Yeah, you can, I thought you couldn’t too until I played at WGF and a Zero/Mag/Akuma player showed me. The timing is just more strict since you have to call the assist immediately before you input the OTG dive. If you call the assist before you jump, you cannot relaunch.
Wesker and Dorm can also relaunch with Disruptor assist, the timing is just more strict as well.
I’m having a bit of trouble deciding between running Dante/Felicia/Magnus and Dante/Magnus/Felicia. Any thoughts on the best order for that team?
Felicia with xf3 is really good…but I’ve been hearing the same thing about Magnus as well, and I’m thinking Felecia would benefit more from a beam assist than Magneto would from a low assist (although it would still be great to set up great high-low mixups)
can someone list all of the tridash characters? they’re the ones we should be looking to run 2nd on our Magneto/____/Sentinel teams since drones lockdown is pretty much made for them
Doom 2nd is starting to make a lot of sense. he utilizes both aspects of Drones: rushdown w/ tridashes, and keepaway. Hidden Missiles assist is obviously great, and imo the only assist in the game that makes Sentinel viable on point
Magneto Doom Sentinel is the best team I ever played. It’s like a second shot at everything. 2nd Shot at Rushdown (Magneto/Drones ; Doom/Drones), 2nd Shot at zoning (Magneto/Missiles/Drones ; Doom/Drones), 3 viable anchors, 3 viable points with each other’s assists. The DHCs aren’t optimal, but are good regardless…
I’m thinking about running a Mag/??/Doom or a Mag/Doom/?? team. I’m looking for a third and im wondering who would fit well. Don’t wanna use wesker or sentinel because i just don’t really like their design, and im hoping for someone with decent health to offset mags lack. I’m wondering if it is absolutely necessary if I pick someone with a good otg for mag.
The team I’m currently running works brilliant, I’ve heard someone else is using the same one (Joker?) but really I just wanted to re-use my Magnus skills to create a team with a mobile point and a varied keep-away/rush-down game.
This is what I’ve got,
Magneto (Beam), Iron Man (Repulsor), Sentinel (Drones).
The Iron Man assist could be swapped out for either of his other two, he has three very solid assists but Repulsor is great for creating corner traps, as it’s active both sides and above Tony, even if they tech they are forced to block on the wake up, it’s also great for extending air-combos in the corner.
Don’t forget the ridiculous amounts of meterless OHKOs off of Drones/Missiles.
I’ve been playing around with this team and the repulsor tech is stupid good reset potential (imho repulsor blast makes the left/right mixup for magneto a lot easier)
I think that from any decent length magblast variant into tempest (roughly around 825k) then dhc into cannon is just nuts. Maximum damage for little to almost no effort lol
I never liked Haggar. He’s one of the most boring characters ever created and yet Capcom decided to put him in the game since Cody Poison etc made it into other games.
Oh wow, a big buff mayor destroying crime in a big city with a lead pipe and nothing else. Also, even though that loop from a TAC is really nice, I just don’t want to conform to using him since I’ve been seeing a lot of Haggar’s out there lately. He just seems like a braindead character to me (most of the characters in the game are anyway lol)
Yeah, you seen my sig? hahaha. I’ve mained Gief since SFII and always play power characters and grapplers, the point character on my main UMvC team is Thor and in Marvel 2 I have Gief/Colossus
I don’t buy not playing Haggar because it’s trendy though, you run Doom, waaay more Doom out there than Haggar, and Sentinel for that matter. Haggar isn’t suddenly the new Zero/Dante/Wesker.
I just missed my piledrivers and lariats and it turns out Magneto and Haggar compliment each other very well, even their assists go well together
Oh don’t give me that bullshit. #1 I play Doom because he’s a second Magneto with a dive kick; and #2 Hidden Missiles plus a cracked out Magneto make for one bar kills. =/
Plus Haggar some of the most shitty matchups it’s insane. Although I am experimenting with him in my reset video so don’t think I’m not playing with him.
Hey each to their own, if you wanna shoot sparkles from your fingers instead of smashing someone over the head with a lead pipe be my guest. I’m telling you now though, Haggar hits like a he’s got x-factor up 24/7 and Magneto + Drones covers all his match up worries.