ahhh, but fuck Wesker. never wanted to go back to that character after playing Viper in Vanilla, lol. I think Mags/Dante/Sent is decent enough. gonna keep using it for a while. damn my Dante is ass. hahaha. might try Dorm since he is apparently everyone’s flavor of the month character.
Yeah I was really adverse to playing Wesker since his playstyle is so basic but jH gun loop is actually pretty neat and he’s stupid effective online.
i like magneto dante & somebody else idk who i mean i really dont like sentinel trish is ok i want a team whom has good amount of health & is very mobile plus the character must have combos i’m not a vergil person & i’m trying to think who would be good with those 2
I’m mainly a doom player, but I am going to making a Mag/doom/Dorm team soon. Any tips for order or assists, I really like the repulsion corner tech with dorms dark hole too.
I use Magneto-a/Dormammu-a/Doom-b. Both Mag and Dorm make great use of Missiles assist, you get your corner tech with Dorm assist, and Dorm is a monster with Disruptor assist. The DHCs in this team are also monstrous as fuck.
Ok, fuck wesker, i think i’m dropping him for doom. Wesker just doesn’t have IT for me. I don’t feel good playing him anymore and he’s nothing to Magneto besides an otg (doom can do it) and an unblockable setup maker (which magneto doesn’t even need because he’s disgusting)
How does Magneto-Doom-Sentinel look vs Magneto-Wesker-Sentinel?
which assist for doom?
More and more people keep switching to my team Use Hidden Missiles for Doom assist since you already have a horizontal space control and rushdown tool in Drones. Note that Mag>Doom midscreen DHC is total ass (Shockwave knocks them too far to be hit by a Sphere Flame and being hit by a Photon Array stops the opponent from getting hit by the proceeding light pillars.) but corner DHC is amazing in Tempest>Sphere Flame. Triple DHCs aren’t that great since Sphere Flame knocks them too high to follow up with HSF or Plasma Storm, so in that scenario you’ll have to settle with Tempest>Photon Array>Plasma Storm for damage unless you’re gonna just go for Gravity Squeeze. Midscreen Shockwave>Array is a really safe DHC on block. Running Doom second also gives you the option to TAC into Doom swag which will end up building a dumb amount of meter.
When I went to Winter Game Fest, ShadyK was rocking Doom/Sent/Mag which is an interesting composition as well. It basically plays like Team DiosX but with Magneto anchor which is infinitely scarier than Sent anchor if needed. Sent gets alot out of Disruptor assist as well although this is blasphemous to the tried and true Mag/Sent composition. You have a strong tridash/Drones mixup with Doom in the front already and Mags is stronger than Doom as an anchor as well. The DHC synergy is strong in this build as well since you have corner Air Photon Ray>Plasma Beam>Tempest which does retard damage and allows you to run the team as Mag/Doom/Sent afterwards if need be.
As far as a point Magneto game goes, I dropped Sentinel for Phoenix because I felt that Hidden Missiles and Drones had a noticeable degree of pressure redundancy and my Sent is absolute ass so I exchanged him with the bitch. The new TAC tech makes me skeptical of her place in competition though. However, I can get 3-4 bars in one hit confirm although its through a TAC since both Magneto and Doom have great post-TAC options that build substantial amounts of meter for Phoenix, who also uses both Disruptor and Missiles assist well if need be.
Mag wesker strider
Thank you based Dino. Magneto/Doom/Sent it will be. that compo feels like a second chance at life. its like I have double magneto or some shit.
dude it IS double Magneto! especially with the new corner combo I developed, Doom + Drones lockdown in the corner is a fucking nightmare. one whiff Doom’s metal foot and you die instantly. 1m+ damage, 1 bar, 1 assist. and the combo’s not even that difficult. goodness.
…oh and I hear Missiles + anything is pretty good too, but we already knew that I guess.
I just checked your combo out, mazio.
Jesus tap dancing Christ.
i need help forming a team also,im trying to learn magneto and his Rom combos but i cant find a good set of characters that go well with him.i dont want to play doom sent or wesker
Damn those are some of his best teammates lol! Well Ammy/coldstar, akuma/tastu, or Dante/weasel shot work pretty good with mags
Do do you like in the game Pavy? A list of characters you wanna play would help us decipher which cast members would make a good team for you.
The list of characters i like to play are
I use Zero, Vergil, Magneto
Vergil helps with Zero extend combos
and Magneto beam assist helps Zero and Vergil teleport mixup pretty well
Disruptor assist also extends Zero combos as well, but you have to call the assist after you jump and right before you dive.
Zero/Spencer/Magneto or Zero/Vergil/Magneto sound like the most feasible teams in that list.
yeah my list is a little obscure lol i wanted to try dante but everyone and they’re grandma plays him
i cant do zero combos i dont know how people can keep a charge during combos
you actually cant disruptor, otg dive, relaunch anymore in ultimate