online, but am quite a decent player. I’m an amateur right now, but I’m getting used to the Online stuff and fights.
Main team: Taskmaster/Vergil/Dante (thinkin of changing Dante)
I also tend to use random teams or have other special teams I like.
I’m likely to be found on weekends. Monday at Wednesday’s are a no. I may be available on Tuesdays, Thursday’s and Fridays though on Tuesdays I’m most likely practising my skills. Also, I have school and that poses as a time fracture for my schedules. Otherwise, I do not rage quit an believe in good sportsmanship. So please do not battle me if you feel like you will get peeved or annoyed. Also, please make sure you have a good connection
XBL GT: Artificial Sol
Region: East Coast (US, duh) Philadelphia, PA
Main(s): Dormammu/Wesker/Akuma and Nova/Hulk/Sentinel
Sub(s) Dante/Iron Man/Dr. Doom and other “free agent” teams as I like to call them
Skill: Was a 5th Lord for a while before I reset and stopped playing rank for, like, ever.
I’m on almost everyday, so just send a message stating who you are and we’ll go from there.
So I’m new to the FGC (started playing SSFIV AE this summer) and I got UMVC3 a week or two ago to try it out. Needless to say I’m completely free at the moment, and I only really like to play against human opponents, I can’t even stand playing the computer just to learn blocking and what not. So if any of you are really close to beginner level and don’t mind bodying me free for a long time while I learn to block and get off some combos and setups in a match I’m totally down.
PSN is DenizenShell if I’m on I’ll probably be playing or training in street fighter, just shoot me a message and I’ll be down for games
Oh and I’m from Atlanta, but I normally seem to have good connections with anyone from the midwest over to the east coast
Someone want to play a FT5 so i can uploaded to my channel?
I’ll play GT=SmashMaster34, if your psn then can’t.
Just got a PS3, dont have a stick yet so I’m trying to relearn the game with a dualshock 3 pad.
Looking for some friendly games add me. Im also not that good, average at best. Oh and yeah I use hidden missiles assist.
PSN: ID4Gamerz
PSN: Salubriouz
Region: Europe - Netherlands
Teams: Wolverine/Dormammu/Akuma
Rank: Beginner.
I am playing for a couple of weeks so no challange for the HC players but i realy wanna play and learn the game so if u feel like u wanna gimme a shot or are u also a beginner feel free to add me on ur PSN.
Good times ppl!
GT: kcifor
Region: Southwest USA
Main: Spidey/Dorm/Strange
Other Characters I Play: Nova, Taskmaster, Hawkeye, Doom (Warning: Very, VERY, scrubby), Vergil (Not-Motivated)
Rank: 6th Lord (Like it matters much)
I’m pretty average compared to a lot of the better players out there. I know enough combos to get me by and have some decent fundamentals but I wouldn’t exactly call myself great. If anyone ever wants to play a few and/or give me feedback about this team I’ve committed myself to stick to, I’m always down to get some games in. I got a mic if that matters any.