message me
gtag: serpentaurus
skill level: very very high
always looking for fun times with good players :>
message me
gtag: serpentaurus
skill level: very very high
always looking for fun times with good players :>
Message me plz so I don’t forget.
Xbox Live ID: charlieokonkwo6
Skill Level: Scrub, very terrible
I am looking for a mentor who can just provide me basic tips and tricks.
message me
XBL ID: chilaisho
Skill level: training mode so far, im just learning the game
Im a sf4/xtekken player but im learning marvel.
Just started this game and have been doing mission mode. Need people to practice fundamentals with. Need to learn basically everything. Mature player just looking to improve and most importantly, have fun. I have a mic and good internet. I’m located in west Texas and play mostly on PS3 but I have the game on xbox 360 as well.
I don’t have a specific team yet and am available for long sessions. Days and evenings.
Send me a friend request or invite on psn or xbox live if you want to play. My gamertag is the same on both platforms:
Thanks for reading and hope to see you online.
XBLGT: vVv Dream
Main team is Vergil/Frank W./S. Skrull
South East Region: South Carolina (Ew -_-)
Just want a sparring partner in the dojo :3
XBLGT: Bloodyr0ad
was into mvc2 alot but never got the hang of 3 and tryin to pick it up could use someone to help me out and play against
Working on X23/Doom/???
feel free to add me and i also play sf4
hyuuga kenshin
reposting my gamertag since i now have internet again!
come get your free wins srk!
Xbox Live gamertag OZGFIVE
Location: East Coast of US
Looking for people to run FT 10 or 20 with. I play damn near every character with a modicum of skill.
Basically looking for some cool people to run sets with. If you get mad salty (I like zoning teams which from experience can cause some salt) I’ll pass on dealing with that lol.
Xbox g&t: wurlbfree1981 I’m in chicago I’m advanced but just started playing stick, I can’t block on this thing lol. Send me a message I’m online throughout the day. Wovlie doom wesker.
Looking for a tutor, someone to give me real time feedback on my team.
I am a beginner at UMVC3 and I currently run Frank/shopping cart X-23/ankle slice Taskmaster/h-shot.
My PSN ID is Fetus138.
PSN: ZombieKommando
Region: Norcal
Rank: 5th Lord
Skill Level: Ok
Main: Zero/Dorm/Doom or Zero/Doom/Strider
I’m mainly looking for people in Cali or other nearby states. I’ve been out of practice for a long time and would like to actually compete in something this year.
I’ll play with all skill levels. It helps if i get bodied and do the bodying.
Feel free to send a request if you’re interested. Im usually available midweek-weekends.
Why not? Basically just looking for some good fun matches, maybe a couple of sets when I’m not practicing marvel offline
PSN: LimitedEffort
Region: East Coast (specifically NYC & Syracuse)
Feel free to send any requests! I usually play Zero/Doom/Dante, but I can play a couple of other characters reasonably well. I’m usually available at some points throughout the day.
I’m on xbox live and I can’t figure out why my invite to game option is grayed out? I can’t invite my friends to matches; what’s wrong?
was it a player match or lobby? not too sure about lobbies but for player match did you have private slots set?
on a side note would you mind getting a few matches in sometime? i suck but im trying to play against other forum members for the experience and matchup knowledge!
gamertag - hyuuga kenshin
Looking for EVO training partners. My PSN is JohnPauliuk My team is Ryu/Vergil/Shuma
I live in Regina, Sask, Canada
What’s your tag?
Nevermind I got it to work. I’m not sure what was going on earlier.
Wassup? I’m also from Cali so the connection should be good lol. I usually play on the weekends though.
PSN: Reogrym
XBL: zRebellion
Region: East Coast Canada
Rank: 9th Lord
Skill Level: I play like a Day 1 Player on stick. Below average on pad.
Teams: Spider-man (or Wolverine)/Doom/Dante and Dante/Dormammu/Doom.
Looking for people to stick around long enough while I’m playing on stick, since people seem to just quit on me because I’m really bad on it. Mostly need to relearn movement and confirming on stick. Not sue why I’m having problems with it since I’m fine with all that good stuff on pad.
Whats up guys. I started streaming alot of player matches. Hit me up to play on stream! Psn: Mazerati11
XBL: thec0feefiend