MTV's Jersey Shore Thread

death threats :

parody of the jersey shore :

snookie-punchface-news :

Ow Joisey girl in the house! Says hey ma, flexes abs, talks about situations, and starts Fist pumping! Pass the jagerbombs. Haha are you in Camden city or just Camden county. Im my area we dont get the guido roid type, what about your county?

I wanted situation to get with Sammi at first, but hey shes not all that & she seems to like Ronnie’s confidence style better. It was kinna nasty how she walked over to Ronnie and passed on some situation AIDs to him too that night.

No home’s taken. Yeah I thought Snooki was cute til I realized her hair was covering her chub. She loses that 25 lbs I’ll marry her. Maybe

Which guy is the hottest to you?

Pauly D looks really young. Thats what surprised me when the girl talked about him being 28 or 29. That guy at effin Toys R Us haha no shame. Stupid young chick too.

Haha Vinny’s my hero, getting pink eye from crazy fat chicks. I was at a charity event and I tried to get one of the older lady hosts to dance. She acted shy and all of a sudden went crazy on t he dance floor and threw me around the walls. Beast. No pink eye from it yet.

I thought he’d act like it didnt matter. No doubt he’s a chracter who can easily get laid off that, but not when a girl really knows his insecurities. As much as he feels about it, he is doing the right thing by not comin at Ronnie for that. Sammi aint all that to be whining over. And she’s not a fuckin sweetheart!

I think its the further you go to the extremities of Jersey the scene changes and gets douchey. Like any of the popular beach areas of Jersey will have these type of dudes, whether it be North, east, or South Jersey.

I’ve just come to the conclusion that the closer you live to the beach, the more people want to get tan and body build.

My tier:

Angelina - NATURAL big boobies
Snooki - Id have to be real drunk, but the whole facepunching thing makes me feel sorry. And shit this girl will get me into lots of fights with assholes, so more training for me!
Jwow - So bland. But Ill give her props since fakies arent so popular in jersey as they are in Vegas or CA.
Sammi - Cute voice, everything else… meh. Reminds me of one of those CG Ant people from the movie Antz
The Situation - Whiniest bitch ever. Drr he stole my girl I thought we were gunna git married. Guidette for sure. And hey he’s the “Situation,” everybody falls in love with the situation right

lol yeah simmons and jacoby were killing me.

“i’m just glad she (simmons’ wife) didn’t say she could talk herself into getting pounded out by ronnie!”

that actually makes perfect sense.

lol fist, ANTS.

The show is awful and I am ashamed of MTV for making this show before coming out with a real world with all black people and one white guy.


I enjoy watching the people being retarded though because it makes me laugh.

:rofl: Original question not aimed at a dude.
or at least i think. Not to be offensive but this is SRK.
It takes alot of balls to be a female on SRK, like literally mad chicks on SRK have balls.

^ :rolleyes: And haha Shinobi’s got that shit on lockdown. I think most girls would like Situation, but theres a lot of chicks telling me theyre into the Ronnie type. None of them mention Pauly D

Haha it is really bad. Some of my friends who are like only 1/4 Italian are offended by the show ha. I think everyone watches it to see the drama. If its staged whatever. Its still entertaining.

And ANTS! Does anyone else think she looks like shes from Ants.



Which is funny because the italian groups sending the deathreats are reinforcing another Italian mafia esque stereotype of violently ending opposition.

JLo was in Antz. So was Woody Allen. Dreamworks makes the worst 3D animated movies. I have no idea how they managed to make Kung Fu Panda.

I am listening to the BS report now. Bill Simmons is a funny guy, but I HATE THE CELTICS. AH.

I’m in Camden County right now in one of the most hickish sounding cities… Sicklerville. What the fuck’s up with that shit? Anyway, we really don’t have that problem over here. People assimilate themselves with Philly too much to be real “Jerseyians” so to speak. But at heart? I’m from Brick City. But I’m probably one of the whitest mixed girls you’ll ever meet.

Unless I hafta go ghetto on someone. That the total Hispanic/Blackness comes out with the shank.

And… LOL @ Says hey ma, flexes abs, talks about situations, and starts Fist pumping! <- That shit had me rolling.

North Jersey all day, baby!

I thought the same thing.

Try reading his book. The first chapter should be titled “My love for the Celtics.” The third chapter should be titled. “Wilt is a gay, Russell is god.”

Any who I have to make it out in jersey some time, I have never ever seen a guido in my life. They don’t exist out here in the Northwest.

I visit Camden the broken ass city on my way to South Jersey every once in a while. I cant believe Im still alive.

Whitest mixed girls? Ha the shank! She brought out the shank.

I wonder if I flexed abs, talked about situations and fist pumped at the clubs if girls would know what I was referencing. Im asian so hopefully theyd know I was joking. Worth a shot.

I missed the Bill Simmons relevance. I know I missed something everyone is talkin about that like crazy.

Hahaha its like you see a guido run up to him and say “Hey doo you’re the first guido I ever saw” like he’s fuckin pegasus or some kind of mythos. I went to school with all guidos. They didnt mess with people, only with each other, but they treated me as a good acquaintance. They werent like the ppl on this show.

I never thought about it that way ha. I thought most guidos are the sons of mafia heads anyway?

He has a sports radio show, however he doesn’t always talk about sports and go off topic turning it into random hour a lot of times. One one of the shows he was basically saying how this was MTV best show ever and just sharing his thoughts on the cast. It was some funny stuff.

I never go into Camden. I try to avoid it like the Plague. I just stick to my town, the surrounding towns and Philly. The only time I was in Camden was YEARS ago for Warp Tour.

Haha. The girls would probably think you were on some and wanted whatever you’re on. Lol! :rofl:

Ah I missed it, any body who’s excited enough to dedicate a radio episode to that must have had a lot to say about it. I think the appeal to me is also people my age and its Jersey.

lol the irony never ends :looney:

Bill Simmons usually has a day where he’ll talk about Reality shows on his podcast.

He is always talking about reality shows.

He is right abotu why everyone is watching the jersey shore though. It’s all fights and sex and assholes. The real world hasn’t had that for a long time.

It’s basically starting real world all over again. Going back to it’s unglammed not amazing giant perfect house roots.

Ah I see. I remember everyone thought the last season of Real World was gunna be crazy with fights and shit. Will took off his belt and started whipping the ground lol That’s the extent of it.

Im wondering if they will sequel this shit too. Or how they’re gunna do that. Its a winning formula, the tri state area we are teaming with assholes for these shows. But if it goes down like I think it will, itll be hard to top this season.

They just need to get as many assholes as possible and just put them in a house. It’s not hard. That is why I was so surprised it took them so long to go to the Jersey Shore and do a show there after that True Life they had.

True Life Jersey Shore was basically this show. I WANT SOME CHEESEBALLS BUT THESE FAGS IS IN THE WAY.

Aahaha remember Tommy Cheeseballs? Id love it if the J.S. crew were walking on the boardwalk and bumped into Mr. Cheeseballs and gave him the “what up bro” as they walked.

haha I felt so bad for Tommy Cheeseballs he just couldnt get laid. Or find “love” at the clubs.

Moi fawkin Cheez-boulss

heh sicklerville, i had some frat bros. from there.

i never knew jersey had such rural places until i went to rutgers and met people from south jersey that had farms and shit. before that the furthest south i had been was probably middlesex.

i remember one of my bros. rolled up to the house with “nike burgers”…they were called “nike burgers” bcuz they were from calf he raised on his farm named nike…they were good as hell lol