MvC3: I'm Doing This For Mutantkind: The Magneto Team Thread

does strider’s vajra assist go well with magneto

No. he has no OTG capabilities and he’s mobile enough in the air so that he does not need Vajra.

Vajra is good for characters with poor air mobility (nemesis, iron fist) and characters with self-OTG capabilities (Wesker, Zero, Dante, Viper… the works.)

ok thanks man

What are some characters that work with magneto other than sentinel?


Those are just the ones off the top of my head

Ammy too

Enlighten me. You mean the Shockwave > Legion DHC?

Magneto IAD Gram assist j.m into reset for 100%. I’ve got a project loaded on my laptop with a bunch of funny looking and awesome resets coming up on youtube next week. Once I put the finishing touches on it yall are gonna love it.

I mean who doesn’t like killing people without using meter? I know I sure as fuck do.

what do you guys think about Magneto on point then deadpool then not sure about a anchor but do you think Magneto and DP work ok together?

Magneto/Deadpool is decent. Not amazing, but decent. Deadpool’s OTG doesn’t hit low though so you can’t set up any unblockables with Magneto’s jS.

I’ve dropped Sentinel in my main team and now I’m using Dormammu-a/Magneto-a/Doom-b. I love the robot, but as an anchor he just dies to too much shit in this game. My new team is basically 3 point characters but with rapey assists. Dorm + EM Disruptor is stupidly good, like Wolverine/Akuma good and leads to 700k-800k with one meter via Dorm’s new Dark Matter swag combos. I actually hate Doom as an anchor too but both Mags and Dorm get alot out of Hidden Missiles.

i’ve been running magneto/sentinel/wesker (in that order) for a while now and i’m starting to dislike it for a variety of reasons.

-sentinel on point is terrible, and running him 2nd is basically giving them a free character once my magneto dies. i’d much rather maximize drones by having him as my anchor. yet, i have to run him 2nd because i need something strong to DHC into after a magnetic tempest corner combo to secure the kill on a lot of characters (wesker’s phantom dance doesn’t do nearly enough damage). imo, any magneto/drones team needs someone with a strong DHC in the 2nd slot so that you can kill point characters in 1 combo
-wesker isn’t really my kind of character. i’m much better at mixing up with mobile characters that can trijump than with teleport characters
-i don’t really like wesker/drones in the event that my wesker gets snapped in after my magneto dies. imo wesker goes best with quick assists that allow for teleport mixups (disruptor, tatsu, shopping cart). i could put wesker on point to abuse disruptor assist with him, but then i’d be losing out on magneto’s godlike grab at the beginning of the game. it forces a lot of people to corner themselves right off the bat just to avoid getting grabbed

it really seems like magneto/dormammu/sentinel is the ideal drones team

I like Dorm on point a lot better than Mags on point if you’re running both of them. I don’t think Dorm does very much for Mags assist-wise aside from providing a combo extension while the EM Disruptor assist + Dorm mixup is dumb as fuck + you get your high damage corner DHC of Chaotic Flame > Magnetic Tempest.

I’m having difficulties forming a team with a competent anchor. I’ve been using Hawkeye, Doom and while I love Doom I highly dislike him anchor and my good friend INSISTS hugely I do Magneto with those two characters. I am having trouble making Hawk/Doom or Doom/Hawk work with mags anchor as it just feels very not optimal. I decided to ask here for some insight I may have overlooked before moving on or switching him to point.

He works great in either position, actually. He’s a house on point or anchor because of his gdlk mobility and his high damage output.

Why do you dislike doom anchor? Imo He’s one of the best anchors in the game. he has assistles self mixups with hidden missiles, high enough damage output to kill most of the cast even without xf, can combo off of throws, good pressure game that ignores pushblocking in the corner, good enough zoning to lame out 1vs1 anchor fights, good chip, and last but not least his xf guard cancel shower is so stupid that it shouldn’t be in the game. ^^ my suggestion for order would definitely be mag/hawkeye/doom.

While I agree with you it’s because I feel he has difficulties vs other common anchors and has a very difficult time catching people if their game plan is a lot of up back. I feel the matchup vs Hawkeye is near unwinnable solo even to a supbar Hawkeye. Hell I even rotate my Hawkeye toward the back when doom is their anchor. Dorm gives me a lot of issues too if they understand exploiting this weakness on dooms part. Don’t get me wrong, I put in a lot of work only ever always using doom but I think its so hit/miss depending on the matchup. So far I’ve been using that team and doing a switch out. Before the battle starts if it looks like I’m vsing an anchor like that but I’m still having trouble making that team very optimal.

Yeah in the end it’s personal preference. If you feel you can get more out of your anchor spot if you pixk hawkeye, go with him. His assist is very good and he still has good stuff with gimlet xcf gimlet and things like that.

Two teleporters with synergy + Magneto in the back as an anchor is a really strong team shell. EM Disruptor is the best beam for tele mixups since it hardly prorates the hit stun and damage scaling and Magneto is a full retard anchor with XF3.

playing Mags/x/Sentinel again. who are you guys using in second? just trying out Dante for the hell of it and Doom just cuz I already play Doom.

@Din0: Strange is probably the exception to that as his best mixups and damage need to come from an Impact Palm crumple, which requires the opponent to be grounded. so for that you need to play like Strange/Spencer/Mags or Strange/(Hawkeye, Taskmaster, Iron Man)/Anchor.

I played Doom in that slot for a good while but my Sentinel is ass so if my opponent was any good, they would win once they beat my Mags/Doom. The team also had a pretty big Hawkeye weakness (srsly fuck Hawkeye). Old vanilla teams like Mag/Wolv/Sent and Mag/Wesk/Sent are still up there even though the DHC Glitch is gone. XF2 Wolverine is full retard and Wesker’s unblockable assist setup after a Magneto air throw is nasty as fuck.

Since people have been getting smarter and getting used to using the anti-Phoenix TAC glitch which rapes the shit out of Phoenix teams, I’ve been using Vergil/Wesker/Mags and Wesker/Dorm/Mags. Both teams are mad derpy and retarded as hell for minimal work.