MvC3: I'm Doing This For Mutantkind: The Magneto Team Thread

he still has solo rocket punch loops

I don’t know how you’ve been able to do them Rocket Punch loops, possibly off a TAC. Could you explain to me how is this possible?

Just pick up Mags after getting my bearings somewhat straight after playing Vanilla for so long. I’m stuck between between choosing the following teams:

Mag/Storm/Sent (Full screen blowup with Shockwave into Hailstorm sounds appealing)
Mag/Dante/Sent (I could rearrange this any which way and still have a decent team)
Mag/Task/Sent (Just picked up Tasky, i just don’t know which spot would suit him best)


Fullscreen blow up DHC is the only reason to use Storm. Her intermediate combos do like 350k meterless while not even building a full meter and the execution required to do 500k meterless is like twice as much as it would to do 750k meterless with Zero.

That DHC is a massively good tool though.

I’d run Mag/Sent/Dante over Mag/Dante/Sent.

Sentinel doesn’t have any solo Rocket Punch loops that I know of, I think bloodabeast might be thinking Hard Drive Loops.

after playing hundreds of games this week, i don’t think there’s any way in hell any S-tier team in this game has sentinel on it.

him being mags’ best assist doesn’t make up for not having an anchor/playing with 2 characters instead of 3. mags w/ sent assist isn’t even any better (probably still worse) than most other top tier point characters w/ their optimal assists in this game.

in 2013, he will literally be useless on point. as if it isn’t impossible enough already, nobody will be landing hits on top characters a year from now with sentinel.

as for mags himself, i predict he will end up being at the top of B tier. firebrand, strider, wesker, zero, dante, morrigan, spencer, viper, hawkeye, dorm, and wolverine are all better point characters than him imo (even when he has sent assist). he doesn’t have the janky hitboxes that are characteristic of S/A tier characters in this game. because of how good he is for a character with such a good assist, however, i think he’ll always be a common pick for tournament play.

Morrigan, Spencer, Hawkeye, Wolverine and Dante better than Mags??? I dont see it. Magneto has amazing mixups, damage and tools all on his own. Hitboxes are not the determinant for who’s top tier. Why does everyone think he NEEDS sentinel assist when Coldstar, Weasel Shot, Hidden Missles or any fucking beam do just as well in the grand scheme of things? The only reason one could think Magneto is incomplete without sentinel is if they’re too used to not trying. Thats all sentinel does over any other good assist, he lets you be lazy. With no assists he can execute great high/low mixups and do 800K with 1 bar, or fly around and be stupidly effective at zoning and keep away. He’s the complete package, he has 0 bad matchups and no weaknesses, while several of the characters you mention that are better than him have very apparent holes in their game despite doing select things really well. Thinking he’s anything BUT top of A is a little ridiculous.

Honestly, the biggest downside to Magneto is that he can’t follow up on Vajra with anything but shockwave. Shit sucks.

I can’t agree with the B tier statement. I definitely think he’s about 6-7 on the tier list, tying with Doom and beating out Wolverine, Morrigan, Spencer, Hawkeye, and Vergil.

Magneto anchor is definitely one of the top 3 anchors in the game and I think Magneto play will eventually evolve into an anchor-centric metagame.

Magnus lower than A tier?

:coffee: This tier list is ass :coffee:

i suppose i’m associating magneto too much with sentinel; i really need to give him a shot either as anchor or with a different assist. as a duo, i think that they’re top of B tier (and worse than most other high tier duos) because of how bad sentinel is. by himself, though, magneto is probably better than what i said earlier.

Tatsu assist.

I’m currently running the same team along side wolvs/task/mags. Task is a great battery, but depending on the situation your DHC options will be weak with either magnus or sent in the 2nd spot. Personally in a Magnus/XXX/Sent shell you need a strong stable character with good vitality to balance the team out, and Taskmaster has all that. Adding sent as an assist for Taskmaster reveal quite the shenanigans to pull with his swing cancel into arrows for crossups, lockdown grabs and amazing normals for all those trying to play with fire.

As far as damage ? DHC’ing into Task from a Magnus tempest is rather ridiculous :wink:

Sent / Magnus Shell is IMO one of the best shells if not the absolute best shell in the game. Right now my magnus is playing a little crappy compared to my Sentinal.

The problem is is that most people expect to derp their way out with Sentinel like its MvC2, but the fact is is that he is more fragile then ever, but boy dat easy ass damage that Sentinel can churn out with extremely little effort is the reason as to why I have never dropped him and will never drop him.

10 More Years!!

How does Nova/Spencer/Magneto sound? I have centurion rush,slant grapple, and disruptor as the assists. Does this team have good synergy? I have been using this team and have done fairly well but, are there any tips that some of the more advanced players can give me on assists, team order, and possible mix-ups this team might possibly have?

if you put magneto before nova, you can use nova’s high-hitting assist to do unblockables with repulsion that i believe can only be rawtagged out of


what do you guys think of zero/mags/sent … the idea of the team is that zero pretty much runs for itself and has estaka and drones for mixups and combos, zero/mags DHC synergy is bad but zero doesnt really needs to DHC due to lightning loops.
and if zero dies i still have mags/drones one of the best duos in the game, the downside of the team is sentinel anchor… i dont know if i should change sentinel for any other assist that could help magneto mixups like dante weasel shot (dante is a better anchor than sentinel) or ammy(cold star) but my ammy is ASS… any thoughts or suggestions?

edit: i think zero can lightning loop after a shockwave and mags can get a full combo after a zero anti-air assist

in all honesty i think you should swap anchors with mag because of how much more reliable he is in that position.

only thing you should know about anchor Magneto is that niggas never noticed you could go full retard. they never go full retard…

fuckin wesker and his easy mode bs =( honestly though, i still think magneto is better than wesker anchor, but i’m not pro so most people won’t listen to ol bloo ><

but i love playing magneto + assists :frowning:

If you’re running Zero/Sentinel/Magneto, you’re better off running Zero/Dante/Magneto. Sadly, the best Magneto teams IMO, are the ones with teleporters in the front and Magneto relegated to the back.

Dormammu/Wesker/Magneto might be the best Magneto team IMO.

what is Mag’s most damage using 1 bar? I can only get 885k using drones and the Alioune loop with max HSD. I have tryed so hard to past 885k but my team doesn’t have the tools required.

I want to use magneto/doom/ x, but i would like to know what would be some good anchors for this team thats not wesker, sent or dante?