MvC3: I'm Doing This For Mutantkind: The Magneto Team Thread

I actually found a pretty interesting Magneto team with Magneto (EMD) / Dead Pool (Katana-Rama) / Akuma (Tatsu). Hit the Akuma assist during your crouching fierce, prior to your launcher. After that, you can dash forward into low fierce and back into launcher. Follow them with a standard air combo and send 'em crashing back into the ground. Use Dead Pool’s Katana-Rama for an OTG into Magnetic Tempest, or if you’d like to be fancy and waste a couple of bars (but definitely kill the character) you can shockwave and x-factor into Gravity Squeeze.

I was actually wondering using Hidden Missiles for Magneto, since they help with his rushdown. How important is it for Magneto to have an OTG assist?

I think its very important, if you don’t have an OTG assist then you should at least be able to DHC glitch.

How does Magneto(Disruptah), Morrigan(Meter whore), Doom(HIDDEN MISSILES!!!) seem?

I’ve been thinking of characters that go well with morrigan and magneto seems like he could be a good choice. Magneto builds meter fairly easily and can do the DHC trick from magnetic tempest into morrigan’s clone super for quite a bit of damage.

I also saw this one guy from a stream somewhere used magnetos BNB combo to gain nearly enough meter for a level 3 at the start of a match, but used amaterasu’s bloom in the combo to gain just enough for a level 3. Morrigan would serve that purpose as well(not that it matters for me cause I’m not gonna be able to do combos like that till I practice a crudload more).

Magnetic Shockwave can also DHC into shadow servant or finishing shower. One thing morrigan suffers from is weak DHC with most characters, but magneto helps with that problem with magnetic shockwave.

Doom is just there cause hes awesome.

Lately I’ve been experimenting with She-Halk(otg assist), Magneto (Distruptor), Dorm(Black-hole)

Mag’s assist really helps she hulk to get in and do her magic while dorm assist is for pressuring for both magneto and she-hulk

I can DHC from she hulk bnb to shockwave (which does pretty good dmg since she-hulk’s super pushes the opponent AWAY from the corners) for about 750-800k dmg depends on the exact starter which is pretty nice.

Mag gets an otg assist with she-hulk which comes quite handy.

And dorm is my last man (though she-hulk/mag usually are enough to wrap things up) he’s just a monster when I leave him with 3-5 bars and XF lvl 3.

ive been using a very lousy and non practical team of mag/wolv/akuma
idk why but ive settled on this. i want to change soon because i dont feel i can cover all aspects of my game with their dhcs
i want to make a good team with those three and possibly throw in spencer, chunli, and i guess iron man. idk still experimenting

Launch, j.B, j.C, j.S, Runner’s Start, [forward + magneto assist,] Torpedo, Launch, j.B, j.C, j.S, Runner’s Start, forward, Torpedo, fireball super.- 696,800
(Without Mag EMD asssist substitute bracket with Runner’s Start, hold forward + launch) - 673,800
-OVERHEAD COMBO- Jump Over Opponent, call magneto EMD assist at start of jump, attempt ambigious J. S cross over, [c.A, c.B], Launch, etc…
(Hit confirm c.A, c.B if blocked substitute launch for Catapult
-OVERHEAD COMBO- Call Tron assist, Jump over opponent, quickly down + C, combo into launcher
After fireball super, if they tech backwards, jump Backwards, call magneto assist, J. C
[j.B, j.C, j.S] x2 (press last J.S with mag assist), [j.B, j.C, j.S] x2 Launch, combo
Launch into relaunch combo into fireball super 2 hits, hold DF (torwards opponent) do c.C (keep holding forward) get to other side of player and 213 s+XX

Some info from my mvc3 text document, only the she-hulk section.

I use She/Mag/Tron, but take from it what you will.

I finally got interested in trying out Magnus. I will start with Mag (beam)/ Dante (OTG)/ Dorm (Pillar). I’m hoping to get a damage heavy combo with Mag so I can dhc trick into devil trigger to finish them off. I also hope that gravity squeeze will stop dark phoenix in her tracks.

I’d use blackhole, when they block it, it gives you time to ADDF (OS) and go for a j.A overhead or c.A low into ROM, ending with s.C (in corner) to A hyper grav, magnetic tempest DHC into dante.

That should take you some time to get down, but once its down you have a solid team that can kill any character after landing one ambiguous hit.

Thinking of joining the crowd and Learning to play MDW (Mags Dante Wesker)
Any tips especially in working with magneto?

Does everyone in the world play Wesker now? God.


my team is:


I love the team because i can play anyone on point or mid and be 100% fine but obviously Wolverine sucks at anchor. lol. On top of that they all compliment one another w assists.

Wolverine can use akuma tatsu or mags disruptor
mags uses akuma tatsu
Akuma can use mags disruptor to teleport for cross up stuff.

Only thing is, no one can use wolverines assist because his sucks. lol.

What do you guys think of the team? Can I DHC scale reset glitch or whatever with tempest into berserker charge? I haven’t tested yet.

But I think my team is arguably one of the best rushdown teams overall that i’ve seen right now. I’m ALWAYS on that ass. lol.

Iron Man(Repulsor)/Taskmaster(vertical arrows)/Magneto(Disruptor)

I just recently put this team together last night, and I’m brand new on a stick, but I think on paper this team has a TON of chemistry. Even though Magneto is not on point (for now), I built it around him.

Please don’t hesitate to let me know what you guys think! I’m new at this!

Iron Man/Taskmaster/Magneto Questionnaire

[details=Spoiler]Marvel VS Capcom 3
Newcomer?s Team Assessment Questionnaire

1. Who characters and teams will you use (in order of selection)?
Iron Man, Taskmaster, Magneto. It can be ordered in any way and still be effective though.

2. What type of game-play strategy are you pursuing with this team? (Explain)
Overall balanced play I guess. All three characters can zone very well. Iron Man has a great mid-range game, and decent rushdown. (I think? I’m brand new to him.) Magneto has insane rushdown, as we know. Taskmaster can play defensively, but his combos deal a lot of damage and build meter. Fairly easy to knock characters out, having two level 3 Hypers in Iron Man and Magneto.

3. What advantages does your point (first selected) character have?
Iron Man can zone with a great keepaway game, he thrives in mid-range, and he can rush down. He also has a level 3 Hyper, powerful BnB combo (from the Brady guide at least, I know there’s more), the fastest fly mode in the game, great zoning tools in Unibeam and Repulsor Blast, the ability to OTG smart bombs into Hyper Combos (both Proton and Iron Avenger), easily DHC from Proton Cannon, double jump, huge hitbox with air H and variants

What disadvantages does your point character have?
A little low on the vitality side (but not too bad - 950,000), slow air dashes, can’t cancel dashes until 11 frames

What maneuverability options does your point character have?
The fastest fly mode in the game, 8-way air dash (albeit slow), triangle jump attacks, fly cancel into overhead S, moderate wavedash

How will your assists aid your point character?
Taskmaster’s air shot H helps control the vertical space for IM, allowing him to throw out Unibeam H, or if the opponent rushes in to avoid the arrow, Repulsor Blast H. Task can also pin someone down with the overhead arrows, allowing IM to rush down. Magneto’s Disruptor strengthens IM’s Unibeam, and also creates opportunities to bait into Repulsor Blast. Also, IM can cover both assists with Repulsor Blast.

4. What advantages does your secondary character have?
Taskmaster deals very high damage, builds meter easily, has excellent normals, high vitality, excellent zoning ability with his arrows, great defensive measures in the Aegis Counter HC, Guard Masters (in which the H version counters projectiles and deflects beams), and Sword Master (which can be comboed off of Iron Man’s Repulsor assist for big damage), and his mini charging star, which also nullifies low and medium projectiles. He’s also very easy to DHC off of, with the excellent Legion Arrow Hyper.

What disadvantages does your secondary character have?
No air dash, can’t really rush down, can be hard to get in on an opponent

What maneuverability options does your secondary character have?
A dash canceled into his version of charging star can almost cross the whole screen. He can also jump and throw out arrows. He has a very fast wavedash.

How will your assists aid your secondary character?
Disruptor aids in Taskmaster’s already excellent zoning game. Repulsor Blast creates space around Task to maintain distance, and enable him to throw out safe arrows. On block, Repulsor Blast has a chance for Taskmaster to create an unblockable situation with Sword Master H, although the timing is pretty strict.

5. What advantages does your last character have?
Magneto is very good at everything, pretty much. Disruptor is extremely fast and great for zoning, although it won’t hold up to stronger beams like Doom’s or IM’s. He has crazy rushdown abilities, a lightning fast triangle jump attack, fast 8 way dashing, he can fly, has excellent meter building combos and damaging combos, and has the level 3 Gravity Squeeze hyper.

What disadvantages does your last character have?
low vitality (850,000), Disruptor loses to stronger beams, not that easy to DHC off of, although Tempest can be

What maneuverability options does your last character have?
very fast 8-way air dash and wavedash, fly mode, can throw down Magnetic Blasts on jump-ins

How will your assists aid your last character?
Again, Repulsor Blast creates space around Magneto, so he can throw out a random Hyper Grav H, or safe Disruptors. He can also use that assist to create mix-ups on block. Taskmaster’s high arrows helps Magneto control more space on the screen if he’s using Disruptors.

6. What kind of Delayed Hyper Combo opportunities do you think your team will have?
Many. IM’s Proton Cannon can DHC into Taskmaster’s Parabolic Legion Arrow, or Magneto’s Shockwave or level 3 Gravity Squeeze. Taskmaster’s aerial down Legion Arrows can DHC into Mag’s Shockwave or Gravity Squeeze. Taskmaster’s horizontal arrows easily DHC into IM’s Proton Cannon, level 3 Iron Avenger, or Gravity Squeeze. Magneto’s Magnetic Tempest can DHC into either IM’s cannon or Task’s arrows. So many possibilities, and I’m sure I’m leaving some out.

7. What type of impact will your Team Hyper Combo have on your opponent (Explain)?
I’m not sure how this will work yet, since I forgot to test it before I wrote this. It would be Magneto’s Shockwave, Iron Man’s Angled Proton Cannon, and Taskmaster’s vertical Legion arrows. It’s not the most ideal THC for sure, but Shockwave and the angled Cannon could work, with the arrows falling down after the first few hits.

8. What are some of the weaknesses of your team?
Magneto has low vitality for an anchor, Taskmaster has a hard time getting in, THC isn’t that great

9. After filling out this questionnaire, are you still comfortable with your team?
Yes! I think they all compliment each other very well, with no real glaring weaknesses!


Im using maggy( on point) zero, n the final i switch betwing sent / tron / or other good asisst but a dont know yet witch one to pick sow any advice will be great

I was thinking of trying this exact team. How is it working for you so far? Only problem I can think of with this team is a serious case of pixie-health, but all three characters can blow stuff up, and the team seems like it’d work well in my head.

However, my Magneto is terrible, and I was thinking of running with either Task or Doom in that second slot. Though it seems like Wolvering/Random Marvel Beam Assist/Akuma is always a solid combination.

Been working on joe / magneto slow combos, stuff that’s flashy & styling looking. Anybody have any of these type of combos that they would like to share? or would like to experiment. I can spend 1 hour in training mode with this team and still be entertained, haha. Fun stuff for sure. Slow lasts a short amount of time, but still it’s fun knowing you can get creative & do innovative stuff only with the slow super activated. Add assists in the mix, and with marvel 3 allowing 2 assists to be used in one combo… and Xfactor too, giving you the ability to move 2-3x faster then your opponent for a short amount of time… the possibilities are endless :smokin: Will post notations later, gonna hit the sack. But here are a couple ones I’ve been working on off the top of my head :

1 Joe’s slow super into launch, tag in magneto in air and from then on involves a tonn of H’s / fly / unfly / xfactor stuff. Mostly corner stuff, will try midscreen ones later. Without the xfactor it’s decent damage but with the xfactor on and moving at a hyper fast speed, gives mag more H’s to fit in, flexibility & options. Takes fast fingers & great execution. Easy to mess up tho, like everything else takes practice of course

  1. Another combo involving joe slow super, then switching to mag then back to joe again. Am currently trying to figure out if it’s possible to combo into a 2nd joe slow super. [media=youtube]l6Awkb6rUPs&feature=related"[/media] shows joe able to fit 2 slows in one combo so maybe it’s possible to fit 3, 4, 5 in one combo. will report back if I find somethin

  2. Another similiar combo to above but a bit different. With more switches involved. With slow super activated - Joe switches to magneto, then switches to 3rd-char, then switches back again to magneto, then onto his series of H’s / fly / unfly stuff until the slow wears off. Ending with disrupter, shockwave super, or lvl 3.

  3. Don’t know if this is possible but… a combo that takes the opponent up, kinda like mag’s staircase-down combo but going up. Using ADF and ADUF inbetween hits to carry to the opponent up. Magneto by himself can do this. In the [media=youtube]lAdPM_tCSq4"[/media], combo #2 shows him doing this. After H, it’s ADUF and continues on from there. the timing seems so strict tho, there’s probably a trick to getting it to connect. Again, don’t know if this would be possible due to hit stun deterioration / spacing issues / whatever issues? but it sounds like a cool concept.

  4. Slow combos with Mag / joe / ammy. Both with 2x slow supers stacking on top of each other and ones that go after each other. There’s gotta be a way to incorporate these and have it all combo / reset / crossup / whatever.

  5. Oh yeah and here’s a cool little combo / reset with magneto on point using joe’s bomb assist. (no slow super required and corner only). cr.L, cr.L, cr.M, cr.H, launch, M, H, ADF, M, H, Fly, M, H, Unfly, H, land, H xx Hyper grav (L version), launch + joe assist, M, S (knocks opponent down), Fly, bomb explodes opponent on ground but your still at the top, ADDF, L, slight pause air throw, into another long series into whatever. Option #2 - After the bomb explodes the opponent on the ground, the camera will focus on your opponent and won’t show you for a bit cause your on the top slowing coming down. So after the launch + Joe assist, M, S (knocks opponent down), you can slight pause Hyper grav H version. It’ll connect after the bomb explodes, and cause of hit stun deterioration your only able to fit 1-2 hits. Usually I like to L, slight pause, throw and keep the momentum going. Into another air combo, or multiple H combo, etc. Not guaranteed and your opponent can get out but people rarely do camera-shift combos so it can really throw your opponent off guard and have them thinkin “WTF is going on, mag just popped out of nowhere”. Option #3 - grav xx tempest super

that [media=youtube]mi9tzDxJBdo&feature=player_embedded"[/media] was inspiring :lol:

My team is Magneto(a) Sentinel (a) Dante (B).

I was wondering if Jam session would be considered a better assist for this team.

Just made a combo vid with my main team (Ryu/Mag/Sent) [media=youtube]ufAP6AW_Dj0&feature=player_embedded#at=26[/media] everything i did can be done with akuma’s tatsu assist as well

my main team is mag/zero/tron
im not sure if tron is the best assist for them ive been thinking to doom instead of her any tips?

Trons fine. If the opponent has to hesitate, it makes your rushdown that much easier. Also helps you lame them out when needed.