MTV's Jersey Shore Thread

That is the finest display of fist pumping…or any dance i’ve ever seen.

I finally caught this show on tv last night and WOW, it’s quite entertaining :slight_smile:

:rofl: That shit was grade A guido-ism

So glad I wasn’t drinking anything cause I’d probably would’ve choked on it. That’s some pro-ass fist pumpin’ action. Let’s go Jersey! Pump dem fists!

“My balls are burning up over here.” Classic quote.

is this streaming online anywhere? hulu etc?

mtv has it

EDIT: I just watched the first episode, god damn i feel so dirty for seeing it but it’s so good. that snooki bitch is too funny.

Snooki: who are you calling for again?
dude: jenni, you’re not gonna hang up on me again are you?
Snooki: no i’m not.

**and the part about the 3 broads and the hot tub when the roommates were arguing about it and snooki thought they were yelling about her so she started packing her shit. :clapdos:

Watched the show and this shit is ridiculous. OZ, I am packing my bags and crashing at your place. I need to get down with some guidos.

i haven’t even seen the show yet, but don’t hate! you hang around those cats long enough and that shit rubs off on you lol

damn when i get home i’mma have to hop on the turnpike and hit up Bar A for real lol

I watched the two episodes on MTV and do have to the say the show is hilarious. Everything about it is a joke. Might as well continue watching it.

oh yeah everyone has seen the “my new haircut” video right? that’s alpha and omega in terms of ny/nj guido behavior imo.



Damn. I feel bad for her, but my man just snapped.

Nigga kicked out a window of a car and tried to drag the girl out on some straight Neanderthal shit

And the ender. LMAO

Oh yeah, anyone find Jersey Shore upped online anywhere yet?

My new hair cut 2: return of the broski


the axe scene is too fucking classic.

i’m watching this shit now…fucking loving it. never heard cats refer to themselves as guido/guidette, i mean they’re dropping it “nigga” in a super awkward manner.

this nigga calling himself the situation though is off the charts on the hilarity scale…the situation doesn’t want it with that brolic ronnie dude though.

sidenote, if you enjoy this show you should listen to bill simmons podcast where they discuss it. its really funny to hear middle-aged white guys’ take on these type of shows.

LOL son really cause his abs the situation. Fucking guidos i swear…

Damn! is this show available for non us viewers to watch online?

You can access the MTV site right? If you so, MTV has Jersey Shore and the full episodes on 'em.

I agree. Needs more fist pumping! :woot:

Edit: Did you guy see Vinny’s swear stains from the hardcore fist pumping? Hell yeah. Sleasize Heights. Lololol.

yeah its there a better place to watch this…the first episode worked good for the frist 30 minutes…now it’s just buffering and being a pain in the ass.

I dunno where else it’ll be cause it’s just starting to air. Did you restart your router and see if it was just a connection issue?

OT: Oh shit, Snooki is hil-fuckin-larious. BRING ON THE PSYCHO DRAMA!

Bill Simmons as in the sports guy? The author of “Book Of Basketball.” That Bill simmons? If yes LINK ME

Im at an internet cafe. i powered through episode one and then episode 2 worked with no problems.

hahahaha the broken heart montage at the end of episode 2 was classic.

It’s on the right, the BS Report