MvC3 & UMvC3 Match Making/Request Thread

Posted here before about two years ago and never really got anything, so I’ll try again.

XBL: Artficial Sol
Region: Philadelphia, PA
Team(s): Anything with Dante on it.
Skill: I think I’m god awful, but people tell me I’m good. I don’t know.

I prefer to play people on the east coast, but I’ll take anyone with a great connection.
Just looking for some fun games and some match-up practice here and there.

Whats up guys I just got into UMvC3 and am trying to get on a competitive level but need help real bad.
Im from Cali so if anybody from here could help that would be better but any help is better than none.

My XBL GT is: lPharCyde

PSN: GamerGriaBros
Region: East Coast Northern, NJ
Rank: 9th Lord
Skill Level: Dedicated Viper player w/ Akuma/Doom, Playing for 1 yr 5 months. Borderline intermediate somewhat
Teams: C. Viper/Akuma (Nova)/Doom


I stream very often. Looking to level up on defense. I’ve learned there’s more than just combos to this game. I believe I have a 45-50 rank percentage. I get pretty owned in player matches, which is where I would like to play intensely against players. Absolutely no one around me plays this game. Any players I interested add me.


Just reposting.
Xbl: absenteeaxe888

Lookin for sparring partners just switched to stick n I can’t get the hang of it. Used to be advanced now probably intermediate

xbl: loo189

region: Barcelona, Spain
rank: don’t play
skill level: amateur/intermediate
teams: trish/wesker/ammy

i just moved from new york to barcelona. finding it tough to find players via quick/custom matches

if anyone is in the area or not too far and wants to play online or local let me know!

Add me guys

XBL: LACris88
Loc: So Cal
Skill: Not too shabby
Teams: Mags/Doom/Phoenix, Haggar/Dorm/Mags, Mags/Dorm/Doom

Add me guys :slight_smile: I’m looking to get better and meet some new people

XBL: skylurk xD
Rank: Originally 6th Lord on my other account. (XBL: axL c0re)
Location: East (CT)
Skill: Not bad but not good. I’m alright.
Teams: Nova/Deadpool/Doom and Deadpool/Dante/Hawkeye (Just picked this team up)

Online now waiting for games

XBL: xxahrahxx (I don’t have my own XBL yet, so I am using my older brother’s XBL)

Location: SoCal(specifically at Westminster , Huntington Beach or Garden Grove)

Teams: Cap/RR/Strange

Practicing offline, and training online :S

Looking for some UK Players or EU players with a stable connection for some running sets

psn id: fastpotato

Just got the game a while ago. Looking for EU players to practice with.
XBL: RekORGetRekt

PSN: nch2112

Location: EC (MI)

Rank: 3rd Lord

Skill: Intermediate… haven’t played in two years.

Team: Spiderman (a)Doom (b)/ Ammy (b)

Online right now. Anyone send me an invite

PSN: Blinkory

Location: Southern California

Rank: 6th Lord

Team: Akuma, Frank West, and Nemesis

Where in SoCal?

I don’t have PSN, I’m just curious where you might be

Don’t lie, you only care because he plays Nemesis.


Hey, I know plenty of people that use Nemesis already! We could start an army if we wanted to, although it’d be more like an A-Team than anything

Oh, alright. I’m in Westwood. Is UCI still doing those weeklies on campus?

I’m not sure actually, but I’m attending the high school that’s right down the street from UCI

XBL GT: XBroken13
Location: East Coast, NJ
Rank: I think Fighter
Skill: I’d like to think I’m constantly getting better, although lately I’ve been so busy with work I haven’t had time to play much. I wasn’t happy at all with my progress so I decided to abandon my team and start over from scratch with a new team, which is not set in stone yet, but looking to be Ammy/Akuma/Hiryu (possibly might sub out either Ammy or Strider for someone else or switch up the order). I’m really looking for serious players that I can put in loads of practice time with and hopefully find someone in my area that I can train with, or find someone online to train with as I want to compete and would like to be ready to start hitting the comps. in 2015. I’m super serious about Marvel, I study it all the time, always watching videos and analyzing and I have the drive to become the best. I am also playing USF4, but I know here isn’t the place for that. Anyone looking to play please feel free to hit me up, I have a microphone and I am usually on after work, like 5-6pm EST until 11 or later on weekends. Just to give some of you an idea of how much time I put in, I have only had my copy of UMvC3 for maybe 3 months, and that’s prolly stretching it, and I’m nearing the 100 hour mark in the training room, with just as much work (slightly less ;)) into USF4 as I’m looking to compete for both of those games, and take on more games later on. Would love to find a top tier player that just loves the game and has the desire to pass on their knowledge and work with someone who is super dedicated to mastering this game. Look forward to making a lot of new friends on XBL!