MvC3: I'm Doing This For Mutantkind: The Magneto Team Thread

Trying to rock out a Magneto/Wesker/Dormammu team.

Should I have Magneto replace Wesker or Dormammu?

Does Magneto at point pair well with Ammy/Sent? Or would it be better to use Wesker as the number 2?

I’ve been using Magneto(a)/Doom(y)/Dormammu(b) and I think it’s potentially a great team. Both Magneto and Doom build a ton of meter off their combos (I would say probably a bar and a half per combo typically) which allows them to freely spend some level 1’s and still almost always leave Dormammu with a full 5 if he ever comes in. Doom rocks have really been helping me create nice lockdown and crossup pressure, for all the hype missiles are getting I couldn’t see using them at least not when assisting for Magneto. Finally I don’t know if anybody else knows (I’m sure people do) but after an air S to do hard knockdown with magneto if you quick wavedash next to them and call dormammu’s b assist and then immediately super jump and do magnetic tempest it all connects for really great damage and the opponent resets on the way down for mixups.

I was starting with mags, but Wesk on point is a much better decision. No need for meter with Wesker, and you’ll probably have 4ish stocks by the time Wesker is done, which mags obviously can greatly utilize. Using Dorm for dark hole, haven’t gotten down to him once since putting Wesker on point

What about wesker’s otg assist? Isn’t that really helpful for mag and his combos?

You guys think Magneto and Viper make a good combination?

the way I see it, is like they are pretty much the same, but viper eats meter while mags builds meter. So idk, Id like to play them both, but I dont really like having 2 identical chars in a team

any suggestions?

Do Magneto and Ammy have good synergy? I wanna run Magneto/Ammy/Sent. Thanks

Figured it was time to post my team in this thread as I’m extremely happy with it!

I run Magneto(EMD)/Wesker(Sam. Edge)/Doom(Plasma Beam). As everyone on this team does alot of damage without burning meter I tend to save up for lvl 3 to finish people off or just use meter whenever I see fit, I generate lots of it after all.

Samurai Edge does wonders for Mags OTG-game as most people know and Doom’s plasma beam helps with zoning when needed. If Mag dies and Wesker comes on the screen you have an extremely powerful duo with Wesker and Doom (or any person with beamassist really). Wesker can use plasma beam to cross people up with teleports and connect easy lvl 3 hypers after his damaging aircombos.

A basic example would be: :l:, :m:, :h:, :s: sjc j.:m:, j.:m:, j.:h:, j.:s: land (dash if midscreen) Call Doom, DF+:h: xx :dp: :atk::atk:

If Doom by any means ends up on his own I’m quite confident in him as I can hit my loop consistently and I think he’s quite easy to pull off comebacks with as he’s a beast in lvl 3 KFC, his ADF+:m: is so fast most people don’t react to it very well and that just leads to a ton of damage. Just remember to NEVER use his cr.:m: as it whiffs all day everyday unless you’re really close.

I’m still fresh with this team but I will most likely be sticking with it unless shuma gorath fits in there somewhere, Wesker is the only one I’d like to replace in that case.


Team “When it rains it pours”

Im sticking with Mags/Wesk/Sent :] :cool:
I think Mags with OTG / rush down cover is all he needs :open_mouth:

I think what mags needs is just an OTG to further combo stuff (wesker samurai shot or deadpool katarama) and reliable assist to go in (Sent drones / Doom assists / akuma spinning kick , PHOENIX BITCH, etcetc).
In these kind of lags in online matches, I’ll stick with combos that are simple and offers best dmg :china:

blahblah > S > M > M > H > S > assist of samurai shot OTG > hypergrab H > tempest
blahblah > S > M > M > H > S > assist OTG > hypergrab H > c.H > S > M > M > H > adf > M > S
blahblah > S > M > M > H > S > assist OTG > c.H > S > xx in INTENSE LAG!

Of course you can do fancy combos but they are easy to drop in most laggyness:shake:; this easy combo pushes the opponent close enough that the OTG will always hit him, leading to an easy heavy grab for more combos, and they do a fair amount of dmg in compared to some other combos (reliable amount of 600K with tempest, 450K+ with 1.3 bar of meter gain)
Combos like S>M>M>H>adf>H>S or S > air combos pushes the opponent too far that you cant OTG except for corners, and that OTG feels a bit useless besides in the corner =[

If the lag is good enough, you can do a few loops that I feel are a bit hard to do :stuck_out_tongue: , and do OTG for further dmg.
However, because of marginal deminishing returns of damage, combos that are longer like > S > M > M > H >M > H > fly > S > M > H > adf > M > H > adf M > H > adf M > H > adf M > H > S > assists OTG > hyper grab > M > M > H > S that are LONG and ANNOYING gives approx. the same output of dmg after all that hard work.

Playing Mag/Amy/Sent

Works really well so far.

Mag and Amy benefits alot from Sent’s assists.

And they can DHC from one another.

I am thinking about running MSS because I think the team is very well rounded and every character has great synergy with the other etc. Do you think going Rocket Punch assist on Sentinel would be giving up too much? I really like having an OTG assist with Magneto but the Drones are soooo good. Whirlwind from Storm does the job well though but I’m not sure if it’s enough.

running mags/sent/doom with emd, drones charge, and doom missiles. DOOM MISSILES. people think youre open after doom missiles dont know why, so i keep about half screen away and throw a medium or heavy hyper grab and people push buttons. also if you get them holding down back, mixups begin. or you can continue spamming emds and missiles/drones. i have trouble against deadpools guns though, and of course against random beam hypers. but thats just me. mags does enough damage without an otg and if i really need it i will usually have 2 meters to dhc into hsf.

I’ve been using Mag(EMD)/Felicia(Buckler)/Sent(drones), though I am thinking of switching out Sent for Doom with rocks, which seems to be a bit more useful for Felicia’s Kitty Helper setups, while drones are slightly more effective with Magneto rushdown. Magneto can build some good meter early on just by zoning with EMD and Magnetic Blast (which can be a great bluff when faking rushdown) and (smartly) calling in Doom. If things go right for me, I’ll end up catching the opponent in a combo, take them near the corner, Shockwave and DHC to Dancing flash. I sort of accidentally started landing air throws with Felicia after the last hit of the super, allowing you to reset. I haven’t tested it out too much, hopefully someone better than I can confirm the usefulness of this. Assuming you could net a kill off that reset and have at least 1 bar left, that’s a free Kitty Helper in the corner on whoever comes in next.

Felicia’s low hitting assist is pretty helpful to the rushdown aspect of the team as well.

Is the Hyper Grav assist worth using for Mags or is EMD too good to pass up? Seems everyone uses EMD.

I’ve been playing with Magneto(EMD)/Dr Doom(Hidden Missiles)/Phoenix(TK Shot).

Having some success with the team. Not using meter with Magneto can be difficult but as my basic combos expand into more damaging ones, its a good trade off. Doom Missiles helps a lot with mixing the opponent up.

Thinking of making a alternate team for Magneto that doesnt involve Phoenix.

Any suggestions?

Assuming this applies to his Hyper Grav assist, you could use this with whoever you want on point.

Wesker and Sent seem to be the obvious choices on that list, and Hsien-Ko and Felicia look nice to me, personally.

right now im running wesker/mag/doom

Well, EM Disruptor IS a stupidly fast beam assist, but now that I’m rocking Mags with Shuma Gorath (and his lovely Mystic Ray assist) I’ve been fooling around with Hyper Grav, and it really allows for some silly combo extensions, and if well timed it can nab someone off of a poke (i.e. Shuma’s s.:h:, it multi-hits so it’s easy to confirm too) and let you do whatever the hell you want…

I’d say, if you need a beam assist for a team with Mags in it, go for Disruptor, but if there’s another to be had (Plasma Beam, Gun Fire, Low Voltage) try out Hyper Grav, it’s a lot of fun :smiley:

well right now im running with wesker/mag/doom but im thinking about changing doom for storm with her aa lightning assist works wonders for mags combo extention