Oh and I forgot that I guess I’m beginner/intermediate… not really sure how to classify myself? And sorry for the really long post lol. My old team was Spencer/Dante/Vergil but I’ve messed around with almost all of the roster.
Online right now
Location: OKC,OK
Rank:5th Lord (somehow)
Skill: I personally think im just ok but ive been pretty consistent sooo i must not be that bad
i run wesker, dormammu, dr strange btw
PSN: EilliteViper
Region: Midwest -Westland,Mi-
Teams: dont have one yet looking for teams though
Main: Vergil/Captain America/Wolverine
Sub: Akuma/Ryu/Spencer
Sub Sub: Iron Fist/Hawkeye/Task
Rank: 9th Scout
Skill: Pretty Decent
Beginner umvc3 player looking for tutor on xbox live. GT: papuski
To get a little background , I know a bunch about fighting games been watching streams and tourneys for awhile now and used to play MK9, Injustice competitive and some SF4 on the side, now I mostly play USF4 and just got marvel few days ago. i also got my first stick bout 1 1/2 weeks go. However marvel is completely diffrent from the other games and I feel I really need a tutor to get me started. I can do missions till the xfactor one comes.
P.S. Been messing @ with modok, dr doom, and for third Idk who to choose yet. Been wanting to play magneto but from what I’ve read about him and after I tried his missions I decided maybe its not a good idea to go with magneto from the get go.
PSN: RectalPayload
Region: Midwest, Northern Illinois
Main: Don’t have one. Been trying to learn Doom and C. Viper, maybe Wesker.
Skill: Beginner. I have played a total of maybe 5 matches online, and I don’t really know what I’m doing. I’m looking for anyone else who is starting or willing to put up with a UMVC3 noob (I have been playing SF4 and KI for about a year at this point, so I have decent fighting game knowledge). I put in a lot of practice in these games every week, so I usually get better pretty quickly, but I don’t have anybody to play with.
Psn Death_Loner_Kage
Central Texas
Main:Some variation of Dante stride/strange
I am always looking for training partners so let’s play. I am available often
If you wanna play I can help you out.
bump before destickying
hi guys ! can u help me gameshare only jill and shuma gorath ? i was too late to DOWNLOAD them . i hope someone can help me out
Anyone here play PC?
Feel free to give me a shot. On most days. My Steam ID is Carbide, which can be found here: http://steamcommunity.com/id/razed18/
Be warned however, I’m an absolute beginner.