Does Magneto beam provide Wolverine with any dirty tricks? Gonna play around with it tonight, but did find you cant juggle to combo off a sandwiched beam+Berz Slash without the cancel to Berz Charge That was dissapointing. But it’s possible using it as a place holder anyway could be good. Anyone know of any other dirty interactions with Disruptah assist?
You can juggle off of s.L but the timing is tight making it not very viable.
Anyone want to help me with my team?
She Hulk on point
and Magnus as achor.
I need a good assist. I’m thinking about tron, but she seems really bland.
Check out the videos of Moose. He plays SheHulk Mag Tron (might be Mag first I forget). Very very strong.
I do have to say, Magneto/Sentinel/Wesker is a pretty fun team to play, even for a relitive Magneto “noob”(I can’t ROM I must be a magneto noob/scrub right?)
I may start to play Magneto/Dante(Wesker)/Tron(Haggar) too to play a true “MSP” like team, though I need to work on Tron/Haggar alot so I have a decent team
nah, I don’t ROM because I never bothered learning it. it’s too impractical imo. I would rather just use the fly loop instead. it’s gone in Ultimate so what’s the point of learning it now right? lol
Mag/Wes/Sen is fun yeah, but only in that order. you do not want sent in at any point in the match. if he’s in other than to finish DHC glitch, then somewhere along the line you’ve made a mistake. because of that, I now play Mag/Dante/Wes. I’m still a day 1 Dante but I’m sure the team is gonna be sick once I actually find the time to put some work into it. Dante makes really good use of disruptor assist too.
Dante+Disrupter assist is good, but Wesker/Disrupter is godlike.
I will say, the past few decent magnetos i’ve fought have been using the robot as backup and its quite effective, almost down to a “Herp-derp” level of things really
Been experimenting with Wesker/Swagnus/Doom.
Been thinking of using molecular shield. I find it’s a solid “get off me” assist if you’re getting rushed down plus the rocks circle him once before release, then they take a bit of time to cross the playing field. Good at taking up space. Not as good as Drones though but I wanna drop sentinel because he has so many horrid matchups.
Ideas? Doom assist also allows me to extend my current BnB with Wesker. Lately I’ve been doing:
c. s:h: :qcf:
dash forward (should be cornered by now) c.
s:h: :s:
:h::s: :a1:(Disruptah) :df::h: :s:
:h::s: here’s where my options come in. I can call Doom’s rocks to hold them there while I can take FOR FUCKING EVER to Maximum Wesker or Lost in Nightmares after :df::h: or I can just :df::h: call Doom’s rocks for mixup assist.
Agreed, I stick to fly loops because the ROM is too inconsistent for me. It also does comparable damage to the most damaging fly loops, which are, in terms of execution, a lot easier than his ROM.
a simple (ground magic) S H(addf)H S (flyloop) to wesker otg hypergrav tempest does very nice damage IMHO (i get 70% percent anywhere on the screen with wesker alive (comparable damage to a level 3 for 2 bars as well (OTG tempest + plasma storm does about 90% off of a typical relaunched fly loop with wesker to kick you while you’re down)
My full fly combo BnBs typically do 800,000 midscreen and almost 900,000 in the corner finishing with Magnetic tempest. The same combos finished with gravity squeeze typically get me in the 1,100,000 range.
I want a better DHC option than Tempest > Maximum Wesker, which is why I’m thinking of running Doom in my team, since I can easily DHC tempest into sphere flame for an easy anywhere on screen 1,000,000 combo that costs 2 bars and builds almost as much as it uses.
I really think Wolverine/Magneto/Akuma is definitely one of the best non-Phoenix teams in the game and probably the best Wolverine/Akuma shell team in the game. I’ve mained the following:
and I definitely think Best Friends + Magneto is the most explosive, if only for the overwhelming power of Wolverine/Akuma. Sentinel Force is a better assist than Tatsu is for Magneto but Akuma is a much more effective anchor while still giving Magneto an awesome pressure game alongside combo extensions. Catching an opponent in a Tatsu ends up with a cr.H into ROM/Fly loops into whatever you want.
Magneto doesn’t really gain much synergy-wise from Wolverine but Mag’s EM Disruptor assist and Hyper Grav assists help Wolverine with mixups and combos while Magneto can come in and combo into DHC Glitch into Wolverine. If Best Friends gets their herpderp game plan going then Wolverine will XF1, killing the first character, and then kill the incoming character with a mixup. For the third character, Wolverine can simply catch them in another incoming mixup and TAC into Magneto who can just staircase combo back into a DHC Glitch into Wolverine for the kill. Definitely the most efficient team I’ve played in this game.
I made a 2nd Combo vid with my main team of Ryu,Magneto,Sent. Great bnbs for magneto here all combos using ryu’s assist should be the same with akuma’s tatsu
I’ve found great success running Trish(Peekaboo)/Wesker(Low)/Mags(Disruptah). Mags isn’t ACTUALLY the anchor on this team though, the general idea is to abuse the Disruptah assist to get Trish in, and once Trish lands a combo depending on their health I’ll either use Wesker assist to extend the combo and kill a char (someone like Wolvie or Akuma maybe), or knockdown into Round Harvest.
Once Harvest is out, I tag in Mags and get a free unblockable thanks to Trish’s hyper. Best thing is, since the team is set up Mags/Wesk/Trish at this point I can end my Magnus combo with a DHC trick into Wesker to basically OTK anyone.
Assist wise this team gels great too, Mags beam is great for Wesker and Trish to get in, and also helps make Trish’s zoning game that much more troll-worthy. Weskers low shot helps Trish extend combos so she can get some real damage in (which is her only real drawback IMO) and set up unblockables. And Peekaboo is a nice tool to scare people from jumping out during pressure, and is suprizingly good at creating resets at random points in combos.
do it. Mag benefits greatly from hidden missiles assist if you cover Doom while he’s throwing those out there. Doom’s a cool point character too and he can benefit from disruptah for both zoning and he can confirm off a hit into corner loop which does 900k+ iirc. you essentially get a more mobile Sentinel with 10x more swag and the unique ability to dash cancel through pushblocks. his trijump aint too bad either, in fact trijump j.L is a pretty fast overhead from a normal jump on some mid-large to large characters. I would say he’s beaten only by Storm and Mags (in that order) as the fastest trijump char in the game.
I’ve been considering picking up Magneto for the fun of it, sort of as a characters-I’d-like-to-learn team. So far I’ve got Viper/Mag and am deciding a third anchor. Suggestions?
You need a good lockdown assist for both of them. Amaterasu (Cold Star), Sentinel Drones, Doom Plasma Beam…
So my team I have right now is Mag/Dorm/Dante
I am not sure if there is a better order those could go however, any thoughts?
I figured dante could kind of bring things back if I happen to be falling short easier than dorm could.
I just tried using this team for the past few local meetups and I like it a lot. I actually prefer Magneto/Wolverine/Akuma though. Magneto doesn’t get much from Wolverine, but he has Akuma and builds a ton of meter for Wolverine. If he dies, Wolverine comes in with meter and level 2 X factor. You can also DHC glitch into Wolverine (though I haven’t used it yet for this team so I don’t know how useful it is).
Mag dante dorm is way better. Mag dante can easily DHC glitch. And if you don’t want to use it, you can extend combos quite digustingly with dante after a shockwave in the corner. It does a nice chunk of damage as well! Lets say typically mags combos peak at about 550k in the corner with shockwave. You can DHC into devil trigger and:
Volcano > beehive, wild stop + dorm black hole xx prop shredder, hammer, wild stomp > stinger bc hammer, volcano + disruptor assist, j.S, volcano>beehive and then hyper before ender to do around 900K to a million. The gmaeplan would typically to run mags, get in that ass with weasel shot backing you and score a DHC glitch into a kill leaving you with dante on point who has amazing incoming character mixup. Then you take it from there. I think magneto is a better starter for a match because he hitconfirms better amd doesnt need meter for a kill but dante with two good assists and meter running mixups on incoming characters is incredibly strong. Because dante/mags build so much meter, that leaves plenty for your anchor who is a BEAST in lvl : xfc. Thats what I think the team should be anyway