MVC2:The worst top-tier matchup

I am just curious to what you guys think the worst top-tier matchup in the game is? IMO its sentinel vs. cable. I think that matchup is incredibly stupid. No matter how good your sent is, you can never say you “mastered that matchup”. I hate the fact that sent has to eat 5 hypers. He can’t even get in the match safely. What do you guys think?


IM gets fucked up bad by sentinel =[. The way i look at it its similiar to sent vs cable, its a bitch but you can get done if you nice enuff

Yeah, my IM always get fucked up by Sentinel. PHATTTTTTTT…teach me how to beat Sentinelllllllll

i dunno guys, but IM can fight sentinel just as good as mag can. It takes alot more patience though. Try slowing down your rushing, and focus more on gett that one hit.

…I dunno about Phat…but playing top tier Sentinels, unless You get that one hit into infinite…you can’t win.

IM can’t fight sent. All sent has to do is fly around. IM cant do anything about that.


IM Has lots of options. If sentinel does a flying hp, use your laser (neutral hp) and it’ll take him down. IM doesnt have any useful supers, but he has very good range and options. Dashing while flying is another good technique. If you block all of sentinel’s attacks and stay out of the corner you’ll give a very good fight.

If he dashes without doing anything while sent is flying, he’ll eat a fly combo.

Sentinel really doesn’t have to fight at all.


Dashing away is what I meant, and there is a lag after sentinel’s flying attacks, IM’s lp or lk will beat any of his moves. RBs are good too. Its not as bad as it looks. The key is patience

I don’t think we said he didn’t have options. They are just limited. If he doesn’t do short fly, he can fly above forever and get out of infinite range. And…Im vs Sent/Commando is like a…2 at best.

I wouldnt say fly it out with sentinel all the time. And yes his options are limitted. But if you use them wisely then they may open up an infinite. As for commando, well, that would give sentinel an advantage but cyke, doom, or psylocke give IM a better chance to get that one hit

sent vs cable
im vs sent
sent vs mag 1on1

  • vs. Sentinel/Commando

i’ve heard this before, that sent can just fly upback on “ironguy”, but my question to anyone is what can cyclops do to prevent this from happening to him? People say cyclops fights sent better than im.

my opinion on the worst matchup is also sent vs cable, esp cable with bh/capcom.

I think cable/bh/cc is good counter to team scrub, when it starts sent or cable.

You’d think that. But when Cable/BH/CapCom is on the receiving end of a competent Team Scrub, things get ugly fast.

I can’t really describe it, but you need Seattle-level Cable to get through a decent Team Scrub with that configuration.

Magneto vs Cable
Sentinel vs Magneto
Sentinel vs Iron-Man

BTW: Who are we talking about that has the advantage in the Sentinel vs Cable fight? Cause i would think neither has THAT BIG of an advantage against each other 1 on 1. I would assume its even until Sentinel gets Unfly. Then it would be like 60/40 in favor of sentinel, then again Unfly runs out so its kinda back and forth…

Definite agreement on the Sent vs IM fight. It is UGLY.

i don’t see how sentinel is gonna navigate his way through corridors, infernos, grenades, beams, and bullets, hell you might even want to start bh and throw pigs and demons at him. So i’m guessing team scrub has to start cable and hope to beat the other cable first to win the matchup. but either way sent has a hard time vs cable imo.

storm > magneto