I’m using Magneto Frank West/Sentinel and Nova anchor. Nova is fucking ridiculous. With Mag and Frank you can get lv4. in 15 seconds and then have insurance with Nova in the back. Sent can be there just because nerfs don’t affect me at all lol
I’m running Magneto/Skrull/Sentinel. When these guys DHC, expect 1.1mil +
Just Magneto into Skrull is 700k+
mine current team is Magneto,Vegil,Strider but the team doesnt seem to have much senergy even tho i like them so much.
Hi guys. Im currently trying to remake my team without a sentinal(i love his assist I hate using him). I’m currently thinking
Magneto/Doom/Dante. What do you guys think of hidden missile. I feel like if you aren’t agressive with doom assist you will get blown up(cause he stays out too long) and on the other hand if your going in with magneto he needs to be protected by an assist. But I think it could work? I feel like Dante’s assist helps both magneto and doom.
Thats my thought process.
Any other lockdown assists that could help magneto I tried Ammy and Vergil I don’t like them though.
1.What do you think of having Dante as anchor I love Jam Session assist with both magneto and Doom.
2.Do you know any players that play Magneto/Doom/Dante, so i could watch?
3. Any overall suggestions?
I’m running Magneto-a/Doom-b/Sentinel-a right now and I love it. It feels more like 2 Magnetos + Sentinel than MSS does. Hidden Missile assist does get punished if you’re careless with it, so you can’t just spam Repulsion and Missiles all day at all. Alot of the time, you can call Missile assist at the edge of the screen while applying tridash pressure and the opponent won’t know that the missiles are going to shoot down. Missiles that you aren’t prepared for will fuck up your combos alot though so you have to be smart about placing them.
Magneto/Doom doesn’t have good DHC synergy outside of the corner though.
This is sure to be an overused team later on. Right now I think it’s the best team for point magneto,since both assists are just amazing for him. When magnus dies it isnt too bad either since Nova benefits from drones about as well as anyone else. Also, nova can play pretty bitchy keep-away with drones on the screen.
Im trying to find a good lockdown assist for my magneto, i have been using sent drones since day one but now i just feel like sent is holding me back, my current team is magneto, sentinel, wesker and i need to drop sentinel, so what do you guys think would be the best character for me to replace him with.
Honestly? Nothing out does drones. You can’t truly replace them.
Ammy, Akuma, Frank and Doom all have decent assists for magnus if you really do want someone else.
Yeah, nothing is as good as drones for Magneto. Cold Star comes sorta close but doesn’t allow you to be nearly as aggressive.
mvc3’s badguys (minus galactus:clown:). there’s no notable synergy between magneto and modok/taskmaster, so that leaves dorm, doom, skrull, and wesker. magneto and wesker have matching purple alternates, so wesker’s gone. magneto is pretty decent with skrull, but i feel if you had to choose from the remaining three, the strongest combination would be MAG/DORM/DOOM.
imo, this is top 3 easiest teams for beginners in umvc3. it also helps that this team is legitimately powerful. definitely one of my favorite teams.:tup:akuma works here as well for mag/wesker.
nothing surprising here. monster team. can be played in various orders. TOO STRONG!:tup:
this team makes clowns out of people.
more magneto wrecking teams. i’m super surprised there aren’t more people using viewtiful joe and rocket raccoon. magneto can play anchor here as well. another one of my favorites in this game.:tup:
oh wells.
Dawg, you’re rocking the wrong colors on that first team! Magneto and Wesker are tight, but you need the Black skinned, white haired akuma.
Then you have 3 White Haired Dudes
3 guys dressed in purple and black. Swag.
Hows Magneto as an anchor in Ultimate? I’m thinking of running Vergil/ Trish/ Magneto. Vergil gets his beam assist with Disruptor which is also good for Trish keepaway. Peekaboo is good for incoming characters and resets. Peekaboo also picks up after random helm breaker -> high time. Vergil assists helps lock down for high/ low mix ups for Trish and mag who both have good crouching Ls and instant overheads. DHCs seem decent. Also think each character covers each others bad match ups.
I just don’t think that Trish to Mag dhc is good…
Since we’re posting up team color synergy
These are my three preset slots. No joke.
I guess ill try to just get better somehow with sentinel then (i guess watch some rayray videos? cuz sent forums are dead) my team is mag, sent, wesker i was wondering what the majority of u think is better tho mag,sent, wesker, or mag,wesker,sent cuz both have there advantages.
The team can work in many ways, though I really don’t like having Wesker in the end because he benefits both from drones and Disruptor. At the same time, Sentinel all by himself is nowhere near as threatening as with Disruptor assist.
who would be better for a Mags/Sent team zero or firebrand
Zero all day
I’m looking to run a Vergil/ Magneto team, but I’m having trouble finding a third to go with them. The ones I’m thinking of right now are Wolverine, Dante, Chun Li, or maybe Sentinel. What do you guys think?
Chun assist can pick up after Vergil’s high time and Dante’s can do it in the corner well, but Wolverine doesn’t offer much in terms of assists, but I’ve been running him for a long time so I’m comfortable with him.
mac: i’m thinking sentinel because of the teleport mix up with vergil and the crack dash mixups with magneto.
like think of calling drones/teleport behind em and then fake me out so they lose the block and then you get a free combo swag
So I’ve been trying to drop this dude since UMVC3, but I just can’t seem to bring myself to do the deed…so instead I’ve been trying to build a good team around him…
Also, I had Wesker, but with the amount of salt going around with my friends especially, I decided to drop him.
How do u guys think this team fits Mag? Any suggestions?
Taskmaster (Horizontal Arrow)/Magneto (EM Disruptor)/Doom (Hidden Missiles)
Much thanks!