MTV's Jersey Shore Thread

i find it odd that he hasnt had any serious issues with anyone either…

even when everyone was attacking the situation, he was just chillin there just nodding. :rofl:

pauly d just making his time. he knew he had 2 weeks to not fuck up and he’d be making bank out in the real world. lol. doing basically nothing but fist pumping.

They would probably be stoned to death.

I laughed at this too since Mike started getting the hate, Pauly was ALWAYS near…but just watching/nodding/smiling/laughing.

but he said it best awhile back, “i’m not being Mike’s wingman again”. Only time he really hangs with Mike is to get girls anyway. otherwise, he’s pretty down to earth with everyone else.

I honestly could say Jwow/Ronnie/Pauly D/Vinnie I wouldn’t mind at all. Vinnie’s just boring. The other 3 are chill. Mike is the dude who gets girls but can’t even get shit out of them, snooks is the fat chocobo everyone feels sorry for but will take home and hit. Sammie…who cares. She started both of Ronnie’s fights (which he came out beastin.) and she’s just there.

reminds me of the episode of The Sopranos when they all go to italy and the italian mob is just chirpping them at dinner the whole time.

The abs is what makes me think he juices, you can’t keep abs like that when your eating pizza and shit every night. The only way i get abs even close to that is when i’m doing two a days for a month, and i gaurantee he’s not doing the same level of cardio i am.

The abs could be genetic…I also doubt they show him when hes working out…i mean, thats not good TV. So truth be told…you have no idea what kind of workout he does. By no means am i sticking up for this clown either. Just saying.

To put things in perspective i pretty much eat whatever i want and my abs ALWAYS stay on point bc of my genes. I work them…but no where near as much as the rest of my body.

Edit: Also juicing isnt something that really attacks the abs anyway. He definetly juices…the evidence is in his arms.

honestly for the bodies these guys have you’d think we’d see more than one shot of them eating. i mean to get bodies like that naturally you need to be eating 6x a day and up plus all those protein drinks lol.

well Ronnie has that big ass tub of powder for protein drinks…at least from the first episode when he was packin.

i think vinny is trying too hard to act more mature since he’s the youngest in the house imo. he has his moments. they’re not great moments though…

yea Vinny’s “moments” weren’t really that great. Though as I look at Mike’s arms during the reunion, they do look bigger than they should for his small arms.

They probably have protein shake IVs strapped inside their pant legs.

lmao. Ronnie and sammie break up over the dumbest thing. Ronnie should’ve broke her off during the summer. Now he just spent all that time with her ass only for something so stupid to kill their relationship. I love reality reunion drama.

and LMAO @ Jolie being at the reunion. Bitch you were there for what 3 episodes? What the hell are you contributing to the cast?

I think Vinnie kind of redeemed himself over the last couple of episodes. Lmao at that impression of The Situation

Thats what im saying. it seems fishy his forearms are tiny and the rest of his body is not proportionate. i doubt he’s the type to “train for strength” either so my guess is he roided or hgh’d for the big kind of look, but it ended up his arms got much bigger than the rest because of the androgen receptors.

i dont think ronnie juices, he’s damn big but there are other guido’s much bigger. he’s in proportion. he has the meathead neck thing going on, whereas situation kinna looks like a buff turtle in his green shirt.

haha pauly D is way too chill. not in the cool way. he is scheming. also this post was funny as hell ^

I gonna miss this show. I would get kinda hype on Thursday nights.
I like the situation the most.

He is kinda like a pimp who tries to hook up with any pretty girls.

Check this parody out:

^ perfect parody perfect.

Ok dont act like youre above the show, who’s your favorite person from the show?

Snooki! She takes hits like a champ.

:rofl: @ parody. When he hits her with the blue shell made me laugh. Oh man. Good job.

The fact that ronnie and Sammi will be in town this weekend was on page 2 of the paper today. PAGE 2. Why is that news when we’re literally right next to jersey?

I was catching up some this weekend Also lol at the situation having to explain the situation room.

Luigi D with the blow-out was fantastic.