MVC2:The worst top-tier matchup

me vs you.

My Magneto/Psylocke vs. your sentinel capcom

137 (and counting) - 1

4-2…not bad for me huh…i’ll get those wins back

mummy only hits if sentinel is flying. he can just unfly. then crouching fierce. fierce all day every day and maybe throw in a few drones. the laser owns up commando so badly its horrible.

and there is no way in hell a sentinel player is going to get caught by corridor into sword. if anything theyll intentionally try to bait it out so you can whiff and eat horrible punish.

I’ve beaten sent. with commando. Commando desn’t suck. It’s just what u do to sent is all that matters…


Whos sent my i ask? :confused:

Man getting in is not the hard part. Its staying in safely.

LOL too tru

yeah you’re right, I’ve only really been playing the game for about 4 months now so I dont really know too much about counter matchups. I’ll make sure to play you at ECCX, I could surely learn a few things from you :tup:

Yall nice

I know you’ve had it for a while, but that av is gangster.

Excuse me, but I’ve played this match enough times to know what can and cannot be done. Laser does not work on Commando, you just jump over it, whee now I get to put an electric glove in your face, thanks. Gets worse if i have Sentinel cuz I get to superjump for free. Throw in drones and you get sworded for free.

And please don’t even start with the unblockable shit, unless you are fucking Neo you’re not going to get it.

Do you even believe the bullshit you type? Jump over laser. Wow, that’s great why didn’t I think of that. Now I just have to find some sentinels that are dumb enough to just stand there in recovery. If commando jumps over the laser all they have to do is cancel into drones or fly back and we’re back to square one. It could’ve been a different story if he had an air dash or dj but he doesn’t so he can’t even get past a dumb trap like that.

Commando w/ assists may stand a chance but commando vs sent 1 on 1 is un-fucking-winnable. Plain and simple.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Dont forget to jump over ice beam while ur at it. :tup:

laser can be cancelled into fly. take it from there

I’ve killed [decent] Sent’s with Commando with mostly chip damage before. It’s hard but not impossible. Mummy and Ninja block strings from C.LK, C.LK, C.FP chip and I’ve occasionally guardbroken Sent from the Mummy into S.HK, Capt. Corridor XX Cap’n Sword.

If you actually treat Capcom like a character and not just a assist that dies for free he can work wonders. :bgrin: Maybe because I’ve played with him since MVC2 debut when he was just Capcom the helpful character. lol :razzy:

Rogue/Sent/Capcom 4 LYPHE!!!:cool:

I agree with most of what you said…But i don’t believe that Commando dies TOO badly against Sent.

**DemiSe:**I have nothing against you, man and i respect your skills, but you can’t go around saying a character sux just because you most likely suck at using him. Also, I think you should listen to a little bit of what Dasrik has to say because he is a VERY GOOD Commando user. Heck, even Genghis learned Commando strats from him :wow:

Please view the this page of this thread:
IMO, we should keep Commando discussions in that thread, because we’re kind of getting off topic now(We don’t want the mods to close this thread, right?)Maybe if you actually tried to learn Commando, you wouldn’t be so discouraged…If only Genghis were here :sad:

So true…Peace:smile:

this game turned into first clean hit wins

I can’t believe people think capcom vs sentinel has a chance. We already established ironman has no chance what make you think capcom has one. Just because you whole team got raped and its down to your capcom vs sent at 30% and two whole characters, you got lucky with a hit and all the sudden capcom is great against sent. Lets face it, capcom has no way to force sent to fight. If sent decide to c.hp flyxxunfly all day there nothing cap can do about it. c.hp over and over works on characters much faster than commando so there is noway cap gonna get in.