MvC3: I'm Doing This For Mutantkind: The Magneto Team Thread

More like Magneto/Task/Doom

Also, don’t drop characters just because your friends don’t like him. FEED ON THE HATE. That’s what I do.


Convert their saltiness into swag fuel for your magnus loops.

Also Bum I think the horizontal arrow assist and missiles is a deadly combo with magneto. I played with mag task sent day one and it’s really deadly because of the high/low mix up and how simple it is to convert a hit off of either assist.

I’ve been doing Vergil/Magneto/Sentinel. Really solid team. No color synergy though if you’re using alternate outfits.

I got Vergil’s alternate outfit and I’m gonna get Magneto’s House of M (already checked, color synergy on lock) but what about 50 Sent? I may drop him for someone who matches.

Why do you give a fuck? Feed off their salty tears.

I use lvl 4 Dark Wesker sometimes and they bitch and moan then they turn around and use Spencer and other secret top tier nigs. Such hypocrisy.

why is it soooooo hard to rush effectively w/mags without drones??? Man it feels like such an uphil battle.
Another note, I feel mags will be top 5 with more time. Mags still has it, IMO he has not slowed down if u play him right

Out of curiosity, has anyone tried Magneto with Shopping Cart?

You can rush effectively without drones, but you need to be a lot more careful about it.

Honestly, I don’t think Magneto is top 5. Not when you have Zero, Dante, Phoenix, Dr. Doom, and the like. Top 10 maybe, but he’d be 9 or 10 and he’d be fighting tooth and nail with Dormammu and Wolverine for that spot.

has nebody feel victum to a bs random slide when your airdashing down with

Yeah, it feels weird to rush without drones, but it isnt hard. You still get free high/lows, just not as often, and you have to be more patient with the left/rights.

Also, trying to ADD with an attack and getting stuffed by a slide is just the worst feeling.

Drones just makes it easier i guess lol

the way I see it, if Mags is top 10 already he has nowhere to go but up on the tier list. I feel like theres alot more to Mags we havent seen yet : )

He was all figured out in Vanilla pretty much, these new gravity moves have decent potential

yup the gravity moves in the corner are gay lol

as long as you’ve got a teleport, then you’re good lol unless i summon the drones and pull yo ass right back in the corner lol

what do you guys do against mashing jumpers…? only thing I can really do is zone them.

a lot of people I end up playing against are always pressing buttons, and therefore never blocking.

is setting up with an assist the only way??

ive been using all of magnetos moves latley n noticed its the next best thing besides tri dashing…he doesnt have to move like crazy to be effective…i now abuse force field into super, and i do alot more random hyper grabs to success…if i was using force field since vanilla …wow!! its about getting use to knowing when to do either force field hyper grabs repulsion attraction etc.on top of a solid rush down game…remember people rarely empty jump …even when i bag dudes with jills anti air n they know not to abuse jumping attacks THEY STILL SLIP UP OUT OF HABBIT…n force field blocks projectiles

Magneto’s s.:l: is a REALLY good anti-air, as the hitbox extends out far beyond his hand and it chains into :s:

I like to anti air with s.:l:, s.:l: :s: into combo

Just don’t try this against anyone with a fucking sword

yeah -_- virgil down h makes me cry at night

That’s why magnus can play with gravity now.

Teleport behind me? Pull you right into the drones. Above? Is that you strider? REPULSION.
Don’t forget that shit guys lol make them come to you

Nothing is more satisfying than playing against Taskmasher and using repulsion


dem drones are too good with mags. I wish Sentinel didnt have so many bad match-ups though

to anyone playing a mags/vergil team…DT rapid slash works pretty damn well with mags for lockdown. its really hard to get away from DT rapid slash + gravity moves its awesome. so put Vergil first he gets his beam assist, land a hit, end your combo with lunar phase, DT, DHC mags magnetic shockwave and you get a full combo with alot of damage and mags gets an upgraded rapid slash assist! yay! even if mags gets ko’d you have DT vergil next :slight_smile: