MTV's Jersey Shore Thread

… Does the guy standing in between snookie and the dude who punches her, get punched also? lol, it appears so, exponentially increasing the beastliness of that dude.

Holy shit. I think you’re right. Cause the guy in the middle’s head snapped a bit. Or the wind from that fierce punch caused his head to whiplash like that…

the dude in between is ronnie i believe…i’m pretty sure that dude could break the puncher in half lol

Saw the first ep and I am so confused on how these people see life. Snookie seems like a plant, as she’s so bereft of common sense, tact, self-respect and any other basic life skills that is needed for a human being. I can’t believe she’s a real person, I just can’t.

Mike and his “Situation” reminds me of those scrawny/nerdy high school kids that started to lift weights to build a shell of self-confidence.

The only scenario that remotely seemed “normal” occurred during dinner time where they started bonding.

nah that’s ronnie, it’s just some random guy at the club lol.
that guy didn’t mean to hit her. he was just into the music and fist pumped her in the face. lol jkjk

That’s Ronnie, the dude that retardly ripped. You can see Pauly D or whatever the fuck his name is in the back left corner and the Situation to the left of the guy that wailed on Snooki. I believe Raziel321 is talking about the short pudgy dude in between Snooki and the guy.

Pretty much. Too much drinking made him lose focus of where his fist pumps were going. :sweat:

It does look like a 2-for-1 special. The rage is strong with that one.

wow, that dude hit them with the double decker. :rofl:


this is too accurate. he has the lingo down. my guess is that he has a ‘bro’ in college, distant relative of the guido stereotype.

edit: fuck in that page about the falcon punch report, they also mentioned Alexis Cohen, the funniest contestant from American Idol was killed in Seaside. This is her [media=youtube]qyimcFym6_I&feature=related[/media] . She brought many laughs to me and my family. I cant believe some guido ran her over.

Scary thing about Ronnie is that I know someone exactly like him.

Says the most outlandish shit, and know one will call him on anything because he’ll rip your face off if you even think of crossing him.

Anyway, I’m feeling


Not feeling Snickers at all. Jolie is also a huge hypocrite. Has shit to say about the dudes in the house bringing in random whores, and the next day she’s grinding up on random dudes. Why even go to Jersey Shore if you have a Boyfriend, gonna bitch at other dudes in the house for having fun, then turn tail and be a whore anyways? At least Snickers admits she wants 1 nights with Guido’s, and that’s it.

i like how if you dont use steroids you arent good enough for these girls

or if you have a natural tan

Yeah, I agree, minus Snooki. I’d never be able to hang out with her, but at least she’s true to herself. Yep, with all her bad tanning and and immature demeanor. She’s looking to have fun and find the Guido of her dreams and take him home. Jwoww and Jolie are dumb for coming on the show when they have boyfriends. Really? Have they NOT watched MTV? All the bitches that go on like Real World and shit and had boyfriends generally had hella drama. Namely because they don’t know how to keep their tongues in their mouths and their panties on. Didja see how Jwoww was all on Pauly D’s dick? Bahaha. God, made me laugh.

Jolie totally threw me for a loop when she was all on that guy’s dick. Then tried to play it off in the morning? Haha. Her boyfriend told her he was in a meeting and her busted ass kept calling. Does no one have cell phones to text people? She was so rude to keep calling after her clearly stated he was in a meeting. Plus her lazy ass better get use to working. I dunno how she thought they were gonna get a nice summer home at the Shore by sitting on their asses and fuckin’ everything on site. I really thought she was gonna be the mature one. NOT.

Sammi needs to stop coming off as this good girl, cause she’s not. Even though I think the Situation needs to stop suckin’ his own dick, they seemed cute together. You just don’t hold hands and pretty much vibe off each other, just to switch gears and go to the next dude. If you’re gonna explore your options, don’t be a dickhead and lead anyone on. She knew the “Sitchiashun” <insert Jersey/Yorker accent here> was a dumbass when they brought all those gross looking chicks over.

Their cock blocking status is off the charts. Shit is so funny. Only relatively cool chicks to me would be Jwoww and Snooki.

Ronnie’s laugh pisses me off greatly. I just wanna punch him in the throat, but at least he knows how to keep the peace and avoid the drama. Oh wait, he totally “took Sammi away from the Situation” so I dunno anymore. He totally needs more steroids. His guido image is fadinggggg.

Pauly D is a true playa and at least he’s honest with it. But messing with 20 year olds when you’re 29? Hella creeper status. She can’t even legally drink with you? Tell that bitch to be legal and then talk.

Vinny is just lulz. He’s the most normal looking guy out of all of 'em. At least he doesn’t mind dancing with old fat chicks. Even though sliding under them might not be so smart. Pink eye’d derpa derp. Maybe Ronnie can hook him up with his stero- I mean, protein shakes and work out regiment. (sike)

The Situation needs to stop frontin’ like he’s all that. Cause he’s not. The t-shirt selling comment was pretty funny. “I can sell a t-shirt by just standing there. Ya see that? I just sold one now.” <- Ahahaha. He’s so full of himself, but he gotta play hard like his bitch ass didn’t get his feelings hurt when Sammi dropped him harder than a HMO does a patient. His feelings got ROCKED.

The funny thing is that Jwoww and Jolie’s boyfriends are NOTHING like these douchebags in the house. Hypocrites much?

Can’t wait to see Ep. 3! Hope more bitches get rocked! I still don’t understand why “Guido” is a term of endearment. That’s like me saying that I’m looking for the sexy Spic or Nigga of my dreams. But I guess it’s okay to call yourself the derogatory name, but no one else can? These cultural standards and roles man… Effin’ nuts.

Vinny is pretty funny.

He comes into the house like “Yup, I guess I’m the only one that doesn’t use steroids”.

Also I guess Sammi just went for the Alpha Male :rofl:. But on the real, she needs to get off her high horse. Mad sketchy

I had a friend in high school. One of the biggest kids there. He’d say some pretty weird shit but he got away with it cuz he was buff. What did Ronnie say that was outlandish?

You mentioned the girls, I think Jolie is my fave. Not personality wise but yeah shes got some tig ol bitties. And they arent fake like that other girl’s.

Snookie loses 25lbs and she’s the hottest girl in the house. She mentions shes the center of attention back home. Maybe they knew were before she got the beer fat.

I think guido just means young dudes with spikey hair, bulked out, and act obnoxious. There are a lot of non-Italians who look the part of a guido and theyd still be classified as guido. I dont think it has to do with purely being Italian.

big analysis of the characters you did - Sammi and Mike dont go well together to me, Ronnie’s more fit. Insecurity and control is a big thing with girls. If Situation wasnt being a total chode later, in he’d have her. Ronnie is more mellow actually. He didnt steal her away, look at it again and notice she kinna caused it to happen. She made out with Situation and walked over to Ronnie to give him the sloppy second make out lol. Ronnie = does not care about that haha. Gross.

Situation reminds me of Greg from Real World, acts with unstoppable confidence, but at the end of the day it shows he’s just talking big game for the presence.

Minus the sweaty fist pumping, Vinnie is the man. He mentions he’s not into the charicature of Italians portrayed by guidos and like you said he’s the normal one. Also he may be the smallest dude there but if you look at some of the clips of him at the club he’s got a table with some fine chicks. He probably gets laid about the same, minus the roids.

Pauly D - creeping on 20 yr olds. Im not down with that, totally using his age and alcohol givin advantage. Also for some reason I didnt think it was cool when he punched the other guy at the club. Usually when I watch reality TV on MTV I like seeing that stuff. But here he filled the stereotype of the typical drunken idiot.

More fights please. I want to see which fight of the series ends up being the best. I hope they dont get arrested next episode, hope its further down. If they get arrested next episode, that means they might hold back and not get in any more fights through out the series.

Nah son…she coulda got whiplash from that stiffy lol. Shes lucky that chin absorbed some of it

lol she def ate that shit like a scooby snack, i’d bet a a nice chunk of change that that wasn’t the first time some dude cold cocked her ass like that. we’ll see the damage whenever that episode airs, though i still don’t believe it was that major.

I don’t think Ronnie really said anything outlandish. It was Situation that was making up shit to Sammi when he was trying to hook-up with her. If anything, he was being honest, imo. He wanted to get to the shore, have fun and get freaky with some chicks. Fair enough.

Snooki’ll still be the best! And yeah, if she dropped some weight, she’d be pretty hot. I hafta agree. No homo though.

And I thought that Situation and Sammi were cute as appearance-wise. Probably cause he had the hat on in the first episode. But I agree, Ronnie is more mellow, but he did take charge. Since Situation was like, pussy-footing around with her, he pretty much waited too late. So, props to Ronnie diving in like Batman or some shit. At least he wasn’t a huge dick about it and rubbed it in Situation’s face like he could’ve.

Pauly D punching out the guy was pretty dumb. Cause someone pushed Vinny? Honestly. If Vinny was pissed about it, he would hauled off and hit him. So they got kicked out the club. Derka derk. And using his age to pretty much condone underage drinking to get panty status? Not cool man. Seems hella creepy to me. That’s something some old ass guy would do. Like the guy that came to the R Zone at my job (I work at Toys R Us). He claims he was buying a PS3 for him and his kids. But he told the 19 year old girl behind the counter he’d get her drinks. Uh, “ew”. Maybe if he were hotter and had all this teeth, I’d say hell yeah. But he was a yuck mouth. D:

Vinny seems the the main one that really isn’t gonna go through life just cause of his looks. He’s pretty cute, but he did mention he went through college. Big ups to him for that. Vinny needs to put on some Degree or Old Spice to get that fist pumping sweat under control though. :looney:

Let’s go Vinny! Pump dem fist! :3p:

yeah the situation was on some overt hater shit when he was (admittedly) trying to block ronnie from sammi, but homey stiff armed the lil homey and got it in anyway. love it! lol

I guess i’ll check this show out and see what all of the buzz is about.
The further you go north into jersey the more crazy the people seem to be from my experience.

recent revelation: female use of the term no homo makes no sense at all.

north jersey is the good part. south jersey is where all the true scumbags are…it’s that philly influence lol