MTV's Jersey Shore Thread

After Ronnie broke up with Sam what did he say when the host said, “how do you think you’re gonna deal with that”?..

lol he said hes going to go get laid.

That whole situation was stupid as FUCK. The tense pause and music made Sammi and Ronnie freak out when the clip was a bit innocent… but i see why ronnie got a lil pissed "who said hes coming upstairs?.. but they didnt say how early in the show that was.

Julissa is so sexy though.

Sammi cheated for sure and thought MTV had that clip (which they do) but they DIDNT show it…

She did cheat but not with the sitch. I really hope what Sammi did comes out eventually.

God damn, Sam is one fucking self centered bitch. How the hell can Ronnie put up with that shit? Pussy must be made of platinum and gold.

Ok since I cant a poll for my own thread. Pick one of these…

**Next Season of Jersey Shore. Do you Want:

  • Same group for a 2nd Season.
  • Different guidp group for 2nd Season and the Original cast for the 3rd Season.
  • Different guido city for each season and they all meet up later in the Guido Road Rules Challenge. **
  • Different guido group for 2nd Season and the Original cast for the 3rd Season.

1st season group is too popular right now, let it chill out for a bit. Plus, let’s hope a second season with new people can be just as or better then the first. The way MTV edits footage and starts up drama, I think the second season has a lot of potential.

I think they just hit the tip of the iceberg with the guidos on this show. There are WAAAY bigger guidos they than they had on this show and way hotter guidettes as well. Guidos are always comedy gold and I think they could find a batch of guidos as interesting or even more than these.

They didnt even have one of those super metro guidos on that wear womens jeans…and there was no glowsticking involved lol

second season needs to be spring break. possibly a mini season. they cant wait too long for a new season.

I was mainly talking about season 1’s cast in terms of being popular, not the show. Spring break based season would be real great

I put that as an option because think about it, its hard to make lightning strike twice. Also with a different group MTV can test out how people like them. If they dont like them, MTV can just say, Hey we’ll make you happy by bringing back the first season crew. I didnt even think about how a different cast for next season would make the original cast gonig at it again a possiblity. Because they are way too popular right now.

Truth. I was disappointed by the lack of hot guidettes. Its amazing how much drama they found to compensate for lack of hot guidettes. Also yes there are some huge guidos out there. Even if they are on steroids, its crazy how many of them are bigger than Ronnie.

Thats why I put the 3rd option in. I would like to see how the guidos and fighter-guidettes actually fare at the REal World Road Rules Stuff. I stopped watching Road Rules soooo long ago, this would bring me back.

Edit: Also this is kinna funny I guess, but really random

Main problem with casting a second season are the pseudo-guidos and guidettes that will purposely act as caricatures just to get on the show. The show just can’t be as cohesive unless they find real stereotypes, which is painful to say.

The original cast rejected $5000 each per episode for a second season to negotiate a better offer.

I say get an a enirely different group of guido’s. The 1st group are too famous now.

$5000 isn’t enough. They should be getting at least 8 grand per episode as much money as they are making MTV. Just pocket change to them.

In case you guys didn’t know, Snooki is getting her own show called “Snookin For Love” :rofl:

didnt we call this shit earlier? like that exact title?!

The Situation said he booked for the next year. Apparently Diddy tried to get him for his kids birthday too. :rofl:

They getting way too famous.

VH1 here she comes…along with 3 more seasons, a spin off with one of the guys from the show, and the usual VH1 romance reality specials.

oh Snooks. Stop huntin for dudes in the bars and hoping to find love in 5 mins.

**The Situation: **Hey lil Diddy, happy birthsday or watevah usez calls it. I come bearing dese gif’s, 100% fresh Cambodian milk, straight from the source.

I guess there smart enough to know they’re worth…

Definitely gonna miss this show… but it’s all good cuz downtown toronto has tons of guidos/guidettes I see when I party haha.