Wesker, Task, Mags
Samurai Edge low, Aim master H., Hyper Gravity
Taskmaster, Wesker, Magneto
Marvel VS Capcom 3
Newcomer?s Team Assessment Questionnaire
Who characters and teams will you use (in order of selection)?
Wesker or Task, it’s pretty ambiguous. I like Wesker for my battery, I don’t explicitly use many hypers with him. -
What type of game-play strategy are you pursuing with this team? (Explain)
Combo oriented rushdown team. All 3 have a projectile that is good for a mediocre keepaway, basically just waiting for an opening to happen. -
What advantages does your point (first selected) character have?
Weskers teleports, crazy damage, and best OTG assist in the game
What disadvantages does your point character have?
Can have some zoning/opening problems with the assists I have selected.
What maneuverability options does your point character have?
Teleports and wavedashes
How will your assists aid your point character?
I use magnetos Hyper Gravity to hold up chars. after OTG and H. Arrows from task to help pressure.
- What advantages does your secondary character have?
Old Tasky has some of the best BnB combos and great, if not the best normals. His arrows are great for a variety of specials, and he has counters.
What disadvantages does your secondary character have?
Sometimes a bit to slow I suppose, a pretty all around character. Often described as a slightly lesser Mags
What maneuverability options does your secondary character have?
Spidey swing and shield charge, plus wave dashing.
How will your assists aid your secondary character?
I actually use both weskers OTG assist and Mags hyper gravity to hold after tasks otg to chain a huge 1 meter ~800,000 combo that also DHC’s to mags shockwave.
- What advantages does your last character have?
Best 1 dimensional zoning tool in the game, plenty of tricks, flight, and air dash cancellable normals in the air.
What disadvantages does your secondary character have?
Some punishable normals, such as his launcher, and same as the others, forcing openings. This is eased with weskers low assist.
What maneuverability options does your last character have?
Flight, and 8 way air dash for tri and square jumps.
How will your assists aid your last character?
Weskers OTG for relaunch and Tasks arrows for pressure
What kind of Delayed Hyper Combo opportunities do you think your team will have?
A variety. If task finishes with his vertical OTG arrow hyper, Mags can shockwave OTG as well, which sets up for weskers maximum wesker. They can also both very comfortablly DHC into gravity squeeze if I have the meter. -
What type of impact will your Team Hyper Combo have on your opponent (Explain)?
I’ve got two that spread forward and one that covers full screen. Functions well enough at a range, and there is no space uncovered, but upclose does considerably more damage. The team was designed more for DHC then THC. -
What are some of the weaknesses of your team?
Haven’t used enough to know. Players better than me? -
After filling out this questionnaire, are you still comfortable with your team?
Absolutely! this team feels super solid, and I reccomend it to anyone interested in these characters.