MvC3: I'm Doing This For Mutantkind: The Magneto Team Thread

I’ve been running Wesker (wtf assist you think I’m gonna use, son?)/ Swagneto with EMD / Amaterasu cold star

Wesker and Magnus have such ridiculously good synergy, I honestly can’t see myself separating the two

I’m running magnus wesker and sent right now and I’m thinking of running the same, but have phoenix anchor. think about it.

Swags/Sent/Wesker is still the only main team I can compete with, my Amaterasu is still ass. MSP '11 is good but I don’t wanna lower myself to the level of a phoenix player lol

Lower? Mr high and mighty nigga! lol look i’m just saying the potential of that team is ridiculous with the meter building from mags and tom foolery with wesker added with the fact that by the 90 marvel seconds you’ll have five bars and most likely killed a dude and a half on their team.

Sometimes when I’m just fucking around in a crack session, my Magneto will be half dead and I’ll have 5 bars… same when I put Wesker on point… MSP '11 would be a ridiculously good team. Magneto is well, Magneto… he can build meter faster than he can spend it… Wesker will get you a couple bars just for dying even if you don’t do shit with him hahaha

so wait the new MSP is mag sent phoenix?

also i think on your team you should put sentinel as anchor because of how important his damage is with lv 3 factor. so in that clutch situation all you need is one random boot and (more than likely) all three of their dudes are dead.

If Phoenix gets snapped in its pretty much the same thing. It’s a win/win situation if you ask me :lol:

I switch up my order between

Yeah I definitely find that lvl 3 x factor sentinel as an anchor is ridiculous, especially since Magneto AND Wesker get drones assist the entire game

whos better for magneto zero or ammy?

who’s your last character?

I’m really torn between the following


I love the Pro. Sentinal Drones Con.He has so many bad matchups

Doom Pro:I feel has alot of potential Con:His combos are hard to consistently land online. Con:assist is way more dangerous to call out then sent(if your not tri jumping forward)

Ammy- I feel like ice assist could lead to unblockables if they block like just overhead if they block high crouching light. The ice stays out a pretty long time. I am not good with ammy so I haven’t tried this yet could some 1 leave me some insight on there opinions of the teams.

And maybe offer suggestions for Magneto/Wesker/X

I’m having the same issue for Magneto/?/Taskmaster. Ideally I think Ammy or Dante would be best for Cold Star or Weasel Shot, respectively, but man they are daunting to learn as characters, execution-wise. And I still can’t rom if that gives you an idea of my execution.

Honestly I suppose it wouldn’t even have to one of those two necessarily, since Mag and Tasky can DHC glitch together, so a solid anchor might just be what I need instead?

I’ve been running mags/task/spencer lately, you might want to try that. DHC trick from mags to task, then use spencer assist (beta) to keep the combo going (i.e. otg arrow shot, then the grapple hits allowing you plenty of time to combo after landing). He’s a good anchor too and goes really well with taskmaster (gives you another DHC trick too). He’s also not too demanding execution wise.

Abacus you could go Mag/Wesker/Task Wesker and Magneto have a Dhc glitch. Wesker is also ez to execute.

I am kinda of a newb but this is why I like Ammy. You can call out Ammy if they block high tri jump crouching light. If they block low you can do the flying over head or even tri jump over(try jump needs to be high). You can also do easy mixups with Ammy Wesker with Cold Star and then with Wesker you teleport on the otherside. Also you can do a reset like Wesker when you OTG with pistol you call in Ammy a little b4 the shot and its a reset.

Hey Abacus here are some DHC Glitches I dug up for the team Of Magneto/Wesker/Ammy

Magneto to Wesker:

Magneto to Ammy:

Sense Magneto is on point I think these 2 are the most important.

Weskers assist is just used for OTG

Ammy assist: If they are blocking it Low do Tri Jump over head.

Ammy assist If they are blocking it high do Tri Jump Low L.

Ammy assist for wesker call in ammy do teleport mixups.

If you’re playing Wesker and you have some in the corner you can delay your by a little call in ammy and its a nice reset.

They’re are tons of combos with magneto/wesker wesker/magneto if you check oline.
Add me if want guys moneycat88

also if you search ufgt7 omg itz andre hewas using mags/wesker/ammy


I believe Amaterasu’s Cold Star Assist causes absolute guard so left/right mix ups don’t work with Wesker or Magneto in those situations. You’re limited to hi/low/throw mix ups instead.

Mag/Wesker is a good combination but I don’t think Amaterasu compliments that team so much. I think the ideal combination for that team is either Sentinel or Akuma because the assist allows you to open people up a lot easier then usual and you just abuse the meter gain with Magento into a DHC glitch to Wesker to one touch everyone.

As for DHC glitch combos with Amaterasu there’s a much better one then the one if your video.

DHC into Amaterasu’s slow super - change to Glaive, S, sj, charged H, charged H, land, charged 236M, land, S, sj, charged H, charged H, charged 236 L, S, sj.S

In most cases with a few reps of Hyper Grav. Loop and the follow up DHC glitch combo you’ll deal 1.2+ million damage good enough to kill everyone in the cast.

been using Mags (a)/Wesker (b)/Doom (y) as in my sig, and it’s pretty dope. I like it. mags to wesker in the corner sets up DHC glitch, and off a command grab reset, sets up DHC glitch to Mags. I need to turn on X-Factor to start comboing though, but oh well. any clean hit or throw after that is gonna kill.

wesker honestly though is my best point character since I’m more comfortable utilizing his health and reset game to get damage. my swagneto is still pretty day 1-- haven’t really gotten down his loops yet besides fly and grav loop. I’m trying to figure out a timing so that when magneto’s EM disruptor assist hits in the corner, I jab/low short the opponent so they instantly go into ground roll state. after that, I can command grab into combo or DHC glitch.

another cool thing is that Mags to Doom for DHC glitch also works too- if I hit the opponent with hyper grav in the corner, I can dash back, tempest DHC into whiffed Doom sphere flame. free combo after that. there’s also that guard break glitch with doom’s plasma beam and mags’ ground throw. I’ve yet to make it work in a real match, so in the meantime, I’ll just stick with the rocks assist instead.


can’t really call it swagneto if it’s still day 1 =/ honestly if wesker is your best point character then more power to you, but i still think will be able to maximize your damage output if you have magneto on point with your previous team. say for instance once you get his more advanced loops down that potential that you’ll be getting 7 bar combos with damage in the millions.

Alioune needs to come out with more mag/doom technology cuz i’m getting tired of using mag wes sentinel

yeah my mistake, my magneto is still ass lol. should’ve said that wesker’s my best point character FOR NOW since I really wanna main the magneto/wesker/doom team. playing akuma is getting more depressing each day. after spending hours in the lab working on akuma tech and playing my buddy’s team, my akuma gets blown up like 8 out of 10 times. so then, I usually end up thinking that he’s just another assist character with normals that are trash.

I’ve also been playing wesker since the day I got the game and I’ve been changing up my team like every other week lol so he’s the only team member that I can play consistently well for now. I like having at least 2 high/relatively high health characters so mags and akuma on the same team, while dangerous, feels too unsafe for me.