Now fernando ma nizzle. Now you now that captain suck ass has not chizzle against sentizzle.
I know he doesn’t win the match but saying that he can’t fight him is saying that Justin can’t fight without assists.
Who the fuck are you?? Blade??
I walk during the day too, I dont mention it every fucking post.
- There is special meaning to it.
- Who the hell are you?
The worst TOP tier match-up is sentinel vs cable / cyclops… I found out yesterday the hard way.
Props to matrix your game got REALLY good… YIPES is too much jesus
Its dumb shit like this that has me coming back to this site thx. :tup:
cable with any assist if a bad match with sent lol. Unless you know how to bait Cable and make him call assist reckless, your pretty much done.
Yipes stepped his game up really good. MSP is too serious!!!
I think when BH was top, his worse match was vs mag or storm, he couldnt do shit.
Odd I always thought he could do well against them. Runaway, chip. Pretty much having mag going on the defense since he can’t do much when he’s far away unlike storm.
You vs. Soo 50$ bet it.
i dont see how you can run away from Storm or Mag. If you run away from storm, she’ll just do the same and throw out random crap, then hailstorm you.
Once mag catchs up to you your dead.
Well its not a good fight for blackheart. Mag depends on rush down. Give blackheart good assists like Doom, Commando, or Cyke would pretty much limit him unless mag punishes. But the only way to have a good blackheart is to have good defense.
Blackheart with Cyke is ridiculous though. One touch kill.
If you count Strider adn Spiral, cable has serious problems
Explain. Strider NEEDS doom to be effective.
Game Mario, sometimes you just cant win that sentinel vs cable match up vs some players … :sad: GOtta practice that
Screw his MSP… why do people constantly talk about his msp :lame: , trust me guys he can play MORE then just MSP Ive ran hundreds of matches against him ( losing quite a bit) and I lose MORE to other stuff THEN the msp… :sad: People can random out msps, not solid teams all day.
Yes, Strider as in sent-stri-doom and Spiral as in spi-sent-aaa…
This stuff is w/o assists:
Mag vs Sent.
A good Storm vs. Sent.
Sent. vs. Cable
You said strider with spiral assist. What are you talking about?