Alright alright you’ve convinced me to play meathead lol. Now I gotta lab out on some haggar cause of you Sabin lol
switched my team up: now i’m running wesker/magneto/sentinel instead of magneto/wesker/sent
estaka assist is incredible; i’m really starting to think mags goes best 2nd or 3rd with a teleport character on point
sentinel is obviously the premier assist for mags; i feel like he doesn’t go nearly as well with anyone else
Replace Sentinel with Taskmaster and you have a better team. Sentinel is doodoo.
yeah drones+mags is pretty much mags full power, and I agree disruptor assist is godlike for teleporters
i run dante/mags/akuma its working pretty well and is a pretty good team but everytime i see someone rocking mag/sent i get that lil urge to switch for a split second lol
finally found a replacement for sentinel, my team is way better now, mags, vergil, wesker is perfectly amazing.
Only use Taskmaster if you have the UDON DLC costume. Normal Taskmaster has the lamest design in the whole game and is probably the most boring character to play next to Captain America.
His DLC fixes some of this.
I’m really liking Mags(beam) Akuma(tatsu) Sentinel(rp) because i’ve gotten so many easy high/low mix ups with the rocket punch midscreen and in the corner. Then there’s the tatsu assist, which is there mainly for a mindfuck but I have found out that the hyakki gojin demon flip thing whatever it is (the one with the flame kicks) there’s some weird cross up where you use that and iadf over them and magnetic blast :l:
i’m starting to agree more and more =/
Personally, Ive been feeling Magneto on anchor as of late. Great assist with teleport, and in x3 he has some of the dumbest combos in this game. Ive been running nova/dante/magneto. Dhcs work, everbody corner caries, and im getting 700+ with one bar from anyone. Either character has an otg that can be thrown after a squeeze. Alternately, any character on this team can be played in any slot, so i feel like I have a lot of options.
EDIT: Anyone trying magneto with doom, it really doesn’t work. The missiles blow up magneto’s combos and the dhc from doom to magneto is non existent. Doom doesn’t really benefit from disruptor. No synergy
The main reason I don’t think Magneto will ever break out of A tier status into S tier is primarily because his best assist is Sentinel, who is a lousy anchor, and he can’t capitalize on what I feel is the best anchor in the game, Strider, whereas the majority of the other top of the line characters (Wesker, Dante, Viper, Zero) can get stupid damage out of a Vajra assist. I really think by the end of the year, the metagame will shift to where the majority of competitive teams will run a Strider anchor much like how Phoenix anchor dominated the end of vanilla.
On the topic of Magneto/Doom/Sentinel, which is a team I’ve cultivated since Day 1 Ultimate and a team I’ve noticed that alot of members of this forum now pilot, I don’t believe Doom is the best character to fit the Magneto/Sentinel shell. Yes, Hidden Missiles alongside Drones is amazing, but the team is hurt ALOT when Magneto dies, which will happen and you cannot just simply say “don’t get hit.” A major problem that the team also has is that neither Doom or Sentinel are great anchors. Not that they’re horrible, but against a Hawkeye or a Strider, you’re gonna have one hell of a tough time. Magneto is the best anchor on the team and since he’s on point, he generally won’t be the last character standing. Compare this to Magneto/Sentinel/Wesker, another popular Magneto/Sent shell where 2 out of the 3 characters are top tier anchors. This was the primary reason that I switched to Magneto/Doom/Phoenix for tournament play (at least until the TAC glitch was discovered). You still got one of Magneto’s best assists as well as a competent anchor who is fully capable of killing off an entire team with success. I wouldn’t run Phoenix in a competitive environment anymore though since there’s so much shit against her. Not saying that Mag/Doom/Sent is a bad team by any means because it’s amazing, but not S-tier amazing. Mag/Doom/Sent and Mag/Sent/Wesker are probably the teams that will augment Magneto’s point potential the most out of every composition in the game.
The best team in the game with Magneto on it though? I’d say it’s a Dormammu/Magneto shell as of right now. Dorm is legit busted in this game and EM Disruptor is his best neutral game assist.
I think Cold Star is nearly as good for Mags, and Ammy being on anchor outweighs whatever advantages drones bring.
i agree with literally every point in Din0’s post
i think magneto with drones is S tier, but sentinel is cancerous to teams in this game. in addition to him being useless on point, i’ve yet to find a character that goes nearly as well with drones as magneto, which means you’re only getting 50% out of his assist. he’s also a bottom tier anchor, which forces you to run an anchor character, yet when you’re left with sent/anchor it’s so easy for them to snap sentinel out and xfactor your anchor because of how easy it is to hit sentinel on point.
i would hate for mags’ accepted role in top level play to be dormammu’s b****
Yeah Magneto/Sentinel is great until a Zero touches you and rips your Magneto a new one before he can land a hit. Magneto/Sentinel will still be prevalent in the metagame since the two absolute best Magneto players, Fanatiq and RayRay (and arguably Joker as the third), run the duo very competently and are running over both coasts for the most part. I think it has alot to do with not only their Magnetos being the best in the world (RayRay being the most damage optimizing and Fanatiq having the best hit confirms) but the fact that their Sentinels actually play like real characters and not just another body bag. I’d go as far to say that you shouldn’t even consider running Magneto/Sentinel unless you’re willing to put the time into making your Sentinel legitimate, knowing that he’s still a mid-tier character on point. That means knowing your fly/unfly neutral game zoning with air limbs, converting them into full combos, and working knowledge of how to apply his command grab and optimal fly/unfly and relaunch combos.
I don’t like the idea of the optimal Magneto team to be one where he’s an anchor supporting Dorm because Mag/Sent is hands-down my absolute favorite combination in the game, but the Dormammu/Magneto combination is just that good. Even it’s most notable pilot, Masta CJ, isn’t doing the duo justice at the moment because his Wesker is deadweight aside from being a derpy XF3 anchor. Dorm can get Wesker OTG-level damage without Wesker by using the Dark Matter xx Mass Change into jump loops combo and Magneto doesn’t need an OTG extender at all since he can simply fly/unfly into Hyper Grav loop for damage, so all Samurai Edge assist does is give you a hard-to-blockable setup once in a while. I’ve been using Dorm/Mag/Doom which is really good since Mag and Dorm both benefit immensely from Hidden Missiles but I find that Doom’s solo anchor game is sort of ass while the other two characters are amazing anchors. As for Ammy, I’m not a big fan of her as an anchor due to the airdash nerf but that might have more to do with my Ammy being ass. I’ll try out Dormammu/Magneto/Amaterasu tomorrow. I used to run Magneto/Doom/Amaterasu but I was just too lazy to build up a legitimate Ammy.
something i’ve been trying lately is switching the order of my magneto/wesker/sentinel team to wesker/magneto/sentinel. this way both of my major characters have access to their premier assists (wesker -> magneto, magneto -> sentinel). it seems like it’d be the ideal setup if my wesker were better, especially since magneto and sent can do just as much damage without samurai edge once you’ve learned their best combos. i hate the idea of wesker being nothing more than a herpderp anchor, which is all he is when your order is m/s/w.
dormammu/magneto/sentinel would probably operate even better. dorm + estaka mixups are perhaps even more ambiguous than wesker + estaka, and dorm can opt to play a strong keepaway game with drones (wesker + drones keepaway has a lot of flaws). the point i’m making here is that if we can’t find a suitable drones character for our magneto/_____/sentinel shell, we can look to run (teleport character)/magneto/sentinel, which also gives us optimal assists for our two point characters.
I dont think thats really the point, the point is that running Sentinel on anchor is a huge risk and liability, the benefit of having and extra character to abuse drones assist does not outweigh having a bottom tier anchor. Theres already plenty of M/X/S shells that are viable, but there can’t be an S-Tier lineup as long as you’re running Sentinel anchor ( or possibly even sentinel anywhere )
I run Viper/Doom/Magneto. Even though Magneto is anchor, if I touch you with Viper and DHC into Doom for 1.1M to kill your character, I have enough time to tag in Magneto when the lasers rain down. Now I have Magneto with a beam and OTG assist along with anchor Viper.
My Doom is just paperweight though.
You run Plasma beam and Disrupter on the same team?
Hypergrab assist. It lets me relaunch after I seismo with Viper.
This is hard to say but…I think Doom/Sentinel/Strider is a stronger team than any Magneto/Sentinel shell right now. Doom/Sentinel is weaker than Magneto/Sentinel but that Strider anchor trumps any third character that could be put in the Magneto/Sent shell and synergize well with both characters.
If only Magneto could pick up after a hard knockdown without wasting XF and a meter while not having to be in the corner.
Magneto / Sentinel would be tons of times better if most people I see using Sentinel wouldn’t be ass-like with him and also that he got nerfed from Vanilla to UItimate.
He lost his TAC Rocket Punch Loops and his solo corner variants that led to 1mil plus damage with meter gain