SENTINEL is Godlike
No shit, I expect him to fly/unfly, I just don’t expect to just stand there blocking the laser as if there’s nothing you can do. Seriously, I question the intelligence of all of you sometimes. It’s like you swallow the whole God Tier shit and when your assist character comes in, you give up before you try. CapCom has options and that’s all I was trying to say.
Weak. At least try.
After years of playing I also have found Iceman to be the best killer of Sent. Sad thing is Iceman can become such an easy target for Cable or Magnus.
I find that Gambit if used right can also take down sent pretty good. Just keep the fucker from getting in the air.
Uggh, Runaway Storm vs. Cable is extremely ugly for Cable.
Not if he is winning.
pretty much anybody who has a diagonal projectile can take down sent, but will have trouble against magnus or cable.
man Jake you know Cyke can’t do anything, it’s a shame they put cyke on this game in the first place. i don’t know what they were thinkin puttin him in the game.
cap v. sent = rape, dash back laser and fierce owns him. another thing is you can easily bait anybodys cap in to doing corrodor which = free combo
sent v. cable isnt as bad as people are saying. if your sent sucks yes cable will sshot you. if your sent is good and smart that match goes 4/6 in cables favor.
also cable v. storm i myself never had problems with chasin tht bitch and lockin her down.
cyke can fight anybody. duble jump RH is 2good
If you think it’s like then half the people who posted in here is lucky…Fat chance…
Wheres the Hate for Cable Vs Cable? I also hate Cable Vs Storm. Even if your winning, that can change and then it’s back to running away.
capcom can fight sent? chillllll homie iono mayeb i just havent seen it yet…i dont play that much maybe tactics changed since then…
then you haven’t seen me play. I suck but commando has the tools to fight him. I didn’t say he can beat him tho cause its hard. People give up for no reason which is dumb.
I have a bad matchup or at least one that is disadvantaged. I’ve always hated using mag/sent-a against mag/psy. I mean mag/sent has to be more careful yes? I mean cuz psy sometimes is a bitch to rush against. What u guys think?
cable vs a storm that knows what shes doing.
It’s more like the other way. It’s almost even cause both sides have to use there assists right. Wrecklessly calling out Psylocke will get her killed after you blink.
Yeah, but I think he means you have to call sent on reaction, since Psy will always beat sent when called at the same time. Plus sent doesn’t have any “get the fuck off me” bullshit.
I think Magneto vs Cable is retarded.
INIT: combofiend madness
Musta cost you a whol’ lotta money to pick up that rushdown storm.
I even learned resets from yer vids, call me a script kidde.
Must suck now that I stole your rushdown storm…
Notice, Jwong’s defeat:
– 2k3 EVO –
– “Get 'em Soo!” –
– “Seven snapbacks!” –
I still practice your match with “the best.”
Its funny, because my timing on your snapbacks is better than your own.
Even better you still run with storm.
I suggest some eagle, and some rolento, and not getting used to
playing anyone because it is me versus you my friendly mighty soo.
– NOTICE – Ninjitsu rules only. You enter you fight.
– NOTICE – Ninjitsu rules only. You leave you fight.
mag v. cable is 8/2 anywhere but nw. Nw cable v. mag 6 / 4 . cable jab is good against mag