Okay yeah all i have to say is that you just gotta practice a lot with your other dudes like magnus, doom and akuma so that when you play them you won’t get blown up as much and you’ll look good pulling off flashy and damaging combos.
yeah I do practice a lot with those guys, it’s just akuma in particular who has problems getting in since he doesn’t have the kind of mobility doom and magneto have. his normals are ass and air tatsu to get in is about as predictable as tron doing square jump lariat all day. I’ve not run into problems playing mags and doom against my buddy yet. in fact, thankfully their combos do so much damage that on his team in particular, it’s pretty much a ToD off any trijump H or foot dive.
I use magneto/sentinel/haggar. the haggar assist is more for when sentinel is on point.
I wanna use Magneto so bad but I hear he’s so hard to play. Is he like SF4 Viper execution level, beyond that, or below it?
He’s hard to play. Different from Viper. Execution is pretty much the same shit.
And bloo, Task wasn’t really doing it for me as an anchor, and I was told I should try out sentinel. Now, I’m really digging the bastard, but (since my team now is the same as yours, coincidentally) I have some things I want to ask you:
1st, are you using the Midscreen hypergrav>tempest Mags has with Sentinel, to DHCtrick into Wesker?
2nd, are you even using Sentinel’s assist Mid-Combo, or are you just using it to get in, with both Wesker and Magneto?
3rd and last, Midscreen BnB with Wesker for me is
assist 1 being Disruptor.
Is that a good BnB for this team? Or do you feel that it’s better going for the :qcf::l: > :df::h: stuff and leaving magneto out of the combo?
Thanks in advance.
(Also, in case someone here still doesn’t know, if you’re DHCtricking into Wesker from Magnus’ Grav Loop, super jump and then do Tempest. Makes it so you don’t need to OTG with Wesker)
I have to say, in terms of the characters who are “notorious” for their execution barrier, Mags is the easiest to pick up compared to Viper or Dante. most of his tricky loops involve a lot of super jumping, so that’s the first thing you’ll need to get used to if you wanna play mags. you also have to utilize his airdash for trijump pressure and in combos (like the fly fierce loop- j.:h:, adf, j.:h: xx fly, j.:l:, j., [j.:h:, adf, j.:h:, adf, j.:h:, adf, j.:h:, j.:s:]). his throw game is also imho the best in the game. one throw can give you forever to dash up and confirm into a death combo. he can start the DHC glitch too off a hyper grav.
mags is one of the best characters in the game, and if you really wanna play him, then you’ve got yourself a solid character on your team. you just have to put a lot of time and effort into learning his combos and managing his low health. mags is hella fun to play once you get those flashy combos down.
edit: what do you guys think of hidden missiles for mags and wesker? I’m kind of at a crossroads with what doom assist to use since they’re all really good, lol. I’m using the rocks now kind of as a faux sentinel drones.
Beam really helps Wesker with his teleport mix-ups. Missiles give you that bullshit cover though : I
Also, beam gives Magneto that “guard break” throw setup that nobody is using.
My replies:
#1 I practice that loop everyday, but I rarely ever use it seeing as how i’m either doing rom and hyper grav or fly/unfly hyper grav, or the magblast variation i thought up just recently:
air S l m h s j.h adf j.h xx 896 L (land) j.m j.h xx 896 l or m (depends on height; land) j.m j.h xx 896l (land) j.m j.h xx 896l (as your landing, a2) m h 214l [sj addf j.h h 214l]]
#2 I do.
and yeah i think that’s a good bnb since you actually get more damage with the beam assist than just plain butterfly>gun afterwards.
Quick question: which characters do you feel profit most from having Mag Disruptah assist behind them? Less for mid-combos, more for mixups. Right now I’m thinkin’ Dante and Dorm, but, for example, can Wesker do his teleport+beam silliness with Disruptah? Or is it too fast? I’ll end up testing this anyway because I dig Wesker, but at the moment I’m trying to make a xxx Dorm Mag team where xxx and Dorm need to be super-dirty with the quick beam. I have Dante in the slot now, but think I might do better with someone else, hence the question. Wesker would be my first choice, I think, but again… if he needs a slightly slower beam like Doom/IM/Task it may not work <shrug>
If you’re talking about converting teleport mixups with wesker into combo if disruptor hits, this works pretty well. but you pretty much lose the command grab/low attack 50/50 if disruptor is blocked due to it producing close to zero blockstun. Thus, he benefits way more from tatsu/plasma beam/unibeam/arrows etc.
Dante is damn good with disruptor though, i play dante/mags on my main team and they have sick stuff going on. Just watch some matches from x-ray.
I’ve been using Sent/Doom/Phoenix, but i’m looking to drop phoenix because of how gimmicky she is. I was thinking about including Magneto, but I’m not sure what position I would have him on my team. Assists are sent drones and doom missles. Any opinions for an inquisitive noob?
I could be totally off base. Dooms Missiles and Drones are two different assists they essential do the samething( Help you get in). I think Mags/Wesker/Doom would be a good team many people play it too
I’d rock that team as Magneto, Doom, Sentinel. Doom having Beam assist.
Reason is, you get Sentinel’s assist to help both character rush in (Doom has deadly rushdown when paired with a proper assist) and you have 2 assists to help magneto in case you want to play the zoning game with him, one of them staying on screen for a heckload of time, and the other assist being very durable.
I’m pretty torn about what team I should use. looking at the possibility of dropping wesker, so it’s either:
Mag/Wes/Akuma (aka Yipes’ team)
I wanna keep playing wesker because he’s so good on point but he really doesn’t do much for me as an assist besides extending combos and ending DHC glitch. my anchor char (usually doom, sent or akuma) ends up doing all the work to getting both characters in. many people seem to be doing well without the need for a dedicated OTG assist, especially the MvC2 veterans like fanatiq, viscant and clockwork. don’t have the time to go play marvel now, so in the meantime I was wondering what you guys think.
or, I would be willing to try out MSS just for the hell of it. lol.
You can use Wesker to set up an unblockable though. That and what you said seems like reason enough to keep him in the team.
When you have things down pat, one combo from Mags leads to DHC trick into Wesker, Wesker benefits from disruptor for mix-ups, that’s at least 2 chars right there if you play your cards right.
Akuma will rarely even step into the arena.
What exactly is the issue with having your anchor do the work getting you in? If you call him out at the wrong times, and he dies, you still have Wesker running n2, who can handle himself pretty well as an XF lvl 3 anchor.
I dunno, but for me it seems that, being a wesker player since day 1 of marvel, I just got really used to having him as the point char and two other chars just to help him do the work. I almost never tagged him out in matches, until I picked up magneto that is. that’s probably what I mean about the anchor thing.
I’ll keep trying mags/wesker though. maybe try out more unblockable setups to add to my gameplay. what about the anchor character? tatsu or sent drones? also, if I run doom with plasma beam, wouldn’t that make it kind redundant since I have two beam assists?
I play Mags and BFFF(wolvie/akuma) stupid good team
Hey thanks, I didnt get an “Alert” so I had no idea anyone had responded. Though sadly, Dante is pretty much the only character I’ve ruled out, not because he isn’t good w/ Mag beam, but because he isn’t good with me playing him lol Though funny you mention X-Ray as Ammy has been a strong consideration. I dunno, I just can’t think of any setups like Dorm and Dante have w/ Mag beam that’s just plain DIRTY.
I know most of you are Magnus points, but since you do have him on-team, does anyone have any really dirty nasty tricks they like to pull using Disruptah assist? Any character besides Dorm (already on the team) or Dante (I suck with him). Wesk and Ammy are my top picks so far, but with them I feel like Mag beam is costing me more combos than gaining me. Any ideas?? Thanks!
What types of assist do you guys feel like magneto needs?
Either lockdown to help you apply pressure to rush or OTG(I like Samurai Edge), so you can do easy combos, pick up into grav, loop, whatever. OTG isn’t necessary if you got ROM, unfly, blast loops, but I feel like execution wise, I’d rather have a brain dead easy combo rather than risk dropping one of the above mentioned. It matters way too much in Marvel if you drop a combo, especially with Mags who gets TOD’d very easily.