MTV's Jersey Shore Thread

You can’t keep the same cast and keep the show real. The problem is this crew is WAY too famous now. They can’t exactly go out to some random club or work at a t-shirt shop at this point without every other person knowing who they are. Everyone would act too fake around them and what made this show great will be gone. It would have to be scripted (The Hills) cause they could not casually interact with people, and no one wants to see that. The only thing they could do is spin off dating shows and whatnot, where you assume the random people/contestants on the show already know who they are.

[media=youtube]9IrXROJjmJs&feature=popt00us06[/media] :rofl:


the situation is pretty hilarious in that vid

“everytime i lift my shirt, a part of me dies” then he starts crying at the bellboy when he asks to see “the situation” :rofl:

Ha, it’s nice to see the cast is having a sense of humor about all of this.

I have no qualms with them cashing in. Snooki was even like “They are paying me 10 grand a night to go to clubs, why wouldn’t I go?”

If MTV doesn’t have a Snooki or Mike dating show planned they are totally stupid. Then they need to find a bunch of even more juiced up goofballs for season 2, then have season 3 be both casts living in a house. And hey, look at that.

You could totally just send them all to Australia or England or wherever else and no one would have any idea who these people are. Or ship them to Italy as a social experiment.

Jersey Shore International would totally work, I think…

LA would probably work too, I don’t think anyone would care who they are.

They need to come back together for sure either way.


this is bizarre

Like, honestly, I’m gonna go into withdrawal after the finale bro :frowning:

OH and someone said Situation is like Popeye. I think its the opposite [media=youtube]9KA71PWKEA0&feature=related[/media]. In the clip he’s got big upper arms but his forearms are tiny. Some girl made a comment about that on another site.

They say when you use roids the arms and traps look bigger since the arms and traps have more androgen receptors than other muscles. Not sure which part of the arms (upper or lower) has more androgen receptors or if his lats are big too, but I call roids on situation. Compare situation to ronnie. Ronnie looks more proportionate while situation onlys got the upper arm and well the abs.

Duck phone :slight_smile:

Wow that stalker girls was scarey :looney: but the way pauly was talking back to her like her boyfriend was even funnier. :bgrin:

so there’s vid of snooki getting punched…is there vid of ronnie knocking that fool out?

They didn’t really show it because Ronnie fucking bolted to knock that mark out.

lol you guys think the situation is on juice but not ronnie?

Mike looks like he injected synthol in his arms, and Ronnie definitely cycles steroids. It’s all good though, most people thier size do steroids one point or another in their life.

In my experience with weightlifting, its pretty easy to get big, if you just stick to a routine, which I’m guessing is part of the GTL.

However, I know that the Situation does a bro workout which creates muscle imbalances and say things like a huge upper body and other disproportionate parts. Now to say that he juices? well he might, but yeah. Most people that use roids are recreational users. Ronnie has to, that guy is huge.

I work out too and have been doing it for a while. Ronnie is a big dude, but he’s not that big. Situation has a smaller frame yet his arms are actually bigger than Ronnie’s. Ronnie is more proportionate, whereas Situation’s looks imbalanced.

Example of a roided guido:

Yea…the situation definetly juices…tbh i don’t watch the show enough to have an opinion on ronnie but going from wha i know from the situation…hes a cheater lol. Ill give him credit for the abs bc juicing or not…thats not something you can achieve without work. His arms just don’t add up tho. Pretty much every arm workout goes through your forearms to a certain extent.

And his lack of forearms is alarming…

You could argue genetics but, Im going to go ahead and just say he juices or uses mad hgh. Which i dont really consider juicing per se.

ronnie and situation got those receding steroid hairlines

different body types yield different results in bodybuilding. trust me i know. i jumped from benching 146 to 210 in about 2 months and i barely changed.

its all about working out chest and arms 4x a week and never working out lower body lol

get the situation a manual and tell that juicing cheater to gtfo

ive convinced myself that Pauly D is in control of the entire show and every altercation within. In EVERY scene where drama is commencing, Pauly D is ALWAYS, without fail, in the background smiling with that shit eating mr. burns grin on his face.

he is a creation of pure evil and must be stopped.