MVC2 [BAD] Games Thread

cool tactic

You guys are going to love this one. This guy is actually one of your members! He’s gt is meenk. I guess he got so mad for no reason that he decided to go on a thread like this one and post that I quit in the middle of the match. No seriously, what a d-bag. I quit while he was facing someone else. I’m not a quiter but I bet he is. Way to be a coward and not answer me dude. I thought you would have the guts to clear my name out atleast. It’s people like you that ruin xbox live. Good job meenk! BGS to you MEENK! BGS TO YOU!!

PS: Did I mention this was player match? I mean seriously? Why so serious? (Perfect Time to do that)

PSS: If I read that post correctly, he’s admitting that he uses roms…

Ey ramses, u mad?


you registered here just to post that? :tdown:

these threads are full of throwaway posts. no one would have remembered your name or kicked you from a room because of meenk. u mad, and for no good reason.

u mad.

Unless you’re justin wong. </old reference ftw…>

Not today, but a couple days ago a guy sent me a voice message calling me, and I quote:

“A dumbass nigga who spams the assists too much. Get a life.”

Um, you ARE aware this is MvC2, right? lulz. And I’ve literally only played the game a handful of times. Again, lulz.

yeah i am mad. you can keep saying I’m mad, it isn’t doing anything. well atleast I would admit it. you know I was a top 5 player for UT3 (360) (the community is better than mvc2 and meenk) and atleast I respected people that quit on me. I didn’t go tooting anyone’s name on live. I don’t get it Saikyo why you can’t see my view. I hate people that downplay my name especially for the wrong reason. meenk, i didn’t quit on that match. I quit in the lobby. ask yourself… does that deserve a bg?

if you don’t see it then meenk u have no sportsmanship. if you do realize and clear my name then props. u mad is not the question. the question is “is the sportsmanship in you?” I really don’t want the site to think down on me but I guess that’s what I deserve for playing mvc2 right guys?

OT: oh and I thought Gears of War had the worst community. what’s worse mvc2 or GoW community?

Alright bro, let’s put this to bed. I posted that you dropped because my screen said you did. If you didn’t, so be it. Call it my bad, call it whatever you want. It’s not really a big deal.

Marvel is crack, let’s just get back out there and get a fix.

U Mad.

As far as your question, I’d probably say the “Ramses III Special Victims Club” is the worst community.

It’s not that you’re mad. It’s that you’re mad and no one cared that he posted your name in this thread. I’m not even part of the mvc2 “community” (that’s a tired word nowadays), I’m just dipping my toe in with the XBL release.


You have to look at it from a more objective perspective. On one side we have you, someone who registered just to contest whether or not they dropped in a player match and is basically insulting everyone on this site because…

well, that’s kind of my point. You’re flying into a hissy fit for no real reason. Just saying “hey meenk, I didn’t drop while I was fighting you. what’s up with that man?” is a lot easier to understand.

On the other side of this argument is meenk, who I don’t know at all but has been around since 2004, can perform a romfinite, and got you all riled up. So I respect him.

Take a deep breath and think – really, think – before you post.


I don’t give a fuck who you were in UT3.

Props if you are really good (it’s a hard game) but saying that you’re tops in UT3 thinking it’s gonna win you some respect is silly.

you brought up something dude! what happens if people get the lobby glitch where they just sit in lobby? does that deserve a bg? what if it randomly dcs? I get those sometimes. I don’t purposely disconnect when I’m losing. The only time I disconnect is if my internet fails on me or thunderstorm (heck yeah, I play in a thunderstorm nothing is going to stop me from playing). You can’t really give bgs to random people dude unless they send you hate mail. So yeah I’m starting to believe you might have been too unfair in your bgs dude. The other people posted seems fair and some don’t make sense like the guy giving himself one.

TO Others: the way I say the community sucks is because look these people are getting hate mail over a game! hello? as far as I know I think GoW people don’t do that. I’m not referring to this forum… is this thread what it is about the community in ranked matches? you misunderstood me obviously.

I mentioned I was a top UT3 player because I actually thought meenk was a pretty darn good player and that he should respect others that are below him in mvc2 as I do in UT3. I don’t give a crap if you care I was a top 5.

Good sportsmanship allows others to continue to play with each other online. Without it you have a dead community…

Ramses, please. Why are you coming up with all these excuses now? Why didn’t you just articulate yourself in your earlier posts? This isn’t some fucking mind meld. I (we) only know what’s present in text form.

You have to read your posts before you hit the submit button. Make yourself clear.

Because if you are so active on XBL, you’d know that it’s full of jerks and dicks and assholes no matter what game you’re playing.


The marvel scene has been around for a very fucking long time by video game standards. How are you gonna come in here acting like you know what’s best?

whats the point of seeing who is gonna pick who just pick who u pick and get down, talking like is a form of counter picking…Im gonna pick my team from the gate.

But anyway we all know that it was gonna be Ragequit X10 on this game why complain about Back in the CVS 2 days I would just send bad feedback and mute them.

this dude Perfect Liciouz is focking everybody up, somebody take him out :bgrin:

lol you wanna send the hit man after em, consider the input lag tho

What the fuck planet are you on? Why are you even taking bg’s seriously? BG’s are for regular people who want to let other regular people know that some people are e-faggots so they can avoid them. Since you already chose the path of the peen, it’s really of no concern to you. Also, BG’s and i’m better than you at whatever game you said you’re top 5 in. I’m #4.

dude… let’s see which community is better then mvc2 from my view together then shall we?

Halo 3(I hate this game though community is ok)
Perfect Dark Zero
Unreal T3 (Surprisingly)
GearsoWar (Sadly)
Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 (I beat people and they don’t send hate mail never got 1)
Lord of the Rings: Conquest
NBA 2k7 (slightly no hate mails though)
Left 4 Dead (so-so theres great people, theres bad people)

Well, I don’t know about you guys but these communities sound heckuvalot better than MvC2. I’m sorry that my grammar is awful but I don’t really care about it unless it’s for something important.

I don’t really think xbox live is full of those things you mentioned but maybe its fighting games but my umk3 experience doesn’t really show me…

… K, I’m lost, what do you want me to do again?

shut up scrub

To Merdoc and Jester: yeah let’s see how far that attitude gets you in life. you can talk cause you’re on the net.

WoRD! get that fockin mercenary for hire!!!

I"ll tell you that shit in your face failure. Go play UT3 and quit being a little bitch, if you cant handle it don’t play the game ok? now stfu