MvC3: I'm Doing This For Mutantkind: The Magneto Team Thread

Wesker, Task, Mags
Samurai Edge low, Aim master H., Hyper Gravity

Taskmaster, Wesker, Magneto


Marvel VS Capcom 3
Newcomer?s Team Assessment Questionnaire

  1. Who characters and teams will you use (in order of selection)?
    Wesker or Task, it’s pretty ambiguous. I like Wesker for my battery, I don’t explicitly use many hypers with him.

  2. What type of game-play strategy are you pursuing with this team? (Explain)
    Combo oriented rushdown team. All 3 have a projectile that is good for a mediocre keepaway, basically just waiting for an opening to happen.

  3. What advantages does your point (first selected) character have?
    Weskers teleports, crazy damage, and best OTG assist in the game

What disadvantages does your point character have?
Can have some zoning/opening problems with the assists I have selected.

What maneuverability options does your point character have?
Teleports and wavedashes

How will your assists aid your point character?
I use magnetos Hyper Gravity to hold up chars. after OTG and H. Arrows from task to help pressure.

  1. What advantages does your secondary character have?
    Old Tasky has some of the best BnB combos and great, if not the best normals. His arrows are great for a variety of specials, and he has counters.

What disadvantages does your secondary character have?
Sometimes a bit to slow I suppose, a pretty all around character. Often described as a slightly lesser Mags

What maneuverability options does your secondary character have?
Spidey swing and shield charge, plus wave dashing.

How will your assists aid your secondary character?
I actually use both weskers OTG assist and Mags hyper gravity to hold after tasks otg to chain a huge 1 meter ~800,000 combo that also DHC’s to mags shockwave.

  1. What advantages does your last character have?
    Best 1 dimensional zoning tool in the game, plenty of tricks, flight, and air dash cancellable normals in the air.

What disadvantages does your secondary character have?
Some punishable normals, such as his launcher, and same as the others, forcing openings. This is eased with weskers low assist.

What maneuverability options does your last character have?
Flight, and 8 way air dash for tri and square jumps.

How will your assists aid your last character?
Weskers OTG for relaunch and Tasks arrows for pressure

  1. What kind of Delayed Hyper Combo opportunities do you think your team will have?
    A variety. If task finishes with his vertical OTG arrow hyper, Mags can shockwave OTG as well, which sets up for weskers maximum wesker. They can also both very comfortablly DHC into gravity squeeze if I have the meter.

  2. What type of impact will your Team Hyper Combo have on your opponent (Explain)?
    I’ve got two that spread forward and one that covers full screen. Functions well enough at a range, and there is no space uncovered, but upclose does considerably more damage. The team was designed more for DHC then THC.

  3. What are some of the weaknesses of your team?
    Haven’t used enough to know. Players better than me?

  4. After filling out this questionnaire, are you still comfortable with your team?
    Absolutely! this team feels super solid, and I reccomend it to anyone interested in these characters.

i use hypergrav because my other 2 chars have fly which allows for some absolutely stupid mixups when a character comes in and with phoenix it can lead to some nice mixups too

I’m currently running this team too, but I use Mags disruptor assist. I am undecided on who to put on point though between wesker and task.

Trying mags (grav)/wesker (edge)/phoenix (drive)

omg dont ever use phoenix drive lol
thats asking to lose her very fast
use tk shot if you must call her for an assist, but i still wouldnt

Repping the Magster, I use Mags-emd/Dante-Crystal Hulk-Gamma Wave(Otg assists)/Sent-Drones lol

It seems this team works well together. Mags and Dante(Hulk) have drones to help rushdown, Mags has Otg assist for the extra damage and meter after fly fierce, and if that gets them in the corner you can call drones and go for high low mix up.

I’m having a bit of a team identity crisis. I am rocking Dante/Magneto/Viewtiful Joe at the moment, though i not sure about how compatible the three are. I use Jam Session,Disruptor,and Groovy Upper as the assists. Should I change the assist types, order or even a character?

Magneto(EmD) Dante(Crystal) Akuma(Tatsumaki Zankukyaku). Have Magneto on point -> combo opponent to the corner -> OTG assist -> Magnetic Tempest :wink:

Are you set on running Magneto third? I think Wesker has good potential as an anchor; good health, lvl3XF gun loops, can build his own meter, and can play from most angles on the screen. Also his low shot assist is too good to pass up imo. Really, all 3 of those are good at both building and using meter, so I guess it’s a matter of preference regarding assists, DHCs, and on point matchups.

Changed up my team a bit, I’m currently using Mag(EMD)/Sent(drones)/Task(vert shot). Thinking about putting in Arthur with Daggers as a Sent replacement. Has anyone else tried Task’s Vertical assist with Magneto? It can stop rushdown if you see it coming, and is a great crossup tool from my experience, particularly when you’ve killed someone off and a new character is coming in. Just move em into a corner before they come out, call Task out, Hyper Grav to ensure the block, and have your way with the opponent from there.

i haven’t been playing the game but i think i might start since this is what everyone is playing. since i have been playing for fun i used viper/ammy/tron but if i play for comp i was thinking Mag/dorm/Phoenix.

Im a Marvel 2 scrub, but I loved Magneto/psylock/Doom. In 3, it would make sense to replace Psylock with Tron due to the similarity of their assists. To be honest, I haven’t even tried out that option yet, because I felt Mag needed more of an OTG extender than anything else.

So, I’m running Mag(beam)/ She-Hulk (torpedo)/ Doom(I switch between Rocks and beam)

Game plan:
Overall, my main objective is to fight as Magneto for as long as possible.
Generally I want to get in as aggressively as possible with Doom rocks/beam and wave dash/air dashes. Then I keep the pressure on/create mixups with Doom assist again if I haven’t already landed a combo/throw.
Combo into the corner, knockdown with j.S. Call She-Hulk assist to OTG into:

hyper grav xx magnetic tempest xx DHC into She-Hulk feet/chest/ass hyper xx DHC into Doom upward hyper
jumping option select forward dash C/ air grab for a reset.

Doom rocks is great for defense, getting in, keeping the pressure on and mixing up.
Doom beam comes out a little slower so its not as good for defense, but I think it works better for mixups and is easier to combo out of. Both assists help She-Hulk work her way in as well.

She-Hulks assist is an OTG combo extender, but it can also be used for unblockables with both Magneto and Doom as it hits low.

If Magneto is still alive and I have another character on point, his beam assist covers both She-Hulk and Doom (as they’re methods of getting in aren’t as safe/easy as Magneto). I haven’t explored his hyper grab assist that much, mainly because I use him as a point character.

She-Hulk as secondary:
If Magneto dies, I’m still doing well because She-Hulk has tons of life, she does tons of damage and can really mix up with her grabs. Dooms assists really help her out. Her slide is her best get-in move and rocks/beam make it safe. They also allow her to get close and go in for a command grab after they are blocked.

Doom as anchor:
Overall, Doom is better with an assist, but I find he has a nice amount of options on his own to both keep away/rush down. Also, him + level 3 x factor is pretty insane. I often find myself making comebacks with him.

That, in a nutshell, is my team. I’m gonna try switching out She-hulk for Tron, but I don’t really feel like learning her/jumping on the bandwagon.

I apologize for the wall of text in advance :slight_smile:

I’m running She-hulk(a)/tron(b)/Mag(a)

and i’m loving it.

I really wanted mag as my first char so I play him as point in casuals, but I like him last because I always have a ton of meter and I have a lot of cool Tron + Mag assist combos.

I’m trying to use that team too…at least for me I pick this to tell myself not ever press A2 other than to tag-in, as a plus I dunno how to combo with Overdrive assist midcombo

Running MSS, you know…

Can Mag make any use of Storm’s B (double typhoon M) assist? As an OTG used early in a combo or something?

Whos Better Wesker or Danten for OTG assist with Magento? Does it just lead down to personal preference? Or is one character better with Magento than the other?

Well I guess it’s a matter of personal preference.

You can OTG with both of them, DHC trick hyper grav aswell so overall they both have good synergy with magneto.


mag dhc glitches into wolverine
mag covered by sent
wolverine bnb dhc drones to plasma storm(or xfactor) = dead
mag dhc glitches to sent
wolverine has crazy rushdown
wolverine can berserker charge to drones for a safe tag out
wolverine bnb to air fail claw dhcs into tempest for big damage
midscreen magneto bnb, otg with magnetic shockwave, dhc berserker barrage x to corner a mother fucker

pretty good synergy there all around, i really like the team a lot

Running Wesker- Samurai/ Shuma- Mystic Ray/ Magnus- EMD

Thoughts? The team snyergizes pretty well in terms of assists, though the DHC’s are a bit useless sometimes, but that’s rarely an issue.

I’m not sure if I should replace shuma and if so, with who?

Shuma just doesn’t have enough mid-screen options that I’m aware of.

I’m using Magneto(EMD)/Deadpool(Katana-rama)/IronMan(Repulsor blast), just need training i feel good synergy from that team and DHC combos are no problem