The real question is what do YOU think? :karate:
Cyclops vs. Cable.
i disagree that commando loses to cable one on one. wtf.
ps cyke vs cable is bad.
sent vs cable is also bad.
maybe the dooms ive been playin suck (and they probly do)
doom vs cable is bad
doom vs sentinel is bad
cuz he really has no good air to air combat moves.
Indeedly true. Good Post Philth :tup: Storm Vs. Cable = Storm running away all day > Cable trying to shoot/granade her down, Cable vs. Sent = Horrible match up especially if cable has back up such as drones, 5 meters or Capcom assist. As matrix said before, 5 ahvbs on sent = annoying.
I’m no miss know-it-all, but please explain why you seem to strongly believe(Well, you said “WTF” so obviously, you strongly believe that Cable doesn’t kill Commando) that Commando doesn’t lose to Cable one on one:smile:
If you want to,you should post in the Commando thread… I think it would be best if you explain it in that thread, since this is somewhat off-topic…Do you want to argue with Genghis as well? Maybe you should read his posts about Commando Vs Top Tier characters in the Commando thread i created last year(It’s still going). I’m aware that some Cable players suck, barely block low, have bad reactions, etc, so of course, a decent or good Commando can stand a chance against a Cable like that. I’m/We’re talking about a Decent Commando vs decent Cable, good Commando vs good Cable, etc…Of course, a good or great Commando can kill certain scrubby Cables–That’s just common sense. But, i do believe, from experience, that Cable in general gives Commando at least SOME trouble.I’m not here trying to prove anyone wrong, i just would like to hear what you think :tup:
People don’t know how to play Doom anymore, it seems…
Doom vs. Cable is good because Doom can pin Cable. It’s all about playing the elevator game, if you know what I mean.
Doom vs. Sentinel sucks.
Hmmmm how about cable vs. cable when they both have 5 meters ha nobody wants to flinch, but on topic sent vs cable i say sent takes it if he has an aaa but like sent/capcom vs. cable/capcom probably random assuming both players know what they are doing if cable gets caught in the corner sent can screw him over, but if cables charged and lands the gunshot sent eats 4 beams if hes low enough and dies
actually come to think of it, doom versus everyone in the top 4 is pretty bad. how does doom pin cable? granted all the doom players i play against pretty much suck, except this one guy, he’s like j mar’s brother and his doom is sick.
but i mean if doom throws pink shit, bullet plus hyper viper beam. or wavedash behind him, superjump lp fp hyper viper beam. if he tries to sj and air dash up, then cable can stop the air dash by sj at the same time and shooting a bullet or viper beam. it seems doom would have to try to rush down cable, not pin him, because all his stuff is easily punishable… right?
and for the commando versus cable stuff, imo cable is not really all that good one on one. he doesnt have a very good anti air option like the other characters. he doesnt really have a good answer to commandos jump in fierce. commandos air throw beats out cables air throw. commando can also safely execute c. lk c. lk ninja as a chip and pressure string (the ninja will hit if cable tries to do anything). if the lk connect, then combo into c. fierce qcf + 2 kick super. or combo into c. lk c. fierce captain fire.
as for commando, i can see he comes at a disadvantage because his captain sword often whiffs on cable, doing no damage, and he can’t do captain fire, and he can’t call out the mummy very often either, and he can’t do standing fierce that often either as well. but he has access to the rest of his moves.
i mean if cable tries to keep commando away, he cant cover the whole screen. if cable super jumps, then wave dash over. if cable stays on the ground, then super jump over.
shrug. i just think commando is very underated.
the only real bad match up for commando is
commando versus sentinel
which is like ten million times worse than commando versus cable imo, because there is absolutely nothing commando can do against sent.
nothing. absolutely nothing.
alright. if you’re talking about big 4, then cable vs. cable is the worst matchup… for anyone watching.
can’t do anything vs cyke either.
Super Jump double jump fp,fk. Overall Cyke is faster than iron guy even though his infinte isnt the easiest to execute.
Commando can fight cyke. It’s just not easy.
Uh, WTF… Commando can do a lot against Sentinel.
Mummy keeps Sentinel from flying, and in close range there’s not a lot Sentinel can do about early jump fierce without calling an assist. Not to mention corridor xx sword is pretty pie on Sent.
Commando/Sentinel or Doom is even better.
Cable could also eat 5 HSFs, its just more likely that you’ll see cable getting in the AHVB
what about Mag vs. Sent? what do ya’ll think about that?
DOOOOOOOO!!! What the fuck can sent really do to cable if he just sits there and blocks everything. While one random assist by cable and sent gets smoked. I play alot of cable right now, and I will tell you I get to play against the best sentinel in the world(Sanford Kelly’s). It is not hard to smoke sentinel. Sent cannot do shit about cable’s jab. He gets jabbed out of everything. If cable is in the corner DOOOO just block and wait to super jump out or wave dash under sent. He can’t really “rush you down with some hard to block shit”. Cable does not have to rely on his assist. He does not have to call first at all. Cable can also KILL assist with 2 levels(exept drones). Cable owns sent freeeeeeee. Even if he does not have a good aaa and sent does. Sent can do well but all he need is a random shot and all that hard work goes down the drain. Then you only have one character left cause you had to sacrifice a character to use the best assist to fight cable with which is capcom. while cable is not really losing out that much cause he has 2 other characters left. If cable did not own sent then storm sent teams would just dominate the whole game.
As for magneto vs. sent, its 60/40 in mags favor. Nowadays niggas get touched anywhere on the screen and that nigga is done. I find so ironic that sent has the most life in the game but yet he gets 100% so easily by mag and cable.
Plz tell me how the fuck to get in on Sanford’s Sent plus Mag (proj) using magnus cause that shit is sooooo fucking annoying… Obviously i dont wanna trade hits wit him and hes not stupid wit his assists. It seems like the i gotta out prioritize him which makes me take the risk of trading hits…
I hate any team with sent or cable in it. That prob because I dont play top tiers. But I still hate them!
Cable vs Sent no doubt
even though my cable gets jacked by sents up here :sad:
Why fly? Just fierce. Fierce all day. It beats all of commanho’s slow attacks. Just stay a full screen away and fierce. Occasionally cancel the fierce into drones if you feel like it. If commando jumps in then pushblock and keep fiercing. Or dash under and launch him if you’re in position to do so.
Sent vs Cap 1on1 is like 10/0. Unwinnable.
Cyke vs Cap is a pretty ugly fight too. Just fierce, build meter, chip, and vs jump ins.
Commando sucks.
At low-level scrub play Sent wins for free. At a high-level however it’s a pretty tough fight for Sent. If the Mag player is patient but won’t hesitate to attack an opening then Sent is in trouble, since it’s very likely that Mag will get that one hit and that’s all he needs. 6/4 sounds about right.
Mag vs Sent 1on1 is complete slaughter. The Mag player wins even if the Sent player is better overall. This match is about 8/2 in Mag’s favor unless the Sent player is sitting on a huge lead.
IMO Expanded version!
(1 on 1)
Cable v Sent - 8-2 (6-4)
Cable has meter, Sent gets burned. Simple as that.
But Cable has to have a HAIR trigger, and will miss, or wont pull the trigger and get outplayed.
Sent can hit Cable with a couple Fast Flys and thats it.
Mag v Cable - 7-3 (8-2)
Mag rushes his bitch ass for free… But Cable can catch Mag pretty easily. Random S.RH, j.jab, c.short can catch Mag while he is rushing in, and then he gets shot. Top Cables are hard to rush, one of the keys is getting on top of Cable, and they will cut that off with Grenades n Psimitars.
Sent v Mag - 7-3 (6-4)
Short and fierce for Sent. Catch em with frying pans and fast fly, keep em out with standing and crouching fierce, catch em with c.short if they decide blocking is a good idea, avoid ROM inf and youre solid.
Storm v Cable - 6-4 (8-2)
I think that Cable is actually an even match vs Storm…
But in actual play the evidence doesnt justify that opinion.
Storm easily controls the pace of the match… and will run run run… hi low mixup (which connects) and then proceeds to win.
Cable cant REALLY keep her from running… but can psimitar and OC fierce to gain meter just as fast as Storm and force her to block some shit in the air. Cable just has to avoid the situations where he gets hi/low mixed, stay as low to the ground as possible to stop Storm from using her meter and he stalemates.
Storm v Mag - 6-4 (6-4)
She just out prioritizes Mag, and has the swirling s.rh or doom.
She builds more meter, can chip waaaay better, and lightning attack beats like everything.
Despite all that, Mag is right there.
Storm v Sent - 5-5
Storm might have a slight edge because she has inf, lightning attack and can chip better with hail.
But Sent might have the edge with better HP, and fast fly.
Toss up…