MvC3: I'm Doing This For Mutantkind: The Magneto Team Thread

Well shit O_O

thanks for all the amazing advice man, I understood moooost of that, but being new I will have to look up some of that stuff. I hear the term DHC glitch used a lot in the break weekly vids, but I am not sure how to perform it. I have looked on the ‘good links page’ and the mvc3 wiki, but it seems to be lost to me, haha. I seem to remember coming across some videos of pros explaining a lot of the system, but maybe I am mistaken or dreamt it or something.

Once again thanks for the advice :3

edit - after searching a little on youtube i found something explaining what it is. I assume it is just DHCing during a hypercombo to reset hitstun/damagescaling?

Yeah, I actually switched to Magneto/Wolverine/Akuma also, occasionally switching to Magneto/Wolverine/Sentinel because I’m on the fence on which assist is the best for this team. Akuma makes Wolverine much more ridiculous, but Magneto/Sentinel is SO good. I don’t think any assist in the game powers up Magneto’s on-point game more than Sentinel’s drone assist. I’d say Akuma is the optimal choice since he’s better on point and he still helps Magneto alot while making Wolverine stupid, but I definitely miss drones when I’m tri-dash mixup-ing. Also with Sentinel, if you DHC Glitch into Wolverine and Wolverine somehow dies, you still have an extremely solid Magneto/Sentinel which is superior to Magneto/Akuma for opening people up and an alternate DHC Glitch into Hyper Sentinel Force.

Magneto DHC Glitch into Wolverine is pretty devastating and deals a little shy of 1.1 million. My execution isn’t top notch so I’m sure you can get more than that. Opening up a Wesker and getting him to a sliver of health with a DHC Glitch and getting TOD’ed by BnB into Lost in Nightmares will piss you off though.

The basic Magneto shell is typically: Magneto/Top-Tier DHC Glitch Ender/Akuma or Sentinel.

Magneto second is actually not a bad idea either. some viper players including myself like running Mags second since the gameplan is to essentially have a “boosted” Viper by having two assists that can cover her approach and extend combos. if she dies, Mags is backed by your anchor’s assist while having access to XF2 (meterless ToDs). Mags will only need one good assist anyway like Plasma Beam and Sent drones to help cover his approach and zoning game.

Basically, A DHC glitch is when you perform a special move or cinematic hyper that leaves your opponent in a captured state and then DHC into another hyper without dealing damage directly from that hyper, they’ll spin out in a special way and it means hitstun and damage scaling are completely reset.

Typical way to do the glitch with magneto dante is doing some sort of aerial combo/loop (flight loop is probably the most consistent) to carry them into the corner where you combo into a hypergrav (captured state) do magnetic tempest (no damage) and DHC into devil trigger (again, no damage). They’ll spin out and you have all the time in the world to combo with dante. You don’t even have to catch them as they’re falling down. You can just let them hit the ground and do an OTG move (wild stomp/volcano etc) and start a whole new combo which will usually kill.

Also I’d like to say Magneto/Akuma is disgusting in the corner. A lot of magnetos are using the standing jab wesker style reset into an airthrow in the corner but if they tech your throw you can mash on H + Assist and the H reaches even after the breakaway to check them and knock them into tatsu assist which comes out hella fast. They have to be blocking right after the breakaway or they’ll get hit so theres almost no escape aside from a Hard Drive. From what I’ve tested anyway.

For Viper, I totally understand running Magneto second, dominantly because I don’t think Viper is a good anchor and she shouldn’t be played 2nd with Magneto in the front because there’s no DHC Glitch synergy available. For other teams, putting Magneto second is fine as long as you’re more comfortable opening people up with your first character than Magneto, since you can just TAC into Magneto and staircase combo down into DHC Glitch. If you’re running Sentinel though, Magneto/Sentinel opens people up better than anyone else with Sentinel IMO.

A while ago I was talking to a friend, a far stronger player than me, about Mag Wolve Akuma, and was convinced Mag first was the way to go. He totally flipped me around, to the point where I dare say running Mag first is a mistake (well, pseudo, as Mag is so good it cant REALLY be a mistake, you know what I mean). But Wolverine first to get started with the dive kick air throw option select and general best buds shenanigans is so strong, plus the lvl1 XFC opportunities with Wolve, it seems strategically one would very much want Wolverine first.

As for Akuma vs Sent, it’s funny to read that because right now I’m contemplating the same question, but with Wesker and/or Ammy as points instead of Wolvie. And I feel like Ammy prefers Sent while Wesk prefers Akuma. As for Magneto in a vaccum, both are probably equally good. It’s a matter of:

a. Do you want help getting in?
b. Do you want to be insane after you’ve gotten in?

Sent will get you in, but if you can manage to connect a normal (hit or block) without aid of assist, and tatsu at the same time as said normal, you can trijump mixup or whatever like 3 times during the tatsu stun.

I used to think so too, but XF2 Wolverine with Tatsu assist is even dumber than XF1 Wolverine with Tatsu and Disruptor assists, and you won’t have to risk a countered TAC for DHC Glitch.

Running Wolverine, Wesker, Zero, Dante, or anyone else who can use Tatsu as a combo extender and a pseudo 50/50 mixup via teleport shenanigans, I’d probably go with Akuma. For Dormammu, Phoenix, Haggar, Ammy, etc. I go with Sentinel.

So for whatever reason I am not feeling Dorm on anchor with Mag/Dante

what would be good anchor choices? Akuma, wesker?

Ever consider switching the order to Dante Dorm Mag? Reason being Dante and Dorm are the 2 characters in the game that have the dirtiest tricks with Mag’s beam assist. Not to mention DHC to CHaotic flame yadda yadda.

More traditional answer you’re looking for, Akuma and Sent come to mind imo. But definitely consider the above.

DHC Glitch is too good to pass up. I’d go Dorm/Mag/Dante if you don’t like your current arrangement.

I just tried out Magneto/Wolverine/Trish. Why the fuck are people not using Trish.

Please give some tactical examples why we should? I don’t at all doubt you, but if I’m currently anchoring akuma and/or sent (basically the answer to your question “why aren’t people using trish?”), it would take some pretty sick lines of play or mixups or combos or whatever to ditch magneto staples like akuma or sent for, u know? Can you make a case one of her assists are even BETTER than drones or. Tatsu?? Would love to see why/how!

It’s half I’m bored to death of Sent/Akuma and half Peekaboo assist + Magneto shuts down almost all of rushdown in this game.Peekaboo also allows for easy ass resets, which we should be learning for UMVC3, and an opponent stepping into random Peekaboo will end up in 500k+ damage.

I’ve only tried it out for about an hour though and I’m not saying it’s better than Sent/Akuma whatsoever, but its definitely viable.

  1. What kind of followup(s) can Magneto expect from a landed Jam Session? I thought I’d be able to jump up and go right into my jH adf jMH xx Fly into full fly loop combo, but either you can only do that from a super jump (which overshoots you) or I’ve just fucked it up every time I’ve attempted it. lol

  2. Likewise, any fun welcome setups ultilizing blocked Jam Session? I imagine it’s some form of trijump trijump trijump trijump as they fall to the ground, but just wondered if there were any good actual established sequences or mixups, like a seed to plant from which I can free style into my own ideas.


I’ve been running Magneto (dis) / Wesker (gun) / Tron (flame) as my main team. Mags/Wesker is amazing both ways and I can DHC glitch with either of them on point by either carrying them to the corner with Mags into hyper grav loop, or air-exchanging with Wesker into staircase/any combo with Mags…eventually into hyper grav loop. Tron serves well in that I can rely on her to keep pressure when I’m fully in there and I also use her to get me out of trouble if there’s too much pressure coming in. She’s also a decent anchor when you put the time in.

This team has a few flaws though. First of all, people with tri-jumps or general mobility can get around Tron assist and once your opponent is able to hope over her or teleport around consistently then you’re in trouble. Second of it, this team is VERY front heavy. And by that I mean you have to be super careful with people who like blowing level 1 x-factor (I’m looking at you, Wolverine) to get early kills. We all know it doesn’t take much to kill Magneto if you get caught and if they happen to blow lvl 1 x-factor then Wesker is coming in blind against x-factor so you have to make it out alive. If you lose Wesker too then you’re stuck with Tron and that’s never fun. If I lose Mags early sometimes I’ll hard tag Tron in and save Wesker with as much life as possible assuming I’m going to need him with lvl 3 x-factor. At that point Tron sort of becomes free damage for me because I’m essentially sacrificing her anyways since I don’t feel like Wesker with Tron assist is all that much better than Wesker by himself. Zoning also sucks with this team. Mags on point has to basically do all the zoning on his own without any assist helps and if you have Wesker in then at least you get a little help from Disruptor but it’s not all that great.

Note: In theory Haggar can replace Tron with the same gameplan and in turn Wesker with Haggar assist would make much more sense assuming you lose Mags early. But then you lose Wesker lvl 3 x-factor and who wants to do that.

The only way I can think of to improve is to get rid of Tron and balance the back end of my team a lot more. I wanted a tri-jump character but none of them move as well as Magneto. Some of the teams I’ve been thinking about are MSS, Mag/Wes/Sent, Mag/Sent/Wes, Mag/Wes/Doom, Mag/Storm/Wes. Although, thinking about this now is kind of pointless with the new game coming out. Not having DHC glitches certainly frees up team construction, but I won’t lie and say I didn’t rely on them a lot. It was just too easy to one-touch kill any character in the game with Mag/Wesker and DHC glitching. With Doom’s extremely quick mobility in the new game (and amazing assists) it seems natural to bring him on. I’m anxious to see how Vergil plays. Might go Ver/Mag/Wes.

I’ve been trying MSS lately out of MVC2 nostalgia. Don’t do it. Storm sucks. Fanatiq puts in crazy work with the team and makes it work incredibly well, but almost everything he does can be achieved easier with a different character other than Storm. It does have a nice perk of DHC of Shockwave > instant Hailstorm > Hyper Sentinel Force as a mega-assist killer though. Maybe I’m doing the wrong combos or something but I can’t seem to break 370k without meter or assist with the bitch.

I think meter and assist usage is what MAKES the team good, but yeah, as much as I love Storm, I tend to agree you can get more out of some others.

New question: Does Magneto have any moves that put them in an unrollable knockdown? For purposes of calling Wesker gunshot into Fly-S unblockable?

Ok, so I’ve messed around with numerous teams in this game, flip characters around, try to see what I like. The common factor is almost always Magneto. He’s just the character I’m most comfortable with, and I can beast fairly convincingly with him.

After a lot of thought and play-testing, I’m settling on the following team:

Taskmaster (Parabolic Shot)/Doom (Plasma Beam)/Magneto (Hyper Gravitation)

To answer to first question people will have, I’m simply not running EM Disruptor because Doom has a better beam. It’s not as fast, but it’s got way better durability. Don’t get me wrong, I run EM Disruptor most of the time, but I already have that base covered. I use Hyper Grav because it allows me to easily extend both my Task and Doom corner combos, and I don’t need the redundant beam.

My question (or concern, really) is this: is Magneto a solid anchor? I don’t generally play him in that position, but it’s where he “fits” best on this team, at least as far as I’m concerned. I’m looking for input on this team order, and suggestions are welcome.



I think Forcefield does, no? I never see Magnetos making good use of that move, so correct me if I’m wrong, but I think that is a hard knockdown.

Hey I’m new to these forums, but I’ve been maining Magneto since I got this game a couple months ago. So I think I can provide a little bit of insight.

@ Team Lazy
I dislike your team because its, as you say, a front heavy team. Offensively, Tron is best used to with characters that have unsafe normals and specials like Taskmaster. Her assist is good at keeping pressure, but theres a lot of assist that are just as good in the category. While she is a good get off me assist, both Wesker and Magneto should rarely be in a position when they are forced to block often. Wesker can teleport out of must bad situations, and if a character were to get in past Magneto’s beams I would have no qualms about using a meter for shockwave to give myself some breathing room.

Imo the best assists for Magneto is Drones and Tatsu. Both are just awesome at providing pressure, and its easy to hit confirm off of both of them. So of the teams you posted I think Mag/Wesk/Sent is the best option. Sent also helps Wesker open up opponents with ease. The Drones dont cause a true blockstring, meaning you can teleport inbetween the Drones for an incredibly fast mixup.

While Magneto is an excellent anchor, he is just so much better on point. His combos builds a ton of meter for your team, which would allow Taskmaster to fish for throw -> super more often. Although its being taken out in Ultimate, the DHC glitch is alive and kicking in the present. No reason not to use it, and Taskmaster can end it as long as he has an assist. If it was me I’d order the team Mag/Task/Doom

Hey guys. For a while Ive been using Mags (Disruptor)/ Dante (Weasel)/ Spencer (Slant). The team has some good synergy, and I feel like WS is a good lockdown assist for Mags. But lately Ive been experimenting with throwing in Wesker in second, and sometimes Dormammu in third. Wesker can DHC glitch just as well as dante, and his Samurai Edge can make some nasty unblockables, but Dorm’s Dark Hole doesn’t lockdown as well as WS. Im kinda stuck on what to do, and im not exactly the most knowledgeable on this, so Im hoping you guys have some ideas.