MvC3 & UMvC3 Match Making/Request Thread

Been playing online again despite my better judgement :stuck_out_tongue:

Xbox tag: Duck Strong
Still getting used to online so I’d place my level as middling at best.

Usually on after 7 mountain time. In western Canada so I’d probably get good games with anyone from Washington, Montana and thereabouts.

Shoot me a message, I mostly play Thor/Doom/IM, Spencer/IM/Doom or Mags/Dorm/Doom (still pretty awful with these guys)

If you play online Vergil, I’ll pass, thanks.

Don’t really play ranked, but I’m 9th lord, 23 - 1 I believe.

Does anyone know a place in Massachusetts where people play fighting games on a weekly basis? I would love to get in person matches

Bought a stick last month and spent most of my summer getting better at this game…

PSN: smadj6470
Region (Europe, Uk)
rank: beginner (if that matters)
Main team: wolvie doom dante

Mainly looking for sparring partners. I’ll be on most weekends and sometimes weekdays. Send a friend request with srk so I know were you came from :). gl and gg’s!

PSN: JohnPauliuk
Region: Regina, Sask, Canada
Skill level: I’d say I’m alright, looking to face people who will force me to become better. Generally on most week days around noon for a few hours.

Team: Ryu/Shuma/X

Too bad you’re not on Xbox.

If anyone’s ever down to play, send a request to Railgun92 on XBL.

I’m almost always down for games.

In desperate need of practice, still very new to the game and making little progress…

PSN: CalDW19940
Region: Glasgow, Scotland, UK
Rank: Amateur
Skill Level: Little to none at this point :V
Main: Tron/Frank/Sent Ammy/Dorm/Shuma

been looking for someone who actually plays this game in the uk… I’ll add you when I can. Not so good at this game either. I’m currently learning magneto/doom/dante atm if you’re wondering. I’m always on at friday and the weekend.

ive only got an XBL : VanGilson
shoot i’m still getting used to the net code so beginner. Id like to get my first win lol. usually on after 9pm EST

XBL GT: Ms Pinkamena
PSN ID: MLP_Carnival_Cat
Team 1: deadpool/felicia/wesker
Team 2: morrigan/felicia/hsin-ko
Team 3: you must wait and see…
PS: I DO NOT OWN THE PS3 version of UMVC3 I do own MVC3 on PS3.
Skill: good but go a bit easy on me at 1st
I’m mainly on xbox or PS3 if u wanna play just message me!

PSN: NivadeNL
Region: Europe (Netherlands)
Rank: 2nd Lord
Skill Level: reasonably good
Main: Dante/Vergil/Magneto
Subs: Mags/Dorm/Sent - Vergil/Wesker/Dorm - Dorm/Doom/Ammy - Spencer/Dante/Doom - Wesker/Dante/Mags - C.Viper/Doom/Ammy

XBL G-Tag: NinyoROY

Region: US - Chicago, Illinois

Rank: 9th Scout, but varies occasionally

Skill Level: Good Offense, Weak Defense


Still Looking for more people to play with

add Me on PSN: ID4Gamerz

If it says my friends list is full just send me a message and I’ll add you, I prefer Marvel players on my friends list more than anything.

Hey I’m looking for some ppl to play with a good connection. I’m not salty but I’m looking for clean matches with no taunting. I don’t mind losing as long as I dint get tbagged every single time… it’s annoying.

Xbl: AbsenteeAxe888

Region: AB, Canada

Skill: 5th Lord w/ various skilled teams


zero/strange/wesker (main)
Strange/doom/weaker (most used)
Vergil/doom/weaker (for kicks n stuff)
Skrull/strange/doom (in training)
Magneto/doom/strange (in training)

I change my team depending on who I’m playing, I try to avoid Vergil and zero if I can.

I’ll look you up. I’m in Calgary so hopefully the connection will be good.

Do I know you?

Looking for a sparring partner or someone to train with. My PSN is: JohnPauliuk. I want to get way better at this game. I’m from Regina, Sask and run a Ryu(Tatsu)/She-Hulk(Clothesline)/Shuma(Mystic Ray)

PSN: Johnnn_RaMb0 Team: Variations of about 6 different characters

We can spar and try out new tech

oh and my skill level would be a very strong intermediate…

GT: LegendofKashaun

I am stationed in Camp Lejeune, North Carolina.
I would like to improve myself in this game when I can. If anyone would be interesting in matches or need a practice buddy I’m always down. I don’t have many people to play with so im very appreciative of any invites.

Characters: Currently in a crisis. But I’ve always been a Protoman\Zero\Megaman fan so I’m looking to keep the Reploid, although im only average :confused:

Hey would you be cool to play matches every here and there? Im no fan of all the unnecessary stuff plus ive played some people in Canada witg good connections. Im hardwired of course.
not sure youre views on playing average players. Im ok. I just got back into this game so im looking for some people.
id like if you played Zero. Love seeing him delete characters, even my own lol